Friday, December 27, 2019
Analysis Of A Cheaters Guide To Love By Junot Diaz
Junot Diaz, the author of â€Å"A Cheaters Guide to Love†writes his short story with many different references to anti-feminism. He writes about women in different ways to show them as powerless, and un-superior to the main character in the short story. From this short story, Diaz conveys the main characters ways when he shows the him talking about, the girl he calls to have sex with, the women at the yoga class, and the files read at the end of the story that show the fifty girls he cheated on his fiancà © with. Diaz creates his main character and puts him in the second person to relate to the reader, but show his anti-feministic signs. In the short story, the main character, Yunior starts by explaining that he had cheated on his fiancà ©. But†¦show more content†¦Further examples of Diaz explaining how Yunior shows his Anti-feministic signs, is when he signs up for the yoga class. The first thing Yunior says about the class is, â€Å"Elvis was certainly right. There are mad hos, all with their asses in the air†(Diaz year two). This sentence in the story can bring up controversy, of the way Diaz Writes, and the way he portrays his characters to talk. In the peer edited review article, â€Å"Feminism and Anti-Feminism†by Clyde Wilcox, the author explains that, â€Å"the smallest group (17 percent) was composed of anti-feminists who were generally moderate to liberal on other issues. We might refer to this group as Liberal Anti-Feminists. This group was the least likely to be employed, to report a family income of over $30,000, or to have attended some college†(Wilcox 156). Although Y unior was a professor at a college, he stated earlier in the short story that he had moved apartments a few times, and eaten out a lot because of his financial status. This shows that when stress was added to Yunior, he would go out and look for people to hook up with and be intimate with to take his mind off of what was happening in the world around him. This could have also been another reason he cheated on his fiancà © because the stress she carried with her and their financial status together, caused him to have uncontrollable emotions. Either way, proving he was against respecting women and what they did
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Relationship Between Place And Music And The Song Inglan...
The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between place and music and analyze the song â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch†by Linton Kwesi Johnson in terms of place. â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch†exemplifies the link between music and place through its lyrics and sound. First I am going to define cultural geography and discuss how culture is linked to place. Then I will explain local music spaces and why music has a strong sense of place. Next I will analyze how â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch†relates to place. After, I will finish with an overall conclusion. I will be exploring these topics through the readings of Knox and Marston, Connell and Gibson and finally, Watson, Holyer and Mager supplemented by Lecture notes. According to Knox and Marston, culture produces a shared set of meanings and practices, while geography is the place in which groups shape those meanings and practices and â€Å"in the process form an identity†(Knox and Marston 2016, 155). Cultural Geography focuses on the way space, place and landscape shape culture at the same time that culture shapes space, place, and landscape†(Knox and Marston 2016, 155). Cultural geography examines cultural traits, cultural complexes, and cultural regions. (Rutherford 2016). It is a way to understand both landscape and human settlement patterns (Rutherford 2016). In the reading Sounds and Scenes, authors Connell and Gibson suggest that a local music space is a specific place that produces a distinct sound (Connell and Gibson 2003, 90). The
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Essay on Mental Health a Health Issue Prevalent in Aboriginal
Questions: Consider mental health a health issue prevalent among Aboriginal communities in Australia. Using the health condition provided, write an essay, cover the areas below: Explore the connection between Aboriginal history and the impact of colonisation and racism on health outcomes. Apply social determinants of health framework to understand health and illness in relation to the health issue. Discuss the implications of effective communication in improving health literacy and providing culturally safe care for Aboriginal people. Answers: Explore the connection between Aboriginal history and the impact of colonization and racism on health outcomes Various determinants draw the attention towards the importance of the inequalities in the healthcare that are mainly faced by the racial groups in Aboriginal, its important that the race, culture and the status of aboriginal should be contextualized for capturing accurately what is behind the variations in health outcomes (Brascoup and Waters 2009). Culture and status of aboriginal are considered as social determinants of health as it also has a history of oppression and colonization. People of aboriginal also have to face the issues of racism (Brascoup and Waters 2009). In the year 2007, the World Health organization (WHO) on the Health social determinates has explored that racism is the structural determinant of the health, and it could be understood at the individual level, which means interpersonal discrimination. Its noted that the interpersonal racism experiences might have the detriments effects on health (Brascoup and Waters 2009). It is explored by the researchers that there are many negative effects of health outcome on the aboriginal people due to the racial groups, as this stress is related with the racial discrimination. In this context, people from aboriginal examine culture with historical context, as it influences the access of opportunities for the community health (Kelaher, Ferdinand and Paradies 2011). The colonialism legacy has many distributed resources and is referred as the way that systematically gives benefit to the people of aboriginal. The history of aboriginal is related with the impact of racism on aboriginal people, as it direct impact the cultural safety, which is beyond the knowledge and understanding about addressing the power dynamics among the indigenous users of health service and basic no indigenous providers of healthcare that tries to root the broader power structure and influences the health of people from aboriginal (Kelaher, Ferdinand and Paradies 2011). Apply social determinants of health framework to understand health and illness in relation to the health issue In the recent years, there is a growing understanding about the significance of social determinates of health. This term mainly encompass not only social, but rather it also focuses on economic, political, environmental, as well as cultural determinants (Larson, Gilles, Howard and Coffin 2007). The economic and social conditions and its impact on the life of people could determine the illness risk and the actions taken for preventing it to become ill or treat the illness when it occurs. As per the WHO, the health social determinants are mainly responsible for the inequalities of health, which is unfair as well as avoidable differences in the status of health, which could be seen within the aboriginal (Larson, Gilles, Howard and Coffin 2007). These crises are reflected within the enormous disparity in social determinants of health. The social gradient in context of employment, housing, empowerment, education, and access to justice is directly associated with the disastrous outcome of health (Paradies and Cunningham 2009). They are directly connected with the ongoing impacts of substance abuse, negligence of child, family violence, and abuse. In aboriginal social issues are increasing. Its noted that economic inequality might be more important in social determinates of health in comparison to absolute poverty. As the gap is more between the rich and poor, health status is continuously declining (Paradies and Cunningham 2009). Its also noted that social standing mainly run at twice of the risk related to serious illness as well as premature death. This is the impact, which is limited to the poor people, but extends all across the strata of the entire society. Its noted that social and the psychological circumstances might create the long term stress (Paradies and Cunningham 2009). Regular anxiety, low self esteem, insecurity, lack of control over the work, and home life holds powerful impact on the health, mainly over the immune and cardiovascular systems. Discuss the implication of effective communication in improving health literacy and providing culturally safe care for Aboriginal people. Effective communication is required in improving the awareness about the health literacy and also making people aware about the cultural safety in aboriginal (Brown 2001). Through communication likelihood could be increased through setting up the mutual positive as well as beneficial relationship among the patients. It also enhances the confidence level and ownership along with self empowerment for the patients, in result of their capacity to understand about the information, treatment, prevention, diagnosis, and own health management (Brown 2001). It also helps in reducing the misunderstanding and errors that are associated with the treatment and diagnosis in the healthcare. It also reduces the non-compliance medicals and even discharges it against the medical advice (Parker and Ben-Tovim 2002). It also enhances the professional and personal skills, and enhances the level of reputation and respect among the health practitioners and patients. Health communication is considered as the mass communication activity that mainly stress over improving the individual health (Parker and Ben-Tovim 2002). Both health communication and literacy can be viewed from different concepts like health communication can help in exchanging the health literacy in reference to language and culture. Briefly outline the current initiatives by the government and describe any possible future solutions that may improve Indigenous health for mental health The Policy of National mental Health 2008 offers vision for the system of mental health, and even enables recovery, and detects the mental illness of the patient and even ensures about the Aboriginal having the problems of mental illness for accessing the relevant treatment as well as support from community within the community (Andrulis and Brach 2007). The Fourth Plan of National mental Health also guides the reforms of mental health, which even outlines the policies of mental health and explores the main actions of progress towards fulfilling the policy vision (Berkman, Davis and McCormack 2010). It suggests about the entire government approach and even acknowledges that various determinants of mental health create influence on health system. The government also enhances the indigenous workers capacity for supporting the health practitioners, nurses, counselors, health workers of aboriginal. References Brascoup, S. and Waters, C. 2009. Cultural safety: Exploring the applicability of the concept of cultural safety to aboriginal health and community wellness. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 5(2), pp. 6-41. Kelaher, M.A., Ferdinand, A. S. and Paradies, Y. 2011. Experiencing racism in health care: the mental health impacts for Victorian Aboriginal communities. Med J Aust, 1, pp. 44-47. Larson, A., Gilles, M., Howard, P. J., and Coffin J. 2007. Its enough to make you sick: The impact of racism on the health of Aboriginal Australians. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31(4), pp. 32229 Paradies, Y., and Cunningham, J. 2009. Experiences of racism among urban Indigenous Australians: Findings from the DRUID study. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(3), pp. 54873. Brown, R. 2001. Australian Indigenous Mental Health. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 10, pp. 33-41. Parker, R., and Ben-Tovim, D. I. 2002. A study of factors affecting suicide in Aboriginal and other populations in the Top End of the Northern Territory through an audit of coronial records. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36, pp. 404-410. Andrulis, D. P., and Brach, C. 2007. Integrating Literacy, Culture, and Language to Improve Health Care Quality for Diverse Populations. American Journal of Health Behaviour, 31(1), pp. 122-133. Berkman, N. D., Davis, T. C., and McCormack, L. 2010. Health Literacy: What Is It? Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, 15(2), pp. 9-19.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
John Wayne Gacy Jr. free essay sample
Classical Theory originated at about 1764 and it involves Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism, which means that people choose to act when they believe their actions will bring an increase in pleasure and a decrease in pain. This theory was also founded by Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794). Beccaria applied this reasoning to criminal behavior. He agreed that people want to achieve pleasure to avoid pain. Beccaria stated his famous theorem: In order for punishment not to be in every instance, an act of violence of one or many against a private citizen, it must be essentially public, prompt, necessary, the least possible in the given circumstances, proportionate to the crimes, and dictated by the laws. This is the core of what today is known as classical criminology. Crime can only be deterred or prevented if the punishment of a crime inputs fear into the mind of the potential criminal before he or she commits the crime. We will write a custom essay sample on John Wayne Gacy Jr. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It must be proven that â€Å"crime does not pay†(Siegel 6). Positivist Theory originated in the early 19th century (1810). This theory involves Auguste Comte’s (1798-1857) way of applying the scientific method to the study of society. Positivism is based on facts that are obtained through observation and not through belief. Unlike other theories that imply external factors as the cause of crime, this theory implies that crime is committed because of one’s biological features, or internal factors. Some people are crime prone because they have biological and mental traits that are inherited. For example, positivist believed the shape of the skull can determine whether a person was a criminal (Siegel 7). Marxism / Conflict Theory originated about 1848. Karl Marx’s observation convinced him that the character of every civilization is determined by its mode of production, such as materialism. A Marxist-based criminology indicates that the capitalist economic system produces the conditions that support high crime rate (Siegel 9). The core idea of this theory is that crime is a function of class struggle. Although Marx’s theory originated about 1848, its impact was not realized until decades after. A fine example of this theory can be explained in the Patty Hearst incident of 1974. Sociological Theory originated in 1897. This theory explains that the origin of a person and where they are brought up in life determine their behavior. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), one of the founders of Sociology, defined crime as a normal and necessary social event (Siegel 8). Disorganized urban areas and places of low income are breeding grounds for crime. It makes sense that crime is inherently a lower-class phenomenon (Siegel 49). These social factors increase the need for a potential criminal to commit crimes to obtain what they do not have. Someone who lives in the suburbs or in a high class environment does not resort to crime because they have better means of getting what they want. This theory has led to what today is known as Social Learning Theory and the Labeling Theory. Multifactor / Integrated Theory originated in about the 1930s. The founders are Sheldon (1896-1980) and Eleanor (1898-1972) Glueck. This theory implies that crime is a function of environmental, socialization, physical, and psychological factors. Every single one of these factors contributes to shaping behavior patterns. Where someone grows up, who they grow up with, how they look, and how they think all lead understand crime causation. This involves the Classical, Positivist, Marxist, and Sociological Theory all together. This theory is the most likely to be recognized in today’s time. Each of these theories had led to many new theories used today, such as the Rational Choice theory, Biosocial and Psychological Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Deviance Theory, Life Course Theory, and many more. The one thing in common with every theory is that they all explain at least one behavioral factor that leads to crime. Today, all these theories, and more, are researched and taken into account when trying to understand why a criminal does what they do. John Wayne Gacy was born on May 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), 1942 to Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Wayne Gacy, Sr. at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago. He was the second of three children. His older sister Joanne had preceded him by two years and two years after his birth came his sister Karen. The Gacy children were raised as Catholics and attended Catholic School (Taylor 2003). The neighborhood where Gacy grew up was a middle class neighborhood. Gacy, along with many of the children in the neighborhood, had part-time jobs after school. He got part-time jobs doing newspaper routes, bagging groceries, and Boy Scout activities. Gacy was not much popular in school but he had no trouble having friends and fitting in with others. He had friend in school and among his Boy Scout troops and he was liked by his teachers and his co-workers. With some exceptions, Gacy seemed to have had a normal childhood (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). At age 11, Gacy was playing at a swing set and was hit in the head by one of the swings, which caused a blood clod in his brain. This blood clod in his brain caused him to suffer series of black outs. Despite his symptoms, the blood clot was not treated until the age of 16, when he was given medication to dissolve the blood clot. At age 17, he was diagnosed with a heart ailment and he was hospitalized several times in his life, but no one ever found the source of his suffering (Taylor 2003). Gacy had a strong relationship with his sisters and his mother, but it was not the same for his father. Gacy’s father wanted him to be like all the other children who played stick ball and went out fishing. Gacy, instead, would rather cook with his sisters or do gardening with his mother. According to Barry Boschelli, a childhood friend of Gacy, Gacy loved his father but he wanted his father to accept him the way he was. During his late teens, Gacy suffered some chaos with his father. John Wayne Gacy, Sr. was an alcoholic that abused his wife physically and his children verbally. His father would ridicule in front of his sisters and his friends. His father would call him a wimp and told him he wouldn’t become anything in the world. â€Å"What are you, one of the girls? †is what he would hear from his father. He would then kill them by pulling a rope against their throats. According to the film, Dear Mr. Gacy, he would not want to kill them after raping them, but he had to because they were witnesses to what happened. He also admitted to not burring the bodies soon after killing them. According to his confession, he would keep the bodies under his bed or in the attic for several hours (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). On the first day of digging, two bodies were uncovered. One of the bodies was that of Butkovich and the other was found in the garage where Gacy said it would be. The body count continued to grow as they dug more and more. Over the days, they found that some of the bodies still had a sock or underwear in their mouths, as Gacy described. Some of the bodies were so close together that it led authorities to believe that Gacy killed several victims at the same time; Gacy agreed. Gacy also confessed to stuffing them together because he was running out of room to stuff the other bodies (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). On December 28, police had uncovered 27 bodies from underneath Gacy’s house. Police also found the body of Frank Wayne Landingin at the Des Plaines River but did not connect the murder to Gacy until they found his Driver’s License inside Gacy’s house. They also found the body of James Mazzara with underwear in his throat at the Des Plaines River. Gacy told authorities that he began dumping bodies at the river because he ran out if room underneath his house (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). A couple months had passed by when workmen breaking up concrete had found a well preserved body inside the concrete of Gacy’s patio. This victim was different than the others in the fact that he was married. Soon after, they found another body in the Illinois River. This 31st victim found was identified as Timothy O’Rourke. Around the same time, there was another body found under the recreation room in Gacy’s house. This would be the last body found in Gacy’s house. The house was demolished, but there was still one body that was still not yet found; the body of Robert Piest (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). In April, 1979 the remains of Robert Piest were found in the Illinois River. It seemed as if there had been paper towels stuck down Priest’s through. Although the bodies had been recovered, investigators were still trying to uncover the identities of all the victims. Overall, nine of the bodies could not be identified (Bardsley Bell n. . ). John Wayne Gacy’s murder trial began on February 6, 1980 in the Cook County Courts Building in Chicago, Illinois. Bob Edgan, prosecutor, explained to the Jury in detail about the murder of Robert Piest and of the other entire fallen victims to Gacy’s murders. The Jury were shocked to hear of it, especially the ones who learned of Gacyâ⠂¬â„¢s crimes for the first time (Sullivan Maiken, 1983). Robert Motta was the defense attorney for John Wayne Gacy. He agreed to Gacy committing the crimes but because of him being insane. Motta’s intentions were to put his client in a mental health system. In many cases where an offender is sent to a mental facility, they are let free when they are seen capable of returning to society, but an insanity plea is a very difficult one to prove (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). In the attempt to prove Gacy was insane, they tried to explain his childhood life drove him mad. His defense consisted of his friend’s testimonies, including his mother’s, that Gacy’s father would verbally and physically assault him. These ridicules from his father could be known as the external factor that led Gacy to commit the crimes. Gacy never had the opportunity to impress his father or even say good bye before his death so he felt he was never good enough to be someone good. Friends also mentioned how Gacy was a kind and generous man who loved to participate in community events and loved to help those in need (Taylor 2003). Soon after, witnesses were brought up to the bench. One of the witnesses was father of John Butkovich, Marko Butkovich. Other witnesses that were brought up were Gacy’s employees from PDM who had survived the sexual assault. The testimonies extended and continued for weeks. In total, there were 60 witnesses that were called to the bench (Bardsley Bell n. d. ). The defense then called Thomas Eliseo, a psychologist who studied Gacy many times before the trial. Eliseo told the court he found that Gacy was an extremely intelligent man, but he suffered from borderline schizophrenia. Other medical experts concurred and gave similar findings such as, Multi-personality disorder and anti-social behavior. Personally, I believe that many of his physical, or internal factors, such as the blood clot he had when he was a child could have been a reason why Gacy began to kill.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
4 Underrated Skills Your Company Might be Neglecting
4 Underrated Skills Your Company Might be Neglecting According to Bruce Tulgan, Founder and Chairman of Rainmaker Thinking, companies that prioritize specific soft skills behaviors tend to have a stronger and more positive corporate culture. Take Disney or the Marine Corps: They prioritize outreach to young people and value qualities like loyalty and dedication. A profitable rental car chain has high profits and fast growth- according to Tulgan, it’s because they emphasize self-presentation, quality, initiative, and problem-solving. These results aren’t accidents; they’re what happens when an organization focuses on its priorities and emphasizes them throughout the company.AlignmentCompany branding should be consistent and accessible; slogans, images, messages that support the brand’s shared meaning- all should also be backed up by the prevailing company culture.ConsistencyAnyone who’s ever worked an office job has probably gone to a corporate retreat or summit session or company wide love fest, liste ned to keynote speakers, participated (more or less willingly) in breakout sessions, brainstormed, presented, and watched company leaders â€Å"synthesize takeaways†or revamp the mission statement. It’s inspiring and impressive and there’s no way it’s all just bluster, right?Except then†¦ nothing happens. It was a waste of everyone’s time and the company obviously has a lot more mouth than money to put with it. Don’t try to change corporate culture overnight, and definitely don’t come up with buzzwords that sound great but remain utterly detached from what you actually do and how your employees behave.AccountabilityEven if you oversee the most Millennial crop of interns to ever sigh, check their phones, and make coffee at the rate it would take a burro to climb out of the Andes, it’s foolish to blame the â€Å"generation gap†entirely on them. Your company had a culture before they came along, and now that theyà ¢â‚¬â„¢re here, your company culture has to adapt. They may surprise you with innovation or rapid adaptations to change if you accept and value them as contributors to the team instead of the whippersnappers snapchatting in the break room.That said, it’s fine if your company culture involves no personal media at work- just make sure you’re not also insisting they maintain vibrant social media company profiles, because that contrast just makes you look petty.Self-AssessmentWhat do you value? How is that reflected in the work you prioritize, the people you support, and the work you produce? Would a newcomer to your company agree that there’s a positive culture? Is there cohesion? Retention? Is morale high or resigned? From your earliest stages of hiring interviews to your highest levels of company goal-setting, make sure you’re reinforcing the culture that you want to represent you and your brand. How to Unlock the Power of Soft Skills Read More at Hu ffington Post
Sunday, November 24, 2019
A Person Who Had a Big Influence on My Life Essays
A Person Who Had a Big Influence on My Life Essays A Person Who Had a Big Influence on My Life Essay A Person Who Had a Big Influence on My Life Essay It was a stormy night. The atmosphere was heavy and the environment was clouded with darkness. Rain was pouring like cats and dogs. I had been an orphan since the day I was born and now the orphanage had abandoned me. Lying in the dark, stormy streets I was getting wet head to toe. There was no one walking around, or at least thats what I thought . My eyesight barely managed to let me detect that sevven men in black coats, black shoes, black mask and black gloves were heading my way. I was filled with terror. I wished that they didnt detect me.However, my luck, as usual, had always been cursed. So it decided to side with the devil. I managed to get up but I was too frightened to move. Then I suddenly heard a loud noise. That is when I felt someone pushing me and a moment later I realized that I had bumped into a wall. I also, now having regained my senses understood that it was a gunshot. I saw a man lying on the floor. He was shot dead. However, that was all only in my imagination of my own creation. I realized that when he suddenly stood up. He held my hand and looked at me for a second.His look was one of concern and his grasp was one which seemed to reassure my safety. It felt like he would not let go. We started running and he quickly pushed me into his house. He locked the doors and shouted to everyone that he had returned. Abruptly, many children came rushing down the stairs and from the kitchen came a woman who gave me a cheerful smile. The man introduced me to the kids and the woman. Not only did he save me and give me a new life, but he also gave me a family and he took away my loneliness.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
My reflection about the racing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My reflection about the racing - Essay Example Unlike rallying where the drivers and their co-drivers are challenged to maintain a scheduled typical speed over a series of stages throughout a public road or forest, in a drag racing, one simply emerges the winner if they managed to cross the finishing line before the competitor. With a powerful V8 or a Dodge Viper, one can accelerate from a standing start to over 100MPH in merely a few seconds. Apparently, it is a sport for the strong hearted, and I sojourned on to participates in it during the Friday Fun Night organized by Crossroads Dragway. The Friday Fun Night, as well as the tour, were a memorable time. The instructors exemplified courteousness and professionalism, taking an inordinate amount of their time explaining to us what was required to make the occasion a success story. The guided tour was an eye-opener as we got the opportunity to learn and comprehend basic concepts in motorsports as well as the roles and importance of regulatory bodies such as NHRA (National Hot Rod Association). Participants hardly lost control and fatalities were circumvented, a fact that is ostensibly attributable to the standard training and guide we received from instructors prior to the event. Drag racing fans got the opportunity to enjoy a relaxed, serene environment full of fun. The Grassroots Motorsports staff was quite welcoming and handled guests with a lot of humility and hospitality. Basic facilities were easily accessible, and the joy of the fans was brilliantly perceptible on their faces. Before the race commenced, we were allowed to do a burnout which heated the driving tires and improved traction by laying down rubber where the track started. The races were automatically started using a system of Christmas tree which contains 6 lights for each lane; 1red, 1 blue, 1green, and 3 amber. They were all linked to light beams on the track. The lights allowed some competitors to proceed after pre-staging whereas those who were timed-out
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Project 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project 5 - Assignment Example The tax revenue of the company amount to 12.3 billion dollars plus the excise duty of 2.6 Billion. The ashtray and cigarette indicators for the company indicate that the high-income group will use the product. The competitors for ashtray products are Altadis and Tabacalera. The economic sales of Altadis stood at 1938 million in the first quarter of last years with 50 euros as its market share. The previous year disposals affected negatively the economic sales of the company, whereas the dollar has an average of 8.1% below the previous year, thus the organic growth for the company’s economic sales recorded a 2.2% increase (Pampel, 75). Conversely, Tabacalera recorded an economic sale of 881 million. This was a 7.7% increase from the sales recorded in 2012. The country provided a remarkable growth to the Division sales. The marketing share of the company stands at the market share for the company is 55 Euros as of last year (Hirschfelder, 86). With a view to create an additional value to the customer, the launched company will deliver superior return and growth to its customers. The group target for Earnings before Interest and Tax will be 1 Billion at a fixed consolidation scope (Brown, 64). The group expected sales is anticipated to 5 per cent per annum, with EBITDA growth expectation of 15% annually. The trends will have a positive influence on the launch of my
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Article - Essay Example The article suggests that ,Vogan firm assisted an accused named Julian Green , who is arrested for storing child pornography images on PC to go free . According to Montaldo ,(2013)â€Å"Almost all pedophiles have a collection of pornography, which they protect at all costs. Many of them also collect "souvenirs" from their victims. They rarely discard either their porn or collections for any reason†. At the Julianne Green's home enormous numbers of child porn images were found, which led to the accusation of being a pedophile. The images stored in his computer were a firsthand proof to the police to accuse him as a pedophile. The convicted Julian Green is saved by Vogon, due to latter’s professional approach and eye for detail. The hard disk of Greene acquired by Vogon is detected for virus infection to understand whether the pornographic images were downloaded and stored due to malware functioning. As per American Associated Press (2009) â€Å"Of all the sinister thing s that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography†. Green could have been unaware that the images stored on his PC could lead to his arrest. The Effort of Vogon in releasing Greene Greene is acquitted of pedophile act on the basis of evidence found on his PC which was 172 images of child pornography. The police arrested Green on the basis of the evidence they collected from his computer. The pictures were unknowingly harbored by the Trojan virus in the PC but Green is imprisoned for 10 years for this abusive act. The solicitor Chris has approached Vogon to confirm the reason behind the storage of child porn images, as they were suspicious that it could be the act of virus .The hard drive of Greene is cloned and processed to understand presence of Trojan which infected his pc with images. The computer specialist unraveled this malware in the hard drive of Green with utmost care and skill. The real culprit detec ted by the software specialist was the unsolicited e-mails opened by Green. The computer specialist Gibbs detected 12 Trojan programs on Green’s computer and this was a solid evidence for the solicitor to prove Green’s innocence. According to Kaspersky(2013)â€Å"A common scenario is that a person receives what looks like a perfectly legitimate e-mail or computer update, often from a trusted source. When the user tries to open the file, it seems that nothing happens. In fact, they may have installed a Trojan horse on their hard drive†. Only on the basis of this strong professional evidence, the court decided to drop this case. The credit for Green’s relief from acquitting solely goes to the Solicitor and Vogon Forensic laboratory. According to Forensic Control Limited (2013) â€Å"Computer forensics is the practice of collecting, analyzing and reporting on digital information in a way that is legally admissible. It can be used in the detection and preven tion of crime and in any dispute where evidence is stored digitally†The pedophile cases on Trojan and its consequences The author explains that, a person named Karl Scofield escaped accusation of being a pedophile on the basis of Trojan infection. Apart from this, Aaron Caffrey , the teenage hacker who is accused of crippling Houston web -based system
Friday, November 15, 2019
Ajuga Orientalis L Anatomy Studies
Ajuga Orientalis L Anatomy Studies The anatomical studies of medicinal taxon Ajuga orientalis L. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey Abstract. Ajuga orientalis[a1], with a wide distribution area in Turkey, is traditionally used medicine in the treatment of some skin diseases in Anatolia. The aim of this study is to determine the anatomical characteristics of the root[a2], leaf, petiole, calyx and corolla of medicinal taxon [a3]A. orientalis in cross sections. As a result of the study, it was found that the pith rays of root are composed 3-4 rowed cells and stem was quadrangular[a4]. There were glandular and non-glandular hairs on the surface layers on stem, leaves, petiole, calyx and corolla. Starch particles were also identified[a5] in the cortex cells of stem. The stomata were diastic[a6] and the leaf was bifacial. There were one big vascular bundle in the center and 4-5 small vascular bundles on each corner of the petiole. It was also determined that adaxial epidermis cell shapes of corolla are papillose type. Key words: Ajuga orientalis, anatomy, medicinal plant, Turkey INTRODUCTION The Lamiaceae is a large family showing natural distribution. Most of species belonging to this family are shrubby and herbaceus, and trees are extremely rare (Heywood, 1978). The family with its more than 250 genera and approximately 7000 species, has a cosmopolitan distribution (Thorne, 1992). According to BaÃ…Å ¸er (1993), Turkey is accepted as a gene center for this family. Many species of this family are aromatic and are often used as herb spices, folk medicines and fragrances (Werker et al., 1985). With their pleasant fragrance, many species of Lamiaceae have been used as herbal teas in Turkey. Many of species are used as raw material in the cosmetic industry. Some species are traditionally used as medicinal plants (Baytop, 1984). It was reported that some Ajuga L. and Salvia L. species are cultivated as ornamental plants (Baytop, 1984; Ãâ€"zdemir and Ã…Å ¾enel, 2001; Akà §in et al., 2006). In addition to this, Lamiaceae has great importance due to its economical valu e and its variety of species. The genus Ajuga L. belongs to Lamiaceae family. Ajuga L. is represented in Turkey by 13 species and 22 taxa, six species and one subspecies being endemic (Davis et al., 1982-1988). Ajuga species are used in folk medicine in different parts of the world for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, asthma, diabetes, malaria, ulcers and diarrhea and have antibacterial, antitumor, antifeedant, and vulnerary properties (Chen et al., 1996; Ben Jannet et al., 2000). Baytop (1999) reported that some Ajuga species generally known as â€Å"mayasÄ ±l otu†in Turkey have been widely used for their aromatic, diuretic, antipyretic, tonic, diaphoretic, astringent, bitter and homeopathic properties in the Turkish folk medicine. Ajuga orientalis L. one of the species of Ajuga genus is used against some skin diseases by hug on the skin in Anatolia (Koyuncu et al., 2010). Although many species of Lamiaceae family are investigated anatomically (ÇobanoÄÅ ¸lu, 1988; Uysal et al., 1991; Ãâ€"zdemir and Altan, 2005; AktaÃ…Å ¸ et al., 2009) there is no anatomical study of A. orientalis L. in literature. Due to its medicinal importance mentioned above in this study, the purpose of this study is to determine the anatomical characteristics of A. orientalis L. MATERIALS AND MEDHODS In the present study, the plant specimens of A. orientalis were collected during the flowering period and natural populations in A5 Amasya (in the vicinity of Direkli village, open areas, at 1800 m, June 2012, Ä °Ãƒâ€"ztà ¼rk ÇalÄ ± 461) which is a city in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Its taxonomical description was carried out according to Davis (1982). Anatomical investigations were performed using an average of fresh specimens kept in 70% alcohol. Cross sections of root, stem, laeve, petiole, calyx and corolla were taken from 30 specimens of A. orientalis and 50 measurements were conducted for each parameter. Transverse sections were made by hand using commercial razor blades and stained with Sartur reactive (ÇelebioÄÅ ¸lu and Baytop, 1949). Measurements in the sections were performed under a Leica ICC50 HD binocular light microscope by using a Leica Digital Camera and objectives used were x10 and x40. Photographs were taken with a Leica ICC50 HD binocular light microscope and a Leica Digital Camera. RESULTS In cross-sections taken from the root, stem, leaf, petiole, calyx and corolla of A. orientalis , the following significant properties were observed below. In the transverse section of the root, there was a periderm which was the outermost layer of the root of A. orientalis (Figure 1). The periderm had 8-9 layers. The dimensions of periderm cells were 15 – 60 X 15 – 57.5  µm (Table 1). Beneath the periderm, there was the multi-layered cortex, composed of ovaidal and parancyhmatic cells. The cortex was 9-10 layers. The cambium, composed of 3-4 layered, was located between the xylem and the phloem. Beneath the cambium, there were xylem tissue (7.5 – 15 X 7.5 – 20  µm) composed of regular trachea and tracheid cells. Xylem cells were also present in the center, so the pith is not seen in the center. There were 3-4 layered primary pith rays between the secondary xylem cells. A. orientalis, as a typical characteristic of the Lamiaceae, had a 4-angle stem. Its epidermis usually had one layer composed of ovoidal cells (12.5 – 42.5 X 17.5 – 50  µm). The upper surface was covered with a cuticle (1.25 – 2.5  µm). There were glandular and non-glandular hairs on the epidermis (Figure 2). Transverse section of the stem revealed 9-10 layered collenchyma placed on the corners. The cortex was composed of 6-7 layered paranchymatous cell. The dimensions of paranchymatous cells were 27.5 – 75 X 15 – 55  µm (Table 1). Starch particles were also observed in the paranchymatous cells of stem (Figure 3). There were 2-3 layers of sclerenchyma in the outer side of phloem. Right beneath the phloem, there was a 1-2 rowed cambium layer. The xylem tissue existing beneath the cambium was composed of regular trachea and tracheid cells. The vascular bundles were bigger on the corner than other parts of stem. Between the corners there were als o numerous small bundles in the A. orientalis stem. The vascular bundles were collateral (Figure 2). The pith was wide and consist of flat cells with intercellular spaces. There was a cavity in the centre of the pith. In the leaves, the epidermis was single layered on upper and lower surface. There were glandular and non-glandular hairs on epidermis. The cuticle was 2.5 – 5  µm thick. Just beneath the upper epidermis cells, there were 2-3 rowed palisade parenchyma cells (Figure 5). The dimensions of the palisade parenchyma cells were 12.5 – 25 X 25 – 50  µm (Table 1). The 2-3 rowed spongy parenchyma existed beneath the palisade. The spongy parenchyma covered less space than does the palisade parenchyma. The collateral vascular bundle was located in the midrib region (Figure 5). There were sclerenchyma cells in the outer side of phloem. All vascular bundles in the leaves were surrounded by bundle sheet cells. The stoma was diastic and the leaf was bifacial (Figure 4 and Figure 5). The stoma presented on upper and lower surfaces of the leaf (Figure 4). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermis cells were single layered in the petiole (Figure 6). The dimensions of the adaxial epidermis cell were 15 – 45 X 17.5 – 27.5  µm while those of the abaxial epidermis one were12.5 – 27.5 X 15 – 17.5  µm (Table 1). There were a lot of glandular and non-glandular hairs on epidermal cells which were ovoidal-rectangular shapes. Parenchymatic cortex cells were 10-11 layered. There was one big vascular bundle in the center and 4-5 small vascular bundles at each corners of petiole. The vascular bundles were surrounded by sclerenchymatic cells (Figure 6). There were parenchmatic bundle sheets on the all vascular bundles. The type of vascular bundle was collateral (Figure 6). There were 2-3 layered collenchyma in the area between the corners. In the calyx, the adaxial epidermis cells were smaller than abaxial epidermis cells. The dimensions of adaxial cuticle were 1.25 – 2.5  µm whereas the those of the abaxial cuticle is 2.5 – 3.75  µm (Table 1). Parenchymatic cells were flat ovoidal. There were glandular and non-glandular hairs on the epidermis (Figure 7a). In the cross-section of corolla, cuticle was present on both abaxial and adaxial epidermis cells covered by glandular and non-glandular hairs. The shapes of adaxial epidermis cells were papillose type (Figure 8). Beneath the adaxial epidermis, there were the parenchyma cells with intercellular spaces (Figure 7b). There was a vascular bundle in the midrib. DISCUSSION The present study provided useful information on the anatomy of A. orientalis. Few studies on the species A. orientalis had been found in literature (Sajjadi and Ghannadi, 2004; Koyuncu et al., 2010). But, the measurements and observation of anatomical characters belonging to the medicinal taxon A. orientalis were reported for the first time in the present paper. Metcalfe and Chalk (1972) determined some imported anatomical information about root anatomy of Lamiaceae family. They stated that the pith rays of roots of the family are 2-12 or more rowed cells. It was found that the pith rays of A. orientalis were composed 3-4 rowed cells. These findings were consistent with those of Metcalfe and Chalk (1972) and those of some studied species of Lamiaceae (Baran and Ãâ€"zdemir, 2006; Ãâ€"zkan and Soy, 2007; Baran and Ãâ€"zdemir, 2009). Metcalfe and Chalk (1972) also stated that the members of Lamiaceae family have quadrangular with well-defined collenchyma in the four angles and scleranchymatous tissue surrounds the phloem groups of vascular bundles. In the transverse section of A. orientalis, the stem of this species was quadrangular with well-defined collenchyma in the four angles. It was also determined that there were 2-3 layers of sclerenchyma in the outer side of phloem in this study. Quadrangular stem with well-defined collenchyma in th e four angles and scleranchymatous tissue surrounds the phloem groups of vascular bundles were observed in other members of Lamiaceae family (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1972; Kandemir, 2003; Baran and Ãâ€"zdemir, 2006; Kahraman et al., 2010). The vascular cambium located between the phloem and the xylem was 1-2 rowed layer in the stem of A. orientalis. The vascular cambium was seen in the cross-sections of other members of Lamiaceae family (Dinà § and Ãâ€"ztà ¼rk, 2008; Baran and Ãâ€"zdemir, 2009). There were big vascular bundles on the corners of A. orientalis stem whereas a lot of small bundles between the corners were observed in the present study. There were also starch particles in the paranchymatous cortex cells of stem. The leaf of A. orientalis had 2-3 layered palisade parenchyma and 2-3 layered spongy parenchyma cells. Baran and Ãâ€"zdemir (2009) also stated that Lamium lycium which is the member of Lamiaceae family has 2-3 layered palisade parenchyma and 2-3 layered spongy parenchyma cells as well. These results were parallel to our results mentioned above. On the other hand, the stoma type of A. orientalis was diasitic and the leaf was bifacial. According to Metcalfe and Chalk (1972), diasitic stoma type was most common in Lamiaceae family. Diasitic stoma and bifacial mesophyll type were also observed on the leaf of Ajuga chamaepitys and Ajuga reptans (Akà §in et al., 2006). The stomata were observed on both upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. Metcalfe and Chalk (1972) stated that the structure of the vascular bundles in the petiole of the species in the Lamiaceae could be used as a diagnostic character. The structure of petiole shows differences between genera and species. In addition to this, useful petiole anatomical characters are determined in designated taxonomical structures of some species (Shaheen, 2007; Eric et al., 2007). In the petiole of A. orientalis, there was one big vascular bundle in the center and 4-5 small vascular bundles at e ach corner of the petiole. Akà §in et al. (2011) found that Ajuga reptans has a total of nine vascular bundles: one big bundle in the middle and 4 vascular bundles at each corner. The vascular bundles of leaf were surrounded by sclerenchymatic cells. Collenchyma in the petiole is 2-3 layered at the each corners. In the cross-section of calyx and corolla, both adaxial and abaxial epidermis cells were covered with cuticle. In addition to this, there were a vascular bundle in the midrib of calyx and corolla. The adaxial epidermis cells of corolla were papillose type. The most distinguishing characteristics of the species in the anatomical structure were the presence of glandular hairs on the surface layers on stem, leaves, petiole, calyx and corolla. Like other other members of the Lamiaceae, A. orientalis had both glandular as well as non-glandular trichomes. Glandular trichomes were mainly observed on calyx and corolla, but non-glandular ones were found on the stem, leaf surface and petiole. According to Metcalfe and Chalk (1972), having glandular and non-glandular trichomes are important anatomical characters. Glandular trichomes significant taxonomic character and act imported role for pollination in the Lamiaceae family (Navarro and El Oualidi, 2000). As a result, anatomical characters of medicinal taxon A. orientalis were studied for the first time in this paper. According to the results mentioned above, the anatomical features of root, stem, leaf, petiole, calyx and corolla provided useful characteristics for distinguishing species in Ajug a genus. REFERENCES Akà §in OE, Ã…Å ¾enel G, Akà §in Y (2006). The morphological and anatomical properties of Ajuga reptans L., and Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreber subsp. chia (Schreber) Arcangel. var. chia (Lamiaceae) taxa. Pak. J. of Biol. Sci. 9(2): 289-293. Akà §in Ãâ€"E, Ãâ€"zyurt MS, Ã…Å ¾enel G (2011). Petiole anatomy of some Lamiaceae taxa.Pak. J. Bot. 43(3): 1437-1443. AktaÃ…Å ¸ K, Ãâ€"zdemir C, Ãâ€"zkan M, Akyol Y, Baran P (2009). Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia tchihatcheffii endemic to Turkey. Afr. J. 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Structure of glandular hairs and identification of the main components of their secreted material in some species of the Labiatae. Israel J. Bot. 34: 31-45. 1 [a1]Should add faimly of this plant which is â€Å"Lamiaceae†[a2]Should add stem to be root, stem [a3]Remove â€Å"medicinal taxon†[a4]Should mention pith shape in the stem [a5]Better to be other world†detected†[a6]Should be â€Å"diastaticâ€
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Criminology DNA Forensic Science Essay
We begin life as a single cell zygote, about 0. 1mm in diameter. The numerous biological instructions that enable our developmental and functional processes to occur from zygote to adult are encoded in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Forensic DNA analysis involves the intersection of several scientific disciplines, including molecular biology, genetics, and statistical analysis (Lynch, 2013). In order to understand the usefulness and the limitations of DNA in the analysis of physical evidence, it is important to be familiar with the basics principles underlying these diverse disciplines. Besides identical twins, each individual’s DNA is unique. After all it is the genetic material that contains all the information necessary for any organism to develop and function. However, only a one-half percent that is of interest to forensics scientists. This is the portion that varies greatly between individuals and it is what manifests itself in the individual traits such as eye color, hair color, and blood type. Most often the differences in DNA sequence do not show themselves in physical appearance; however, these sequences can only be examined using special laboratory techniques. Forensic scientists use these genetic differences from DNA to distinguish an individual between the individuals in a population. In 1944 Oswald Avery defined the role of the cellular component known as DNA as the vehicle of generational transference of heritable traits. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick elucidated the structure of the DNA molecule as a double helix. Form follows function; the very nature of the molecule provided an explanation for its unique properties (Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer, Gatto & Gatto, 2012). In 1980, David Botstein and coworkers were the first to exploit the small variations found between people at the genetic level as landmarks to construct a human gene map. In 1984, while searching for disease markers in DNA Alec Jeffreys discovered the science of personal identification. He termed this method DNA Fingerprinting, a method to detect loci sequentially (Alberts, Johnson & et al, 2008). This term is later replaced by DNA typing or DNA profiling, â€Å"Early in the use of DNA, profiles for the purpose of dentification were called DNA fingerprints, a term which is now rarely used†(Porter, 2005). The first forensic use of DNA occurred in England, â€Å"†¦ a DNA test was performed by Dr. Alex Jeffreys, who had developed DNA ‘fingerprinting†(Porter, 2005). One of the most significant facts of the case is that an innocent suspect was the first accused of the murder was freed based on the DNA evidence. Perhaps the most significant scientific advance bes ides the determination of the structure of DNA was in 1986 the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR multiplies the sample and yields results which were once unobtainable, â€Å"Furthermore, the statistical chances of a random coincidence in DNA of two individuals with the same profile have now reached enormous figures in the billions (Porter, 2005). Observation of cells and embryos in the late 19th century had led to the recognition that the hereditary information is carried on chromosomes, â€Å"thread-like structures in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell that became visible by light microscopy as the cell begins to divide†(Alberts, Johnson & et al, 2008). As biochemical analysis became possible, chromosomes were found to consist of both DNA and protein. DNA is the name given to a group of molecules that occur in all cells of all living organisms and that carry that organism’s genetic information. That, is they carry the instructions for making the chemical compounds, proteins, by which cells stay alive, grow, develop, reproduce, and carry out all the functions that constitute life as we know it. DNA molecules are very large, complex molecules made of only a few simple sugar units combined with a phosphate group and one of four nitrogen bases, adenine A, cytosine C, guanine G, and thymine T (Alberts, Johnson & et al, 2008). The combination of one sugar molecule, one phosphate group and any on nitrogen base is called a nucleotide. A complete DNA molecule consists of very long chains of thousands of nucleotides joined together. The DNA molecule is comprised of two strands each wrapped around the other in the form of a double-helix. The bases on each strand are properly aligned in a manner known as complementary-base pairing. As a result, adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. Each gene is actually composed of DNA specifically designed to carry the task of controlling the genetic traits of our cells. The position a gene occupies on a chromosome in known as a locus. Approximately 30,000 human genes have been identified. DNA duplicates itself prior to cell division. DNA replication begins with the unwinding of the DNA strands of the double helix (Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer, Gatto & Gatto, 2012). The two separate strands, now separated, act like a template for the formation of daughter strands. Each strand is now exposed to a collection of free nucleotides that will be used to recreate the double helix using base pairing. The enzyme DNA polymerase catalyzes the sequential addition of nucleotides to the growing DNA strands. The advent of DNA technology has dramatically altered the approach of forensic scientists toward the individualization of bloodstains and other biological factors as evidence. The high sensitivity of DNA analysis and the subsequent search for DNA evidence has even altered the types of materials collected from crime scenes. Saferstein, 2013) Modern methods of obtaining DNA have made it possible to obtain convictions on blood left at the scene, on semen, or even spittle behind on a postage stamp. â€Å"It is surprising how often DNA is left behind, often when the criminal accidently cuts himself at the scene but also numerous other ways. DNA evidence makes detection of crime more probable†(Porter, 2005). During an investigation, forensic evidence is collected at a crime scene, analyzed in a laboratory and often presented in court. Each crime scene is unique, and each case presents its own challenges. Complex cases may require the collection, examination and analysis of a large amount of evidence. In terms of forensic DNA analysis, there is a variety of possible sources of DNA evidence. The more useful sources include blood, semen, vaginal fluid, nasal secretions and hair with roots. It is theoretically possible to obtain DNA from evidence such as urine, feces and dead skin cells, though this is often classed as a poor source due to the lack of intact cells and high levels of contaminants preventing successful analysis. Prior to analysis, the it will be necessary to extract DNA from the sample. This is generally achieved through the following simplified steps. The sample cells are lysed (broken down) in a buffer solution. Denatured proteins and fats are pelleted through centrifugation. The cleared lysate is then passed through a column, often containing a positively charged medium that binds to the DNA. Contaminating proteins, fats and salts are then removed through several washes. The DNA is recovered in a buffer solution (Rankin, 2005-2013). The use of DNA analysis in forensic science is based on a variety of techniques focusing on polymorphisms. â€Å"Different sequences are studied in different techniques, including single nucleotide polymorphisms, mini satellites (variable number tandem repeats), microsatellites (short tandem repeats) and mitochondrial DNA, each different with regards to length and repetition (Rankin, 2005-2013)†. The latest method of DNA typing, short tandem repeat (STR) analysis has emerged as the most successful and widely used DNA profiling procedure. Generally, â€Å"DNA extraction is the first step in forensic DNA analysis for use in human identification, and is essential to generating STR profiles from forensic biological samples (Lounsbury, Coult, Miranian, Cronk, Haverstick, Kinnon, Saul & Landers, 2012)†. STRs are locations on the chromosome that contain short tandem repeats that repeat themselves within the DNA molecule. They express a high degree of polymorphism, making them of particular use to the forensic scientist. As STR regions are non-coding, there is no selective pressure against the high mutation rate, resulting in high variation between different people (Saferstein, 2013). Though there have been thousands of short tandem repeats found in the human genome, only a small number are utilized in forensic DNA analysis. STR loci are ideal for use in forensic science for a number of reasons. They represent†¦ â€Å"discrete alleles that are distinguishable from one another, they show a great power of discrimination, only a small amount of sample is required due to the short length of STRs, PCR amplification is robust and multiple PCR can be used, and there are low levels of artifact formation during amplification (Rankin, 2005-2013)†. The method of enzyme based produced PCR-ready DNA after only 20 minute incubation and requires no centrifugation or sample transfer steps. Implementation of this method into the workflow for forensic cases could reduce sample and DNA preparation time. The enzyme based method allows easy integration for downstream processes, such as PCR (Lounsbury, Coult, Miranian, Cronk, Haverstick, Kinnon, Saul & Landers, 2012). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique for replicating small quantities of DNA or broken pieces of DNA found at a crime scene, outside a living cell. Polymerase chain reaction is the outgrowth of knowledge gained from an understanding of how DNA strands naturally replicate within a cell. For the forensic scientist, PCR offers a distinct advantage in that it can amplify minute quantities of DNA many millions of times (Saferstein, 2013). The PCR cycle consists of three primary steps: denaturation, annealing and extension. â€Å"Denaturation, the sample is heated to 94-95oC for about 30 seconds. This separates the double-stranded DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds, allowing primers access. Annealing, the samples is kept at 50-65oC, depending on the primer sequence, to allow hydrogen bonds to form between the primers and the complementary DNA sequence. Extension is also known as the elongation stage. The sample is heated to 72oC for duration depending on the length of the DNA strand to be amplified and the speed of the polymerase enzyme (Taq polymerase) which builds up the strand. Deoxynucleotide triphosphates are added to the 3’ end of the primer (Rankin, 2005-2013)†. Each PCR cycle can take only 5 minutes. This procedure can then be repeated as necessary until the original sequence has been amplified a sufficient amount of time, with the amount being doubled with each cycle. Following PCR, the products are separated using electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is essentially a method of separating molecules by their size through the application of an electric field, causing molecules to migrate at a rate and distance dependent on their size. The gel essentially acts as a type of molecular sieve, allowing smaller molecules to travel faster than larger fragments. Following electrophoresis, it may be necessary to visualize these bands using radioactive or fluorescent probes or dyes (Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer, Gatto & Gatto, 2012). Another type of DNA used for individual characterization is mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) is located outside the cell’s nucleus and is inherited from the mother (Saferstein, 2013). Recent developments in forensic mRNA profiling systems have allowed the simultaneous inference of a variety of human cell types from small amounts of samples. In addition to body fluids such as blood, semen, saliva, menstrual secretion and vaginal mucosa, the presence of skin cells can also be determined. Since more cell types can be examined, RNA profiling complements the existing detection methods of body fluids which are mainly serology-based and presumptive in nature. In forensic genetic analyses, â€Å"†¦the highest priority often goes to establishing the possible contributor(s) of DNA to an evidentiary trace. As a consequence, RNA profiling is incorporated into a DNA/RNA coassessment strategy that generates both a DNA and an mRNA profile from the same stain (Lindenbergh, Maaskant & Sijen, 2012)†. Mitochondrial DNA is generally used when other methods such as STR analysis have failed. This is often in the case of badly degraded bodies, in cases of disaster or accidents where an individual is too badly damaged to identify. The most significant advantage of the use of mitochondrial DNA is the possibility of analyzing even highly degraded samples. If a specimen is severely decomposed to the point that it is not possible to successfully extract a DNA profile using nuclear DNA, it may be possible through mitochondrial DNA. However the use of mDNA does have its disadvantages. As mitochondrial DNA is only maternally inherited, this cannot form a full DNA fingerprint of the individual, thus this technique is only beneficial if the DNA profiles of maternal relatives are available, such as the individuals mother or biological siblings (National Institute of Justice, 2012). Possibly the most momentous device to arise from DNA typing is the ability to compare DNA types recovered from crime scene evidence to those of convicted sex offenders and other convicted criminals (Lynch, 2013). Numerous countries have produced computerized databases containing DNA profiles to aid in the comparison of DNA fingerprints and the identification of suspects and victims. The first Government DNA database was established in the United Kingdom in April 1995, known as the National DNA Database (NDNAD). As of 2011, there were over 5. million profiles of individuals in the system. Similarly, the FBI in the US formed their own DNA database, the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), in 1994, though it was not implemented in all states until 1998(Saferstein, 2013). Staff members involved in the handling and analysis of evidence will often also submit their DNA profiles to the database in the case of accidental contamination. There is the possibility for DNA databases to be shared be tween countries; however some countries focus on different loci in DNA fingerprinting. Currently, U. S. crime laboratories have standardized on 13 STRs for entry into a national database (CODIS). Currently, DNA evidence is treated as exceptional, but it also is upheld as a model for other forms of forensic evidence to emulate. Many terms, such as investigation, inquiry, argument, evidence, and fact were established in law well before being associated with science. However, while legal proof remained qualified by standards of moral certainty, scientific proof attained a reputation for objectivity (Lynch, 2013). Although most forms of legal evidence, including expert evidence, continue to be treated as fallible opinions rather than objective facts, forensic DNA evidence increasingly is being granted an exceptional factual status. It did not always enjoy such status. Two decades ago, the scientific status of forensic DNA evidence was challenged in the scientific literature and in courts of law, but by the late 1990s it was being granted exceptional legal status. DNA profiling is often treated as an exceptional technique that has navigated the imaginary gulf between forensic and scientific culture, and has become so reliable that it can be used as a benchmark for evaluating all other forensic technologies. The STR system replaced the earlier systems, and automated scanning of samples replaced visual examination of profile results. The use of all these genetic tools allows forensic scientists to with more certainty find and convict criminals.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Educational Inequality Essay
All through history of America education has served very crucially in both the political and economic needs. The goals of education in America include: all children have access toll start school ready to learn, 90 percent increase in High school graduates, development of graduates who demonstrate competency in various areas, create a lead in mathematics and science achievement in the world, literacy among all the adults and possession of the knowledge and skills essential to strive in a global economy and exercise the rights and duties of citizenship, schools free of substance abuse, and full of discipline, access to professional equipping programs and lastly promotion of partnerships in schools that will intensify the parental participation in the whole dimension of the children . The US established an Act of Parliament in 2001 known as The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) that aims at bringing reforms in the education system. It aims in maintaining high standards and strategies in order to improve education system and eliminate the educational inequality. Education dates many eras back in history and quite surprisingly so do education inequality. Educational inequality refers to the nonexistence of equal chances that individuals have as a result of differences in quality education among other factors. Generally in America and the entire world a variety of educational inequalities exist. The imbalances continue along socioeconomic and cultural lines. Research shows that slightly in the across the world more than one billion adults illiterate. The United Nations indicates that of these one billion uneducated grown-ups more than 2/3rds are women. Further it shows that the fourth grade learners who grow up in lesser, low-income societies are already about three grade levels behind their peers in high-income societies (TFA, 2008). By the time these students are 18 they have not yet completed in their high school, with only a ratio of one is to ten. These educational imbalances dishonorably limit the life scenarios of the children who grow up in poor societies who are over 13 million children. The disparities incline inexplicably affect minority groups comprising African-American, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American children, who are three times as probable to live in low-income regions (TFA, 2008). Children in low-income societies and areas in the world regularly face trials such as underprivileged healthcare, nourishment, and insufficient housing. While their counterparts enjoy concerted cultivation, exposure to the information and resources, better nutrition and recreation facilities all of which are important in better performance. Schools and school systems time and again lack the same resources to encounter and cope with the students’ full potential. Various factors are precursors of inequality, and on the other hand education inequality becomes a factor in propagation of the factors themselves, these include economic, social, political, technological and cultural influences and the education system, delivery of education etc. The factors can either be endogenous or exogenous: either external or factors within the education system itself that cause inequality: nonexistence of schooling facilities, poor administrative environment of the school-system. Absenteeism, truancy, low attainment in school and dropouts are several of the outcomes of pitiable structural environment of school-system. Segregation has been named as the greatest cause of inequality. Segregation actually means stratification or classification of people in a society due to a predominant attribute they possess. Racial, gender, social, economic segregation among others have an adverse effect on education. The discrimination that arises hinders people from accessing better and desired education. In the history of America the inequality of education has existed in regard to race, gender and sociocultural and economic factors. Through the transitory of slavery, equality of education was one of the rights that were formerly withdrawn from the Black people. The grant of equality was a factor that would help in social integration attainment. Its over one hundred and twenty years but still the black children have not really achieved the amount of financial success White children have in life after school. The objective of education is to reserve the present class structure. Ever since the eradication of servitude, racist whites have used the educational classification to retain their sovereignties and to preserve blacks unfortunate. Philosophies of marginal subservience are spread, and the misrepresented fall into the trap of believing that race defines astuteness, by means of lopsided test statistics to aid back their thoughts. Ranking in social achievement simulations adopt social movement in an exposed challenge, based on distinction as measured by years of schooling and practical capability. This open challenge assumes an identical rudimentary education. The Supreme Court governed that â€Å"separate but equal†schools were unauthorized, those who would avert incorporation had to find new methods to negate this elementary education. This is so equivalent to tracking where by children are separated in terms of their social classes. Various sociological schools of thoughts have arisen to explain this phenomenon. Some of the dominant include the functionalist theory; this paradigm aims in delineating the functions of education and asserts that education serves the requirements of the society. In its manifest form education communicates elementary knowledge and skills across generations and on the other hand it socializes people into the society’s mainstream through its latent aims: the â€Å"moral education,†which helped forms a more-cohesive social arrangement by bringing together people from assorted backgrounds. It echoes the historical apprehension of â€Å"Americanizing†settlers. This theory was formulated by Emile Durkheim and has since been advanced by other scholars. Functionalists argue that other underlying roles of education are such as transmission of core values and social control. Functionalist hold that education serves the purpose of socializing individuals to learn the social norms, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and values that they will require as industrious citizens at the different (unequal) levels of society this is achieved mainly through â€Å"the hidden curriculum†, at the same time education sorts and rank persons for engagement in the labor market, individuals who achievement highly are trained for the most important jobs and in recompense, earn very high incomes. Thereby the most capable individuals get the greatly aspired occupations. The sensibly constructed educational goals and curriculum assists in develop identities and self-esteem. However, Sennet and Cobb (2005) cites that to have confidence that aptitude single-handedly determines who is to be rewarded is unfounded. Meighan concurs, adding that a majority of in dividuals who are capable of performing but are limited by their working class background fail to achieve the status they deserve limited by the cultural experiences and deprivations. The cycle persists with schooling backing continuity, which in turn maintains social order. Lucas, 2009 supposed that this progression, whereby some schoolchildren were named and labeled educational failures, is an essential activity which education as a part of the social system, performed for the whole and smooth functioning of the society. Another model called the conflict theory maintains that the function of education is to continue with the social inequality and maintain the power of the powerful in the society. Conflict theorists scrutinize the identical purposes of education as functionalists. However the functionalists view education inequality as a advantageous contribution to an ordered society and that helps maintains the social order while the conflict theorists perspective is that the educational system is a system that propagates the status quo by stultifying the lower classes into being submissive workers. They together concur that the educational system practices sor ting, but they disagree about how it enacts that sorting. Functionalist’s prerogative that schools categorize centered upon distinction; conflict theorists contend that schools classify along distinctive class and ethnic lines. Conflict theorists hold that, schools train those in the working classes to accept their position as a lower-class member of society. The conflicts identify several factors to defend their position: property taxes finance most schools this therefore means affluent districts have more money hence better funded schools. They can have enough money to pay greater wages, appealing to more professional teachers, and newer texts books and more technology. This therefore translates to better performance and development of more able students. Symbolic interactionists is yet another theoretical approach in explaining education inequality, symbolic interactionists say that society is conceivable since people have the capability to converse with one another by means of symbols. Further they add that people act toward others, objects, and events on the foundation of the connotations we convey to them. Subsequently, we experience and understand the world as a constructed- created reality. On educa tion they restrict their examination to what we directly observe happening in the schools. Additionally they lay a focus on how educators anticipations stimulates student performance, observations, and attitudes. Additionally researchers across the globe have come up with more theoretical methodologies to elucidate developments in educational inequality: the theory of industrialization, reproduction theories, MMI and EMI. theory of industrialization give its explanations on educational inequality that with increase with industrialization and modernization there would be decline in inequality in the education sector and as a result other sectors e.g. income distribution and resource allocation. As an outcome of economic, institutional, and cultural transformation, arising from improved technology and innovations, greater sections of the countries inhabitants will benefit, thereby reducing the factors that increase inequality. The theory asserts that access to education, and their educational achievement would be progressively rely on merit rather than cultural and economic background. Reproduction theories state that the inequality is a making of the education system; this can be simply inferr ed to mean that the systems are structured to reproduce the unequal social structure. Stratification in the society will continue even if the education enlarges because the powerful figures will continue to make strategies that maintain this benefit. Therefore there will forever be an intergenerational sinuousness of inequality. Maximally maintained inequality (MMI) cites the educational system expansion doesn’t specifically major on lower class but all the students, this theory was formulated in an attempt to answer why educational development and egalitarian transformations do not decrease educational disparity among socioeconomic divisions. Relative risk aversion (RRA) proposes larger disparity lessening is probable and is subject to altering costs and customs. Effectively maintained inequality (EMI) proposes that significant inequality decrease in equality is indescribable since qualitatively diverse categories of education preserve far-reaching inequality, even at collective conversions. When inundation is attained at a specific level and inequity in realization degenerates, quantifiable inequity may be swapped by qualitative. This means that upper classes will be better equipped. Concentrating on tracking, EMI openly deliberates the established administration of diverse educational systems, thus accentuating the importance of including the institutional facet. Theorists and researchers agree that the inequality in education is as a result of segregation and class differences more specifically brought about by income-economic factors. If the bridge in student achievement is to be crossed policies that emphasize inequality elimination and new initiatives have to be developed. The structure and the process of schooling should also be taken into consideration to achieve better performance. Reduction of race and sociocultural discrimination also will go a long way in improving the state of education in America. The state commitment to policies that ensure equal distribution of the resources and inception of programs that are aimed at improving the welfare of the people should be adopted.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Seesaw Candle Fire Magic Trick
Seesaw Candle Fire Magic Trick The seesaw candle magic trick is a fire science trick that teaches how combustion and Newtons Third Law of Motion work. A candle, balanced between a pair of glasses, rocks or seesaws up and down on its own. The motion continues as long as the candle continues to burn. If one side of the candle starts out heavier than the other, the motion of the candle will act to equalize the mass on either side of the pivot point. Its a simple trick, but eye-catching and interesting! Seesaw Candle Trick Materials Long candleNeedle2 glasses or jars that are the same height Long, thin candles work best for this trick. You can even use a pair of candles that are connected to each other. Procedure The first step is to expose wick at both ends of the candle so take a look at the bottom of the candle. If it has some wick pressed onto the bottom of the wax, loosen it so that you will be able to light it. On the other hand, if there isnt any wick at the bottom of the candle, use a knife to cut away enough of the candle to expose wick. You dont need a particularly sharp knife. In fact, its better to use a dull knife so that you dont accidentally cut the wick.Push the needle through the candle about halfway down its length. You dont have to be exact, but if you arent very good at gauging halfway points, then use a ruler to measure your candle, divide that number by two and push the needle through the candle at that point. If the candle wax is soft, you may be able to push the needle through the candle with minimal effort, but if the wax is hard or your candle is thick, then grasp the needle with pliers or tweezers, heat it in a flame and push it through the candle. The hot needle sh ould pass through the wax fairly easily. The trick still works if you accidentally bend the needle. Balance the needle and candle between a pair of glasses. It is okay if one end of the candle is heavier than the other.Light both ends of the candle. The candle will rock up and down, like a seesaw. You can watch a video of the project if youd like to see what to expect. How It Works The candle moves in response to forces acting on it, trying to reach equilibrium. The combustion reaction turns the candle wax into carbon dioxide gas and water vapor, making the burning end of a candle lighter. If one side of the candle burns more quickly than the other, the lighter side of the candle moves up. The lower side of the candle is angled such that the flame melts the wax, causing it to drip down. This not only lessens the mass at that end of the candle, but the force from the dripping wax actually pushes the end of the candle up! This is Newtons Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. More Fire and Candle Science Magic Traveling Flame Candle Magic TrickBlow Out a Candle with Chemical MagicTrick Birthday CandlesEdible Candle Trick Tips and Safety This is a fire project, so use adult supervision and avoid trying this trick near curtains, pets, gasoline... you get the picture.​Lighter candles respond more dramatically to changes in mass than heavier ones. Ergo, lighter candles will give you a better range of motion than heavier candles. If you use a very big candle, you wont see much motion at all. When in doubt, lighten up! Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Quiz How Smart Are You Really
Quiz How Smart Are You Really How smart are you? Have you ever thought that youre smarter than most people? According to difference tests  on Wikipedia, the average persons IQ falls somewhere in the range of 90-109. What do you think? Put your intelligence to the test with this quick and fun quiz. How smart are you, really?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Attachment Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Attachment Theory - Essay Example It is generally accepted that there are three main attachment styles in adults and children - secure, ambivalent and avoidant. (Bower 1997,a). A national survey of representative samples of 8,080 U.S. adults between 15 and 54 years of age (Bower, 1997, b) by Mickelson, Kessler and Davis, nearly all of the participants were found to conform to one of the three attachment groups. The survey concluded that attachment patterns are the central developmental factor responsible for subsequent personality and social development. While secure attachments, seen in about 59% of those surveyed, led to stable lasting relationships in later life, the 29 % displaying avoidance later developed fear or apathy towards emotional intimacy. Manipulative, distrustful behavior towards romantic partners was a feature of the remaining 11% or so, displaying ambivalent (or anxious) behavior. Finally, the study also pointed out the close association between insecure attachments in childhood and the occurrence of physical abuse or neglect, both of which can contribute to the development of mental illnesses. John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory, considered attachment as a biological necessity - he noted separation anxiety of young children and how babies needed to cling to their mothers in times of stress.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Academic Inflation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Academic Inflation - Research Paper Example The educational authorities have raised the minimum education level requirements in the educational institutions and organizations which have created a significant problem in the business world. It has been reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that the graduates completing their education lack the skills and qualifications required for filling a job as they have not been given proper training in their institutions (Lan & Winters, 2011). The cost of education has risen at an accelerating rate as compared to the increase in the financial aids that are provided by the federal agencies. According to SHEEO (2011), as people have insufficient funds available for covering the costs of college education, the number of graduates completing it has declined in the last few years. All of these factors have raised questions regarding the academic inflation that how lack of federal aids, increase in college/tuition fees, decline in wage increments and rising inflation rate are impacting the quality of college education. Academic Inflation is described as the process by which the higher education degrees’ value gets inflated; it is the point at which the minimum level of education is required when the level of employment rises. In fact, there is no real need for highly skilled or trained employees for various jobs in the firms (Odland, 2012). As a result of the academic inflation process, the bachelor’s degree value has reached a level where the graduates face difficulty in finding a suitable position in the professional world and they have to acquire degrees of much higher level such as Master’s degrees and PhDs. The primary reason for such a robust growth in the academic field for higher level degrees is an accelerating rate of competition among the peers (Singell & Stone, 2007). Along with increase in the demand of higher level degrees, the cost of acquiring them has
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to Essay
The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to domestic house building industry - Essay Example This paper starts with understanding this market. Here we will discuss about Porter’s Five Forces Model and try to understand the kind of customers marketers have in the domestic housing sector. This section would be followed by the discussion on determinants of demand and supply in the housing industry. Once we have understood the market structure and supply-demands we will be discussing various factors like economic, social, legal and environmental which affect the industry. This will be followed by the analysis and conclusion. The industry is made up of around 192,404 construction firms, 164,000 of which have less that 24 employees. Just 56 firms have more than 1,200 employees. (Source: Construction Statistics Annual 2002/CITB). 2 There are around 192,404 small and big firms. 56 firms have employed more than 1200 employees while 28,348 firms have employed 25 or more than 25 people and rest 164,000 firms have employed less than 24 people in their organization. Around 500 firms work for overseas contracts also.4 The segment rivalry and exit barriers are high. As it is almost mature industry in Britain, the number of suppliers and rivalry among them is high. This gives an added advantage to the constructor to negotiate for the quality and the price of goods supplied by them. The switching cost from one supplier to another is usually high. Buyers’ power in the case of houses is limited. There are several reasons for this i.e. increasing demand of house, lesser number of buyers, buyers not connected to each other, lack of information and others. The threat of substitutes is less and within the category. Housing requirements of an individual or family can be very specific leaving no room for many or instant substitutes. It depends upon the quality, price and availability of the house. The consumer behaviour can be divided on the basis of the type of consumers. They can be divided on the basis of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Historical Book Analysis Assignment Essay Example for Free
Historical Book Analysis Assignment Essay History, it has often been said, is as much a story of individual people as it is of places, events and larger circumstances. This is especially true when considering pivotal figures from American history, for in the stories of pivotal historical figures, the saga of the growth of America can often be seen. Such is the case with first lady, political activist and women’s rights pioneer Abigail Adams and former American slave, orator and anti-slavery advocate Frederick Douglass. It is with these two prominent historic figures in mind that two historical books about them, Dearest Friend: A Life of Abigail Adams and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave will be discussed. Upon conclusion of the research, not only will two historical icons be better understood, but also, two key works about these people will be as well. Main Character of Each Work As was mentioned in the Introduction to this paper, two historical books as well as the people who were the main characters of those books would be discussed. Understanding the books first requires an understanding of the backgrounds of each of these main characters respectively. Abigail Adams, for all of the achievements that her life would hold, was not the product of fine universities or finishing schools; rather, she was for the most part an educated woman, and someone who possessed a great deal of inner drive and instinct, which more than made up for the lack of formal education. The wife of John Adams, who was a founding father of the United States and would eventually become president of the nation, Abigail managed the family farm, took care of the children, and showed a great streak of independence while John, early in his political career, was compelled to travel internationally. Abigail shared her husband’s passion for American independence, with one glaring exception- she did not subscribe to the idea that all men were created equal. For Abigail, there certainly was room to tolerate slavery, but this is not to say that Abigail felt the same about gender issues. One could fairly classify Abigail as a feminist, which she continued to advocate when she accompanied her husband to the White House. Overall, while not perfect, Abigail Adams contributed a great deal to the cause of women’s rights and by some accounts, aided her husband significantly during his presidency (Withey). Like Abigail Adams, Frederick Douglass was not the most formally educated man, but through sheer determination and a high level of natural intelligence, in time became one of the most articulate men in America, slave or free (Douglass). Early evidence of Douglass’ yearning for freedom and equality in a nation which promised this but only delivered to select races can be seen in his escape from slavery and refuge in northern free territory as a young man. This escape not only allowed him to pursue his own destiny, but also allowed him to seek the same for every man, with the abolition of slavery as Douglass’ main ambition. In fact, it was Douglass’ personal experience as a slave which gave him the credibility and passion that he required in order to be able to see the abolition of slavery to completion. Historical Events that Involved the Main Characters of Each Work When comparing Adams and Douglass, it can fairly be said that each of them were similarly exposed to extraordinary circumstances that inspired them to action, while being impaired to a certain extent by limitations that society attempted to place on them. In both cases as well, each of these individuals used that adversity not as a roadblock to future progress, but as a catapult to bigger and better things. Abigail Adams entered the stage of American history at a time when the role of the president as well as first lady was far from well defined, as well as a time when women were largely regarded as subordinates to their husbands and not worthy of equal opportunities or education. In the midst of all of these circumstances, Adams devoted a great deal of her energies in assisting her husband-some say too much- in the duties of the presidency and set the protocol for first ladies to come. Also, Adams chose as her cause the equality of women in all areas of society, making her an early pioneer for women’s equality. Like Adams, Frederick Douglass came upon the American scene at a time when pivotal issues were still undecided; for all of the talk of liberty and justice for all, Douglass had to flee from an environment whereby he was owned, like property, by another human being, as were tens of thousands of other African-Americans. Also, Douglass fearlessly spoke out against the evils of slavery, and became an influential resource for none other than Abraham Lincoln, who would become known in history as The Great Emancipator.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Guilt of Lady Macbeth Essay example -- Macbeth essays
The Guilt of Lady Macbeth    Shakespeare's "Macbeth" holds many hidden themes within its already exuberant plot. The first of these surrounds the murder of Duncan and the role that both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself played. However, the true guilt of the murder can fall on either character. Although Macbeth physically committed the crime, it was Lady Macbeth that pushed him to his limits of rational thought and essentially made fun of him to lower his esteem. With Macbeth's defenses down, it was an easy task for Lady Macbeth to influence Duncan's murder and make up an excuse as to why she could not do it herself. The guilt of Duncan's murder can be placed firmly on the head on Lady Macbeth.       Lady Macbeth wants the murder of Duncan for her own gains. Given the present situation, she is power hungry. The wyrd sisters predicted that Macbeth would be king. This means that the obvious result would be Lady Macbeth as queen. Instead of waiting for Duncan to die naturally or to be killed by someone else, she ushers the task to Macbeth. She forces it upon him, which is unfortunate, for he starts a moral character. It is the methods she uses to convince Macbeth that murder is the answer that are extremely cruel and manipulative, sending no doubt that she is the chief culprit in the murder of Duncan, and his death may be put squarely in her hands.  Sex roles in the 1600s were very strict; women were forbidden from acting in theatrical works. Shakespeare seems to play off this in his casting and dialect. The masculinity of Macbeth is questionable in itself, with the provocative language used in the play. He himself is unsure of his "abilities" as a member of the male sex.... ...tions, the use of her "womanly" features, and her attacks on the manliness of Macbeth all put more guilt on her shoulders than Macbeth by far. She deserves no pity either. Her eventual trip to insanity was her own fault, as well as the final battle where Macduff kills Macbeth. Had she shown patience, fate may have eventually worked in Macbeth and her's favor.  Works Cited and Consulted:  Epstein, Norrie. The Friendly Shakepeare, New York, Viking Publishing, 1993.  Schlegel, August Wilhelm. Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies . A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. London: AMS Press, Inc., 1965.    Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul  Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.    Wills, Gary. Lady Macbeth and Evil. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.Â
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