Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to Essay
The implications of the major determinants of demand and supply to domestic house building industry - Essay Example This paper starts with understanding this market. Here we will discuss about Porter’s Five Forces Model and try to understand the kind of customers marketers have in the domestic housing sector. This section would be followed by the discussion on determinants of demand and supply in the housing industry. Once we have understood the market structure and supply-demands we will be discussing various factors like economic, social, legal and environmental which affect the industry. This will be followed by the analysis and conclusion. The industry is made up of around 192,404 construction firms, 164,000 of which have less that 24 employees. Just 56 firms have more than 1,200 employees. (Source: Construction Statistics Annual 2002/CITB). 2 There are around 192,404 small and big firms. 56 firms have employed more than 1200 employees while 28,348 firms have employed 25 or more than 25 people and rest 164,000 firms have employed less than 24 people in their organization. Around 500 firms work for overseas contracts also.4 The segment rivalry and exit barriers are high. As it is almost mature industry in Britain, the number of suppliers and rivalry among them is high. This gives an added advantage to the constructor to negotiate for the quality and the price of goods supplied by them. The switching cost from one supplier to another is usually high. Buyers’ power in the case of houses is limited. There are several reasons for this i.e. increasing demand of house, lesser number of buyers, buyers not connected to each other, lack of information and others. The threat of substitutes is less and within the category. Housing requirements of an individual or family can be very specific leaving no room for many or instant substitutes. It depends upon the quality, price and availability of the house. The consumer behaviour can be divided on the basis of the type of consumers. They can be divided on the basis of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Historical Book Analysis Assignment Essay Example for Free
Historical Book Analysis Assignment Essay History, it has often been said, is as much a story of individual people as it is of places, events and larger circumstances. This is especially true when considering pivotal figures from American history, for in the stories of pivotal historical figures, the saga of the growth of America can often be seen. Such is the case with first lady, political activist and women’s rights pioneer Abigail Adams and former American slave, orator and anti-slavery advocate Frederick Douglass. It is with these two prominent historic figures in mind that two historical books about them, Dearest Friend: A Life of Abigail Adams and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave will be discussed. Upon conclusion of the research, not only will two historical icons be better understood, but also, two key works about these people will be as well. Main Character of Each Work As was mentioned in the Introduction to this paper, two historical books as well as the people who were the main characters of those books would be discussed. Understanding the books first requires an understanding of the backgrounds of each of these main characters respectively. Abigail Adams, for all of the achievements that her life would hold, was not the product of fine universities or finishing schools; rather, she was for the most part an educated woman, and someone who possessed a great deal of inner drive and instinct, which more than made up for the lack of formal education. The wife of John Adams, who was a founding father of the United States and would eventually become president of the nation, Abigail managed the family farm, took care of the children, and showed a great streak of independence while John, early in his political career, was compelled to travel internationally. Abigail shared her husband’s passion for American independence, with one glaring exception- she did not subscribe to the idea that all men were created equal. For Abigail, there certainly was room to tolerate slavery, but this is not to say that Abigail felt the same about gender issues. One could fairly classify Abigail as a feminist, which she continued to advocate when she accompanied her husband to the White House. Overall, while not perfect, Abigail Adams contributed a great deal to the cause of women’s rights and by some accounts, aided her husband significantly during his presidency (Withey). Like Abigail Adams, Frederick Douglass was not the most formally educated man, but through sheer determination and a high level of natural intelligence, in time became one of the most articulate men in America, slave or free (Douglass). Early evidence of Douglass’ yearning for freedom and equality in a nation which promised this but only delivered to select races can be seen in his escape from slavery and refuge in northern free territory as a young man. This escape not only allowed him to pursue his own destiny, but also allowed him to seek the same for every man, with the abolition of slavery as Douglass’ main ambition. In fact, it was Douglass’ personal experience as a slave which gave him the credibility and passion that he required in order to be able to see the abolition of slavery to completion. Historical Events that Involved the Main Characters of Each Work When comparing Adams and Douglass, it can fairly be said that each of them were similarly exposed to extraordinary circumstances that inspired them to action, while being impaired to a certain extent by limitations that society attempted to place on them. In both cases as well, each of these individuals used that adversity not as a roadblock to future progress, but as a catapult to bigger and better things. Abigail Adams entered the stage of American history at a time when the role of the president as well as first lady was far from well defined, as well as a time when women were largely regarded as subordinates to their husbands and not worthy of equal opportunities or education. In the midst of all of these circumstances, Adams devoted a great deal of her energies in assisting her husband-some say too much- in the duties of the presidency and set the protocol for first ladies to come. Also, Adams chose as her cause the equality of women in all areas of society, making her an early pioneer for women’s equality. Like Adams, Frederick Douglass came upon the American scene at a time when pivotal issues were still undecided; for all of the talk of liberty and justice for all, Douglass had to flee from an environment whereby he was owned, like property, by another human being, as were tens of thousands of other African-Americans. Also, Douglass fearlessly spoke out against the evils of slavery, and became an influential resource for none other than Abraham Lincoln, who would become known in history as The Great Emancipator.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Guilt of Lady Macbeth Essay example -- Macbeth essays
The Guilt of Lady Macbeth    Shakespeare's "Macbeth" holds many hidden themes within its already exuberant plot. The first of these surrounds the murder of Duncan and the role that both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself played. However, the true guilt of the murder can fall on either character. Although Macbeth physically committed the crime, it was Lady Macbeth that pushed him to his limits of rational thought and essentially made fun of him to lower his esteem. With Macbeth's defenses down, it was an easy task for Lady Macbeth to influence Duncan's murder and make up an excuse as to why she could not do it herself. The guilt of Duncan's murder can be placed firmly on the head on Lady Macbeth.       Lady Macbeth wants the murder of Duncan for her own gains. Given the present situation, she is power hungry. The wyrd sisters predicted that Macbeth would be king. This means that the obvious result would be Lady Macbeth as queen. Instead of waiting for Duncan to die naturally or to be killed by someone else, she ushers the task to Macbeth. She forces it upon him, which is unfortunate, for he starts a moral character. It is the methods she uses to convince Macbeth that murder is the answer that are extremely cruel and manipulative, sending no doubt that she is the chief culprit in the murder of Duncan, and his death may be put squarely in her hands.  Sex roles in the 1600s were very strict; women were forbidden from acting in theatrical works. Shakespeare seems to play off this in his casting and dialect. The masculinity of Macbeth is questionable in itself, with the provocative language used in the play. He himself is unsure of his "abilities" as a member of the male sex.... ...tions, the use of her "womanly" features, and her attacks on the manliness of Macbeth all put more guilt on her shoulders than Macbeth by far. She deserves no pity either. Her eventual trip to insanity was her own fault, as well as the final battle where Macduff kills Macbeth. Had she shown patience, fate may have eventually worked in Macbeth and her's favor.  Works Cited and Consulted:  Epstein, Norrie. The Friendly Shakepeare, New York, Viking Publishing, 1993.  Schlegel, August Wilhelm. Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies . A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. London: AMS Press, Inc., 1965.    Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul  Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.    Wills, Gary. Lady Macbeth and Evil. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Australian Federalism
This essay will outline the issues discussed during the ‘Policy Roundtable on Federalism’ hosted by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) on the 17–18 May 2007 and will explore their impact on federalism and provide possible steps to overcome them. The Roundtable discussion made it apparent that Australian federalism is dysfunctional and needed shaping up. The reasons included a combination of external and internal factors and pressures. The pragmatic reform process could address these factors and pressures to improve Commonwealth-State relations. This could achieve enhanced policy outcomes for the Australian community and provide a system of government that â€Å"delivers the Australian people the opportunities they deserve†(Brumby 2008). David Black (1998) describes federalism as ‘the process by which the Commonwealth of Australia was formed on 1 January 1901, was unusual then, and still is†. The federal system has provided a relatively stable cooperative form of government, however, changing demographics, global pressures and fiscal situations within government have meant that the system is now seen as being in a malaise and in need of repair (Wanna 2007). The modernisation and globalisation of markets, media and communication has eroded regional identities in Australia. In the past the Australian states were protected from a centralised form of federalism but as modern technology reduced the physical distance institutional barriers were decreased. These global pressures mean that Australian states risk becoming agent providers for a central government (Wanna 2007: page). Increased activity has resulted in hyper-interaction involving all three levels of government. Additionally, lack of cultural regions in Australia unlike most other federations meant lack of regionally based governance system (Wanna 2007: 276). Australia retains a highly centralised fiscal system, holds a high amount of concurrent powers across all levels of government and lacks institutional barriers that prevent a centralised system. Fiscal imbalance between states and the Commonwealth impacts directly at a regional level even though policies are driven nationally. Concurrent Commonwealth-State powers also impact at regional level due to lack of adequate attention given to real impacts while decisions are made at federal level. The reduced effectiveness of federalism has contributed towards these issues and has failed to keep pace with modern times. It is now in need of repair to make it more efficient and capable of providing support to the modern Australian public. Current federal arrangements are holding back necessary micro-economic reform while there is a continuous struggle to respond to global economic forces. (Podger 2008). Although federalism can work it is not performing at the level expected. Participants at the Roundtable agreed that the process of reform can improve federalism but needs a different policy approach. Individual agreements on shared responsibilities will be needed to reshape policy areas. Increased cooperation and collaboration around national and state issues would need to be achieved. Participants started by looking at improving the generic architecture by enhancing the primary cooperation of levels of government through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). This could be the platform for any further detailed reform in order to avoid policy making failures around shared responsibility between governments. It is also important to note that the attendees agreed reform would need to start from the current position and not echoing any previous attempts. The Australian federal system is characterised by a significant level of vertical fiscal imbalance and this issue would need to be addressed to assist in reforming federalism. The Commonwealth holds the monopoly on tax revenue from income and GST and much of this is paid back to the states by way of Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs). These SPPs allow the Commonwealth to grant funds to states with conditions in areas that are constitutionally the states’ domain. As SPPs make up 40 % of Commonwealth grants the streamlining of these with a focus on outcomes would allow increased efficiency. In addition, guaranteed revenue would allow states to fund their responsibilities without central pressures. Whilst this imbalance could be reduced by assigning state expenditure responsibilities to the Commonwealth, it is an unrealistic expectation to reduce such a significant imbalance. (Carling, 2008: page/s) Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the different levels of government is essential, as Carling (2008: page) states, â€Å"A federal system needs to be ?rmly anchored to a rational allocation of roles and responsibilities for the different levels of government†Lack of clearly defined roles can cause duplication of processes and conflict in policy making, giving states the opportunity to avoid accountability. A review of roles and responsibilities is a logical starting point, with the functional roles of Commonwealth and the state’ clearly defined. This may require that the Commonwealth takes a leadership role to ensure states are able to effectively deliver services. It is important to understand that the distribution of responsibilities between the levels Government has evolved aver time, and will presumably continue to change as policy and political imperatives require. (Podger 2008) Collaboration between governments to deliver long term sustainable national solutions is needed to face the significant social, economic and environmental challenges. Recently, all three levels of government have become receptive towards the idea of cooperative federalism. For effective federation architecture of cooperation consisting components such as principles to guide, supporting legal and institutional arrangements and appropriate cultural practices and attitudes are required. Focus could be on formalisation of COAG through intergovernmental agreement, clarification of COAG and ministerial council relation, ongoing review of federal financial relations and development of cultural practices to support the best of federalism. The change offers opportunities to make lasting improvements and Australian governments should seize the opportunity towards delivering effective national responses and generating substantial benefits for Australians. (Wanna, J. May 2009) Although the Australian federal system is perceived as declining and in need of reshaping, Australia is a prosperous nation. Federalism has seen Australia through times of significant stress including depression and war, and has led to the development of a welfare state. Rapid globalisation and modernisation demands that federalism adapt and adjust to meet competing demands. The options outlined in this essay provide the extending steps for already happening improvements by an ambitious government.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Jose Rizal and his Nationalism Essay
Jose Rizal was idealistic, who wants to free his countrymen from ignorance, exploitation and discrimination. With the use of his works and writings especially his novels – Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, he reveals to his people their experiences and sufferings, sufferings which he brought to light in an effort to awaken his countrymen to the truths that had long remained unspoken, although not totally unheard of. He showed to his people their sufferings friars and civil authorities, how the friars whom were guilty of bribery and corruption had made of the Catholic religion an instrument of domination and had prostituted it with exterior practices which foster the appearance of worship. The friars also enriched themselves not only by exhorting excessive fees for church services, but also by unjust acquisition of land estates. They made themselves feared by civil officials. They enjoy priorities over high government officials whose tenure of office they can control. The government itself sees nothing, hears nothing, and decides nothing except what the parish priests makes it see, hear, and decide. And the civil guards do not protect the citizens like they supposed to but protect the interests of the friars and the Spaniards only. The priests controlled also the acts of the ignorant natives and threatened the indios’ heads with excommunication for the slightest sign of disrespect and disobedience. Many Filipinos had become victims of human indignities. They were deprived of their right. They had no right to question authority – they were born only to serve. But Rizal did not put the blame entirely on the religious and civil authorities; he also honestly showed the weaknesses and defects of the Filipinos. The people themselves, by their timidity, fear, and cowardice had shackled their minds and debased their souls. Contaminated by the airs of superiority of the Spaniards, despise their own countrymen and make themselves ridiculous with their pretensions at false imitation. Rizal criticized this, the unspoken embarrassments of the natives for their own ancestry, and aspires to become a Spaniard to leave behind any trace of Filipino in them and then boasts to everyone. With that they gradually allowed the Spaniards to enslave them. As Rizal often said, â€Å"there are no tyrants where there are no slaves†. And that Rizal wanted to vindicate his race from the insults and prejudices upon the Filipinos, and that his people were not an anthropoid race, as the Spaniard asserted. Although Filipinos have some vices and defects, the same with other people in the world, they are not those which the Spanish writers attribute them – that there is no stimulus to worth or to merit. On the contrary, when Filipinos rise above heap they are ridiculed and made the object of mockery unless they serve the friars. Many Filipinos are persecuted in false conspiracies or exiled from their towns for standing up for their rights. Rizal wanted to bring back the pride in Filipino ancestors, a necessary component in the formation of national consciousness, and answer criticisms against Filipinos and their culture. He disproved the Spaniards and showed that the past of the Philippines already had a developed culture. Rizal in all effort tried to convince the Spanish government that there was an urgent need for reforms in the society in the government, and in the Catholic church of the Philippines. And that violence is not the preferred solution and it should come about peacefully and sensibly and that one great solution is education. He tried to show that there was no rebellion or revolution in the Philippines, but there would be, if the abuses and excesses of the friars and the administration push the Filipinos to their limit.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Networking Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Pearl, La Perla
Networking Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Pearl, La Perla Networking THE PEARL by John Steinbeck. Written in 1940 and published in 1947, The Pearl is another of Steinbecks novels, which tells the great American dream. The English he uses, as in most of his books, is fairly simple. The message that he attempts to put through to the reader, which makes this short and effortlessly understandable. Steinbecks protagonists comprise of Kino, a young Mexican fisherman, and his poverty-stricken family, consisting of Juana (his wife) and Coyotito (his baby boy). The story begins set in the bare darkness of the interior of Kinos mud hut, where the family awakens before the dawning of each day to perform their retual of preparing and eating corn cakes-the familys staple. Their living quarters is situated next to the Gulf of Mexico, where Kino would go out to dive for oysters and catch his familys next meal. Every single day he dreams of finding the great pearl, whom everybody believes, will make him rich. It is the incident of his sons illness that puts the fire and sense of urgency in his h eart to search for the prized object. The author drawn comparison to the American dream: To gain material wealth, obtain success. Ironically, when Kino does find the Pearl, it is to his great disappointment, too large and virtually worthless. Kino, as a character, is represented by Steinbeck, as the general American public of his day, where innocent victims compromise their moral values. His dream blinds him to greed and suspicions of his neighbors. Even Juana, is unable to temper his obsession and the events leading to tragedy. Kino eventually comes to realize that material wealth is nothing when you vision of good and evil. John Steinbeck was able to write The Pearl in the style of a folktale by keeping it short. By doing that, he made it is easier to keep in the memory, to pass it down to the next generation. Storys characters are common everyday people. They are not in the upper class, but they are hard working-class laborers, it makes the story closer to people. They are able to relate to the characters and how the characters feel. Also it provides a moral lesson which gives parents a reason to pass it down to their children. Steinbeck himself said that in The Pearl, ...perhaps everyone takes his own meaning from it and reads his own life into it. That means that it does not matter who hears the story, they will each get something out of it. Steinbeck made it exciting, which appeals to the listener and keeps them focussed on the story and wanting to hear more. By using these simple techniques, Steinbeck achieved his goal in writing a true folktale. In The Pearl, Steinbeck kept referring to songs. These were songs that Kino learned as a boy in the camp that they created for everything they saw, thought or did. There were songs for every aspect of his life: family, evil, the enemy, and eventually the pearl. They represented the good and the evil. But the Song of the Pearl was different. At the start of the story Kino said, but no new songs were added. However, the Song of the Pearl was added, and Kino placed in it whatever he could see in the pearl. At the start he saw in the pearl his family and all the things he could buy for them when he sold the pearl. So because of what he saw, the Song of the Pearl became the same as the Song of the Family. But soon the song changed. As Kino began to doubt and became afraid after he could not sell the pearl, the Song of Evil slowly took over and replaced the Song of the Family inside the pearl. Kino could not even see his own nice visions in the pearl, but all he saw was his own death. Evil was brought into the story very early on as the scorpion stung the baby. Good won over again as the swelling diminished with Juanas love and the seaweed remedy. After Kino found the pearl, evil began to take over. Greed, jealousy, arose in the town as everyone wanted the pearl and its money
Monday, October 21, 2019
10 Good Reasons to Keep Studying on Holidays
10 Good Reasons to Keep Studying on Holidays Holidays are the most perfect time of the year for a college student, and of course it is very tempting to start hanging out all the time and forget even about the existence of homework. Very often studies are associated with constant stress and deadlines, but with a right approach you can change things for the better and start to actually enjoy your homework! So why should you continue studying and how to make it more enjoyable? You can be your own boss Remember those papers with specific deadlines and the topics you dont actually like? Theres no need to follow these requirements anymore – you can do things you actually want to. Imagine that youre the professor who tells you what to do and what kind of assignments to complete. You dont have to rush anymore The hardest thing during the semester is the amount of work you receive and all the deadline which need to be followed. During the holidays you can create your own schedule – when and what to study. It will make things much easier and youll be free at nights to spend some time with your friends. You dont have to study in the classroom anymore The best way to concentrate on your studies is to change places where you study. Class rooms may be very boring, so you need to find another place. It is almost impossible to study at home, when you get distracted by your family. And it is tempting to start watching your favourite TV show instead of studying. Choose some other places where no one can disturb you – it can be a park, a coffee shop or a public library. You will be able not only to study, but also explore your city and find some new exciting places! You can have as many breaks as you want It is proven that its much easier to study with a lot of short breaks. It is very hard to concentrate on studying for more than 40 minutes. So try to change your activities – after studying, relax for about 10-15 minutes and do something fun, like playing Xbox. It will distract you for a while, and will be good motivation to keep on studying. You can set realistic goals There is no need to push limits and set unreasonable goals. You cannot possibly study more than 3 hours a day during holidays. Stick to the time you can actually handle! You should be results oriented, not on working hours. With proper motivation, you can complete much more in 1 hour, than usually. You can choose different types of on-line education There is no need to stick to old class books – since you have a lot of free time now, try to use websites that offer on-line education like Coursera! It is very interesting, it will take about 4 hours of work during the week. The assignments are usually creative. On discussion boards you can meet new people from all around the globe. You will be able to explore new topics If you chose to take some classes on-line, you can retake the courses youve already learned this year, like marketing or economics, or you can try something totally new – start programming, learn some music theory or basic cryptography. Such new topics may be super exciting to learn, and you can expend your horizons. You will be ready for the next semester Remember the time when you got back from the school break and you forgot everything youve learned so far? It is easy to get distracted from the studies at summer, especially with all that partying and having fun. So if you study at least couple of times a week, you will notice your progress after everybody start a new school year. You can stay active and study at the same time You have a lot of free time at summer, so if you chose to study, you shouldnt forget about being active. Go swimming or running, spend some time at the gym. It will make you more energetic and help you with the further studies, which may become boring if youre not active enough. Sports will make you more confident in completing complex tasks. You will have enough rest Since its summer now, you dont have to exhaust yourself with studying till 3 AM to meet the deadlines. It is very important to get enough sleep, at least 8 hours a day. It will keep your mind fresh, and ready for learning something new. You can try to read something interesting and useful before going to bed and your brain will process all the information, while youre sleeping. Studying may be a very hard thing during the semester and students start to dream about holidays to avoid it and have some fun. But if you think about the whole process from another angle, you will understand that studying and learning new things could become perfect activities. Especially during holidays! So dont think about studying as something painful and stressful. Make it fun! Any study tips to share? Well, at least tell us how do you spend your summer holidays!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Geography of the Country of Belize - World Atlas
Geography of the Country of Belize - World Atlas Population: 314,522 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: BelmopanBordering Countries: Guatemala and MexicoLand Area: 8,867 square miles (22,966 sq km)Coastline: 320 miles (516 km)Highest Point: Doyles Delight at 3,805 feet (1,160 m)Belize is a country located in Central America and it is bordered to the north by Mexico, to the south and west by Guatemala and to the east by the Caribbean Sea. It is a diverse country with various cultures and languages. Belize also has the lowest population density in Central America with 35 people per square mile or 14 people per square kilometer. Belize is also known for its extreme biodiversity and distinctive ecosystems.History of BelizeThe first people to develop Belize were the Maya around 1500 B.C.E. As shown in archeological records, they established a number of settlements there. These include Caracol, Lamanai and Lubaantun. The first European contact with Belize occurred in 1502 when Christopher Columbus reached the areas coast. In 1638, the first Eu ropean settlement was established by England and for 150 years, many more English settlements were set up. In 1840, Belize became a Colony of British Honduras and in 1862, it became a crown colony. For one hundred years after that, Belize was a representative government of England but in January 1964, full self government with a ministerial system was granted. In 1973, the regions name was changed from British Honduras to Belize and on September 21, 1981, full independence was achieved.Government of BelizeToday, Belize is a parliamentary democracy within the British Commonwealth. It has an executive branch filled by Queen Elizabeth II as chief of state and a local head of government. Belize also has a bicameral National Assembly that is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate members are selected by appointment while the members of the House of Representatives are elected by direct popular votes every five years. Belizes judicial branch is comprised of the Summary Jurisdiction Courts, District Courts, the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the Privy Council in the U.K. and the Caribbean Court of Justice. Belize is divided into six districts (Belize, Cayo, Corozal, Orange Walk, Stann Creek and Toledo) for local administration.Economics and Land Use in BelizeTourism is the largest international revenue generator in Belize as its economy is very small and consists mainly of small private enterprises. Belize does export some agricultural products though - the largest of these include bananas, cacao, citrus, sugar, fish, cultured shrimp and lumber. The main industries in Belize are garment production, food processing, tourism, construction and oil. Tourism is large in Belize because it is a tropical, mainly undeveloped area with abundant recreation and Mayan historical sites. In addition, ecotourism is increasing in the country today.Geography, Climate and Biodiversity of BelizeBelize is a relatively small country with mainly flat terrain. On the coast it has a swampy coastal plain that is dominated by mangrove swamps and in the south and the interior there are hills and low mountains. Most of Belize is undeveloped and is forested with hardwoods. Belize is a part if the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot and it has many jungles, wildlife reserves, a large variety of different species of flora and fauna and the largest cave system in Central America. Some species of Belize include the black orchid, the mahogany tree, the toucan and tapirs.The climate of Belize is tropical and is therefore very hot and humid. It has a rainy season which lasts from May to November and a dry season lasting from February to May.More Facts about Belize Belize is the only country in Central America where English is the official language Regional languages of Belize are Kriol, Spanish, Garifuna, Maya and Plautdietsch Belize has one of the lowest population densities in the world The main religions in Belize are Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Mennonite, other Protestant, Muslim, Hindu and BuddhistTo learn more about Belize, visit the Belize section in Geography and Maps on this websit e. ReferencesCentral Intelligence Agency. (27 May 2010). CIA - The World Factbook - Belize. Retrieved from: (n.d.). Belize: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Retrieved from: States Department of State. (9 April 2010). Belize. Retrieved from: (30 June 2010). Belize - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Confuciuss Virtues and their tendencies to the modern American society Essay
Confuciuss Virtues and their tendencies to the modern American society - Essay Example When talking about Confucian ethics, it is central to analyze the five fundamental virtues which Confucius identified based on the fundamental relationships that people establish among each other, such as love, friendship, dedication, loyalty, respect and others. One of these fundamental virtues is Ren, the virtue of humaneness and goodness; it is based on compassion and understanding others and it represents the most important Confucian principle. â€Å"People cultivated by it are humane individuals who exhibit benevolence and care toward others. They are motivated by a deep empathy for others - what might be called human-heartedness†(Carroll). This particular virtue reflects the Confucian view upon the human nature, that is, the fact that all people are essentially born to be good and that they can automatically demonstrate care, respect and kindness one to another. However, when the human nature is not cultivated and educated in the right way and when it is exposed to outs ide detrimental influences, people can lose this basic quality and become mean, aggressive, irritated, hateful and undisciplined. Therefore, the virtue of Ren advises people to appeal to their good, kind, emphatic and well balanced self and by cultivating their mind and spirit in order to avoid a destructive and bad version of themselves.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A Tropical Paradise Called Bohol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
A Tropical Paradise Called Bohol - Essay Example Visiting a foreign place always gets butterflies fluttering in one’s guts due to the excitement and anxiety of the unfamiliar environment he or she is about to experience. The thought of a far-off tropical paradise usually arouses much thrill. This is what I feel right now as I embark on a tour of a province in the Philippines called Bohol, situated in the Visayas, the second largest group of islands in this Asian country (Lonely Planet Travel Information). I have heard much about the tourist spots in the Philippines, and Bohol is one place garnering much praise. Perhaps that is why I am among a plane filled with foreigners from America and Europe and yes, also Asia, to visit this pristine place that promises one to forget his worries and indulge in the pleasures it offers weary bodies and souls. The Philippines is a small country in Asia rich in history and culture. The brown-skinned people have survived centuries of subjugation from foreign invaders. Thre e hundred thirty years as a colony of Spain, forty years of the USA and three years of Japan right before the second World War. Before colonization, a variety of foreign traders and settlers such as the Malays, the Indonesians, Arabs, Chinese, etc. migrated to the Philippines and left their influences on the people (Lonely Planet Travel Information â€Å"History of Philippines†). At present, Philippine culture boasts of a cornucopia of languages and dialects from its people, such as Pampangueno from the province of Pampanga, Ilonggo from the province of Iloilo, Visayan from Cebu, Samar, Leyte and the other Visayan provinces. The colloquial language is Tagalog, and this is mostly spoken in their national language which is called Filipino (Lonely Planet Travel Information). Food dishes from various provinces abound, tickling the palate with exotic tastes. A common favorite is Adobo, a meat dish marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, peppercorns and garlic, and Pancit, a noodl e dish filled with meat and vegetables (Lonely Planet Travel Information). During special celebrations and fiestas, roasted pig is the centerpiece of the dinner table where guests feast on the crunchy skin and succulent meat of the tenderized pork. The country is also rich in art. One of their earlier heroes, Juan Luna, painted the â€Å"Spoilarium†, a renowned masterpiece that has won many awards all over the world (Spoliarium Wikipedia).  Music and dance are likewise enjoyed immensely, as a host of native songs, instrumental music and dances are perennially present in programs showcasing the culture of the place the art originated from.                  The Philippines is home to several tourist destinations. It has many natural wonders such as the Mayon Volcano, which has an almost-perfect cone shape ( It also has the eighth wonder of the world - a man-made rice terraces called Banaue Rice Terraces, which is a mountainous region built by hand and about 2,000 years ago by the Ifugaos, natives of Banaue in the highlands (Banaue Rice Terraces).It was for their rice supply, rice, being the staple food of Filipinos, the people of the Philippines. The country surely has a variety of land and water forms with its rich natural resources.
Hitler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hitler - Essay Example Hitler at sixteen years old dropped out of school and went to Vienna with the intention of pursuing his dream. However, things did not out on his favour and the school where he was to attend refused to enroll him. He had to fend for himself doing all manner of undesirable jobs so as to survive. During this stay, he developed an interest in politics. His anti-Semitism and discernment of Jews started here (The Jewish Library, 2014). After five, years, Hitler decided to relocate to Munich where he joined the Germany army. His potential of a brave and skillful soldier were quite evident and was promoted through the ranks. He participated in World War I which Germany actually lost the war. There was much causality including him which led him to be admitted in hospital for several months. Devastated by the aftermath of the war he believed to be the person who was going to liberate German from its enemies. After healing, he was sent to spy on groups which seemed to be a threat to the German rule at the time. However, he deserted his mission and imposed himself as the leader of the group he was to spy on. Hitler is one of the best orators of all time; this talent helped him gain popularity among the people. With time, he increased the membership of the group tremendously. His dictatorship began to be visible as he never tolerated any opponents. He had a special force that could teach a lesson those who opposed him an d those that disrupted his meetings (The Jewish Library, 2014). His growing popularity made him attempt to overthrow the government but failed terribly and was sentenced to serve a 5yr jail term. However, the nine months spent in jail taught him important lessons in life about politics. After being released he decided in order to be the leader of Germany he had to gunner enough popularity and influence. His great speeches helped him receive support from the people that felt oppressed by the then regime.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Civil rights organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Civil rights organizations - Essay Example Recent economic crisis of the US has further aggravated the wealth inequality among the races. It is pertinent to note that between 2005 and 2009, median wealth of Hispanic households has reduced by 66% with only 16% wealth reduction among white households.African Americans or other people of color are less likely to invest in homes and retirement plans in comparison to Whites due to their lesser incomes. It has also been found that almost 31% of Hispanic and 35% of black households have nil or negative net worth; in comparison, the proportion of white households with nil or negative wealth is just 15 percent (NAACP: Our Work). The economic inequality that prevails in the US society, currently, is enormous and the NAACP is committed to bridge those gaps. In a bid to reduce it, the NAACP aims to work with government and industry to help them formulate an appropriate model that can reduce large economic gaps that exist within the society. The NAACP also aims at empowering local communi ties with the necessary resources to secure their educational advancement as a tool to bring economic equity in the society (NAACP: Our Work). Some of the measures that the NAACP has streamlined can be described as fair lending, diversity and inclusion, financial education, and community economic development. Nine banking principles developed by the NAACP aim at bringing fairness to the people of color along with improving their relationships with financial institutions so that they can avail mortgage loans without any difficulty.
GrammLeachBliley Act and its effect in Economy Essay
GrammLeachBliley Act and its effect in Economy - Essay Example The GLB Act is also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. As its name suggests, it is meant to bring into practice or reality what were then needed at that point –_ to modernize financial services. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton to repeal part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which limits what banks could do, GLB created opening up of the market among securities companies banking companies, and insurance companies. Under the Glass-Steagall Act, the three companies cannot be combined in any way but under GLB, they were made free to do so. The GLB Act therefore gave more power to the players of the financial services industry as it allowed consolidation or combination of commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies. The 1998 case of Citicorp, a commercial bank holding company, merging with Travelers Group, an insurance company by forming conglomerate Citigroup exemplified the case in point. A temporary waiver pro cess1 for combining securities, insurance, and banking was needed or the merger in 1998, would have violated the Glass-Steagall Act and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. GLB therefore legalized the merger on a permanent basis. How it became a law through the legislative process? Through congressional vote by chamber and party, GLB came about in 1999. Prior to said date, the banking industry had been seeking the repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act since the 1980s, if not earlier. In 1987, the Congressional Research Service reported on the matter, after exploring the cases for and against preserving the Glass-Steagall Act2. This was followed by respective versions of the legislation being introduced in the US Senate by Phil Gramm and US House of Representatives Jim Leach with the support of Rep Bliley, Jr, Chairman of House Commerce Committee from 1995 to 2001. As stated earlier, the banking industry
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Civil rights organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Civil rights organizations - Essay Example Recent economic crisis of the US has further aggravated the wealth inequality among the races. It is pertinent to note that between 2005 and 2009, median wealth of Hispanic households has reduced by 66% with only 16% wealth reduction among white households.African Americans or other people of color are less likely to invest in homes and retirement plans in comparison to Whites due to their lesser incomes. It has also been found that almost 31% of Hispanic and 35% of black households have nil or negative net worth; in comparison, the proportion of white households with nil or negative wealth is just 15 percent (NAACP: Our Work). The economic inequality that prevails in the US society, currently, is enormous and the NAACP is committed to bridge those gaps. In a bid to reduce it, the NAACP aims to work with government and industry to help them formulate an appropriate model that can reduce large economic gaps that exist within the society. The NAACP also aims at empowering local communi ties with the necessary resources to secure their educational advancement as a tool to bring economic equity in the society (NAACP: Our Work). Some of the measures that the NAACP has streamlined can be described as fair lending, diversity and inclusion, financial education, and community economic development. Nine banking principles developed by the NAACP aim at bringing fairness to the people of color along with improving their relationships with financial institutions so that they can avail mortgage loans without any difficulty.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Quantum Computing the Future Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Quantum Computing the Future - Research Paper Example This paper presents a detailed analysis of quantum computing. Quantum computing is a significant area of present-day research aimed at establishing computer related tools and machines based on the rules and regulations of quantum theory In this scenario, the quantum theory outlines the environment and performance of material and energy on the quantum, both at the atomic and subatomic level. . In addition, the quantum computing is not a new idea since it was first emerged in the 1970s. Moreover, the quantum computing is basically based on the ideas of quantum physics. For instance, it utilizes the properties of atoms offered by definite quantum physics theories to allow them to get together in form of quantum bits, which can be used for computer's processing (Stewart, 2011; Pawliw, 2010; Webopedia, 2011). This paper discusses the role of quantum computing, its history and future developments. The basic purpose of this research is to explain the role and importance of quantum computing in modern day information technology. Introduction The large volume of computing processing capabilities has been produced by high speed processing machines; however makers of these machines have not so far been capable to satisfy our desires for speed as well as processing competence. During 1947, American computer engineer Howard Aiken stated that only 6 electronic digital computers would convene the computing requirements of the U.S. Others have prepared comparable bad forecasts regarding the power of computing power that would facilitate their rising hi-tech requirements of processing capabilities (Bonsor & Strickland, 2000), (Spector, 2007) and (Spector, Quantum computing, 2008). Additionally, the developments have evolved since individuals found novel methods of using a variety of substantial resources like that forces, supplies as well as energies. In this scenario, the narration of computer and information processing technology has engaged a series of transformations of phy sical comprehension from mechanism to regulators to transistors to ICs and much more. Additionally, nowadays superior lithographic methodologies are able to compress portion of micron, broad logic gates as well as wires onto the exterior of silicon technology chips. In addition, quickly they will produce even lesser portions as well as certainly arrive at a level where logic gates are very short sized that they are created out of simply a small number of atoms (Bakir, 2011), (Franklin & Chong, 2004) and (Hughes & Williams, 2000). Furthermore, while working at atomic level that follows the policies of quantum mechanics is fairly dissimilar from the traditional policies that decide the characteristics of traditional logic gates. Consequently, if computers are to turn out to be smaller in the upcoming period, quantum technologies have to put back or add-up with what we are using at present. Here, the main idea is that the quantum technology is able to present a great deal more than cra mming increasingly bits to silicon chip as well as increasing the clock-speed of computer technology microprocessors. Moreover, it is as well able to help in latest type of calculations by providing qualitatively novel algorithms foundational upon quantum theory based standards (Bakir, 2011), (Franklin & Chong, 2004) and (Hughes & Williams, 2000). This paper presents a detailed overview of quantum computing. This research will cover the historical background of quantum comput
Monday, October 14, 2019
Food and Street Foods Essay Example for Free
Food and Street Foods Essay Introduction Bulacan was officially called â€Å"Bulacan Province†, is a first class province of the Republic of the Philippines located in the Central Luzon Region (Region 3) in the island of Luzon, North of Manila (the nation’s capital), and part of the Metro Luzon Urban Beltway Super Region. Bulacan pries itself for its rich historical heritage. Bulacan has fast become an ideal tourist destination, owing to its vital role in Philippine history, and its rich heritage in culture and the arts. The province is popularly known for its historical sites; nostalgic old houses and churches; idyllic ecological attractions; religious attractions; colorful and enchanting festivals; swimming and various themed attractions; and a wide selection of elegant native crafts and sumptuous delicacies. It is also home to numerous resorts, hotels, restaurants, and other recreational facilities. (Wikipedia). The briskness of Street foods in Bulacan can be measured by the long queue of consumers’ everyday in the food outlets in strategic places where street foods like: â€Å"lugaw†or Rice Porridge, goto, mami, fish balls, barbecued banana, salted peanuts and chicken pops. (Toledo, 1988) Street Foods is a â€Å"Survival Meals†, maybe because it satisfies the gustatory sense for a temporary period of time. (Soledad Leynes, 1986) In such case, eating away from home due to the changes in occupation and activities created a demand for cooked meals and snacks at a cheaper and affordable price that are served quickly. Dual career, parents and small families who really have no time to prepare their meals at home resort to street foods for convenience. These people seem not to care for the food source whether it comes from the legitimate food merchants or from the informal sector, otherwise called black market. (Soledad Leynes, 1986) Street foods, whether snacks or meals are affordable and always available, which are very popular among the low income households to a large extent and increasingly a daily fare among the middle income groups. Households with working mothers are afforded ready to eat meals without the burden of cooking at home. Street food caters to the needs of the urban poor population by making food readily available and at low cost. Thus, street food vending is a traditional activity which can be considered a coping mechanism of the urban poor. Street foods are ready-to-eat foods and beverages prepared and/or sold by vendors or hawkers especially in the streets and other similar places. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) They represent a significant part of urban food consumption for millions of low-and-middle-income consumers, in urban areas on a daily basis. Street foods may be the least expensive and most accessible means of obtaining a nutritionally balanced meal outside the home for many low income people, provided that the consumer is informed and able to choose the proper combination of foods. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Statement of the Problem. This study was conducted to assess the Quality of Food Products of Street foods sold by the ambulant vendors along the busy streets and sidewalks of Bulacan. 1. What is the status of the ambulant vendors of Bulacan in terms of: 2. 1. Gender 2. 2. Age 2. 3. Civil Status 2. 4. Income 2. 5. Family size 2. 6. Educational attainment 2. What is the nutritional quality of food products sold by the ambulant vendors in Bulacan in terms of: 3. 7. Food Supply 3. 8. Food Preparation 3. 9. Food Handling 3. What orientation program could be proposed to the ambulant vendors to improve the nutritional quality and safety of the food?
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Opening A Cafe In Moscow Russia Marketing Essay
Opening A Cafe In Moscow Russia Marketing Essay We are a newly established company in food and drink industry. We plan to set up our first cafà © shop in a business area in Moscow, Russia. We want to differentiate ourselves from our competitors by providing high product quality and high service quality. Our cafà © shop is not only a place for people to enjoy life but also a suitable place to work. Russia is a very different in culture (Euro-Asia) comparing to other western countries. It changes so quickly that we need to work deeply on our marketing plan to adapt to this fast changing market. 2. Market Analysis 2.1. The Market of Russia Russia is the worlds largest country in terms of area, stretching from the Baltic to the Pacific across 10 time zones, with an estimated population of 144 million. Russia is one of the fastest growing emerging markets at present with a GDP growth of 7 percent in 2008. Revenue from crude oil and natural gas exports and strong domestic demand are contributing to a booming economy, making it the bright spot in an otherwise challenging region. Russia ranked third, in A.T. Kearneys Global Retail Development Index 2008, which qualifies it as one of the most attractive retail markets for international investors. Robust income growth, a reduction in unemployment, consistent government policy and a rapidly increasing middle class offer optimistic expectations for the future development of retailing in Russia. 2.2.The Market of Moscow ¼Ã‹â€ where we want to set up our first cafà ©Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Moscow is the capital and the largest city of the Russian Federation. It is also the largest city in Europe, with the Moscow metropolitan ranking among the largest urban areas in the world. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the world. 2.2.1. Population According to the 2002 Census the population of the Moscow was 10,382,754, however, this figure only takes into account legal residents. Substantial numbers of internal migrants mean that Moscows population is still increasing. 2.2.2. Economy Moscow is a major economic centre and is home to the largest number of billionaires in the world, which is the reason why we choose Moscow to start our Cafà © chain business before expand to other cities of Russia. Since a significant portion of Russias profits and development is concentrated in Moscow as many multi-national corporations have branches and offices in the city, we may consider whether to target this segment of white-collar working class by providing a special quieter area in our coffee shop especially for them, with Wi-Fi free of charge, making them feel that our coffee shop is a suitable place to work while enjoying their coffee break. 2.2.3. Crime However, while the overall stability has improved in the recent years, crime continues to remain a problem hindering business development. Pick-pocketing is frequent in Moscow, as well as burglary from vehicles. Organized crime in Moscow and Russia in general, has often been involved with drug trafficking, cyber crime, prostitution, and financial crimes. Thus, we have to consider the security level when we are selecting the location of our coffee shop(s), not only for the safety of our shop itself, but for the safety of our employees and our customers. 2.2.4. Transportation Air There are five primary commercial airports serving Moscow: Sheremetyevo International Airport, Domodedovo International Airport, Bykovo Airport, Ostafievo International Airport and Vnukovo International Airport. We may consider whether we open a coffee shop inside the Sheremetyevo International Airport or/and the Domodedovo International Airport, as Sheremetyevo International Airport is the most common entry point for foreign passengers, handling 60% of all international flights, while Domodedovo International Airport is the leading airport in Russia in terms of passenger throughput, and is the primary gateway to long-haul domestic and CIS destinations and its international traffic rivals Sheremetyevos. Metro Local transport includes the Moscow Metro, a metro system famous for its art, murals, mosaics, and ornate chandeliers. Today, the Moscow Metro contains twelve lines, mostly underground with a total of 177 stations. The Moscow Metro is one of worlds busiest metro systems, serving more than nine million passengers daily. Again, when selecting the location of our coffee shop, we have to take into account the transportation factor. We must choose a place where it is not only easy to recognize but also convenient to arrive at. 2.2.5. Internet User Internet penetration is lower than in Western countries, although it is developing at a fast pace in Russia, and is currently at 30.2%. The number of internet users has risen from just 220,000 in 1995 to 42,936,000 users in 2007. Service providers are expanding beyond their traditional markets in Moscow and St. Petersburg into Russias regions. Although still low at around 38%, PC penetration improved rapidly from less than 1% in 1990. Continued growth in the home ownership of PCs will spur further development in the number of internet users as PC ownership and internet development are closely linked. Possession of PC and growth of internet users: 2002-2007  ¼Ã‹â€ Source: Euromonitor International from national statistics/ITU ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° 3. Industrial Analysis 3.1. Foodservice Industry in Russia Cafà ©s and restaurants account for 37.3% of the industrys value in 2007. 3.1.1. Market Value Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the industry in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 5.1%. 3.1.2. Market Volume Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the industry volume in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 0.3%. From the above data, we can see that the market volume for the next 5 years is expected to grow steadily but low in growth rate, In 2012, the Russian foodservice industry is forecast to have a volume of 5,112.1 million transactions, an increase of 1.7% since 2007, while the market value during this period will enjoy a healthy growth. In 2012, it is forecast to have a value of $6.5 billion (165.6RUR billion), an increase of 28.3% since 2007. That is to say, the market will be in a trend with low volume of transactions but can generate higher value. This information will lead us to differentiate our cafà © shop from other common coffee shops by providing high quality of products and service with comparatively higher prices. 3.2. Hot Drinks Industry in Russia Coffee sales proved the most lucrative for the Russian hot drinks market in 2007, generating total revenues of $2.5 billion, equivalent to 64.1% of the markets overall value. In comparison, sales of tea generated revenues of $1.3 billion in 2007, equating to 33.5% of the markets aggregate revenues. 3.2.1. Market Value Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 2.2%. 3.2.2. Market Volume Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the market volume in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 0.9%. In 2012, the Russian hot drinks market is forecast to have a value of $4.3 billion, an increase of 11.3% since 2007, and a volume of 285.8 million kg, an increase of 4.7% since 2007. Again, the above data justifies our decision of entering Russia market, as coffee still remains the most popular and important hot drinks among Russians. Buyer Power Self-realized muscovite people with high consumption potential Spontaneous group of people buying compulsively Needs and wants change very quickly 3.3.Porter five forces Indirect Competitors Retail stores and malls New Players New large groups like Starbuck chain look at enter the market Long time to enter the market because of barrier of laws and government Number of new players already in the market Foodservice Industry Russia Number of new companies, choice offered to the customer Higher growth in value than in volume Differentiation in product quality and visibility Brand building is key for this market very competitive market Services alliances (suppliers) Necessity to make alliances with suppliers to survive Importance of having good quality food at low price  ¼Ã‹â€ Source ¼Ã… ¡DataMonitor Published September 2008) 3.4. SWOT analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Strong market growth Purchasing high quality raw materials give us a competitive advantage Being able to adapt our product and business model to the market needs and wants customer changes Strong market study to verify our assumptions on the field and later on adaptation through regular surveys Strong operation process Alliances with suppliers Staying aware of the different cultures that exist in Moscow Strong values in accordance with customers own values (e.g. on quality respect) Time to implement the structure due to our lack of market knowledge Seasoned industry (week-end and days off for holidays because of business area) High cost for commodities (high level of equipment required) Build a partnership with business partners can be long and not solid enough Lack of stability of human resources OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Taking into account the market changes High capacity for adaptation Having a leading strategy In Moscow will put us one step ahead from competitors, is a key factor to create a new trend Create a team spirit in the company that keep Faithful the human resources Government regulation: Competitors like Starbuck Coffee with a financial advantage Market demand difficult to evaluate 4. Strategies Our strategy is a market penetration strategy, focusing reaching a new customer market niche. Current products New products Current Markets Market penetration Strategy Product-development Strategy New Markets Market development Strategy Diversification Strategy Source: Strategies for diversification by Igor Ansoff Our approach is to enhance relationships with our customers, the self-realized people that it corresponds to middle-aged people with a high consumption potential. 4.1. Objectives (a 5-year Plan) Investment: 100,000 euros for the first cafà © shop Timetable: Time actions results T0 +6 months Marketing study T0 + 12 months Preparation for the establishment of our first cafà © in Moscow Get everything done before operation (place, suppliers, HR, etc) T0+30 months (to be consolidated) (Breakeven point) (estimated after 18 months of operation) operation of our first Cafà © shop and consolidation At least to reach breakeven T0+36 months Find investors and prepare to open the second cafà © shop Open the second cafà © in the same city T0+ 60 months Find investors and prepare to open more cafà © shop Expend more cafà © shops in other cities in Russia Quantifiable Average number of customer per day Number of days of operation per year (5 days / week) Total sales per year Estimated profit after 2 years of operation (5%) 300 400 250 days 500,000 euros 25000 euros per year Achievable We think that our objectives are achievable and this lowest estimate will be consolidated. 4.2. Segmentation/Targeting To be useful, market segments must rate favorably on five keys criteria: It has to be measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable and actionable. (Source Kotler Keller Marketing management second edition) The segment, we have chosen for this marketing plan complies with those criteria. Our target is the Self realized groups of Customers: What are their characteristics? Self-realized group is middle-aged people with a higher proportion of women. They have a high consumption potential. Their values go to life quality and healthcare. On the opposite of innovators group or spontaneous ones, they dont like advertisement. They want to make their own choice based on the facts they have access. What are our assumptions regarding to the benefits this type of customers want to find when entering in our Cafà ©? The list of characteristics we need to measure thanks to a marketing survey before applying to our Cafà © are the followings. Quality 1st Quick to get Comfortable when having more time Segmentation Customer type Benefits Innovators Spontaneous Ambitious Self-realized Settled Traditionalists Thrifty High quality drinks/food 3 1 5 1 5 2 6 High quality service 4 2 6 2 6 1 6 Relaxing area 2 5 4 4 2 4 5 Nice working area (with wi-fi) 6 6 1 3 4 6 5 Nice place to meet people 1 3 2 6 1 5 4 Takeaway/Phone order delivery service 5 4 3 5 3 3 4 Segment B A C A C D D Targeting: We want to target segment A which include Spontaneous and self-realized people. The second largest group, the Spontaneous, is dominated by men and singles, and they often buy goods impulsively. The Self-realised are middle-aged people, with a higher proportion of women, and a high consumption potential. This important group tends to be irritated by advertising, valuing quality and pays attention to healthcare. Explanation of the customer types in segmentation: Region-Media, specialists in Russian advertising, have conveniently identified seven types of consumers in this market. The growing group of Innovators are mainly based in Moscow, prefer to spend their free time involved in sports activities and active leisure and eat out in restaurants featuring exotic cuisine. The second largest group, the Spontaneous, is dominated by men and singles, and they often buy goods impulsively. The cluster of the Ambitious is smaller, and relies on advertising when looking for a product. The Self-realized are middle-aged people, with a higher proportion of women, and a high consumption potential. This important group tends to be irritated by advertising, valuing quality and pays attention to healthcare. The largest group are the Settled (25% of consumers in Russia and 21% in Moscow), a rather traditional group with great brand affinity: innovations barely interest them. The Traditionalists pack a low consumer potential, as half of them are retired and lo yal to retail outlets that have survived since Soviet times. The last and smallest cluster, Thrifty, mainly shops in discount shops. (Source: Top 10 consumer trends in Russia) 4.3. Positioning To convince customers of our targeted segment that coming in our cafà © will offer the benefits they need. To spontaneous and self-realized people in Moscow that our cafà © shop is a nice place for both working and relaxation, because it offers products and services in high quality, free wi-fi access, takeaway/ phone order delivery services, 4.4. Designing the Offer ( Marketing Mix) 4.4.1. Products We offer high quality drinks and healthy food with first rate raw material. For us, products must be natural and fresh. Examples: Coffee ¼Ã… ¡ The basic offer contains, cappuccino, latte and espressos made with grains from different countries as Brazil, Italia, Colombia or Kenya. Chocolate: Our Caramel Chocolate is a creation with cold chocolate, whipped cream and a drizzle of hot caramel syrup. The Canadian chocolate is made with dark chocolate and cranberries. Tea: Our basic offer is represented by international flavour as Green tea and white tea from Japan and China and yellow tea, a very rare and delicate blend from China. The last one is Ceylon tea, a black tea from Sri Lanka. We also offer flavoured teas as Jasmine tea from India, a combination of green tea and oxidized jasmine flowers. The Mint tea from Morocco is Gunpowder tea in which is added, during the infusion, fresh mint leaves and sugar. And finally, Earl Grey tea that is a tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit. Our Cafe Menu COFFEECHOCOLATE Espresso The essence of coffee extracted into a concentrated one ounce beverage Espresso Macchiato A shot of espresso marked with a dollop of foamed milk Traditional Cappuccino Espresso combines with a velvety milk foam. _ 1/3 espresso _ 1/3 steamed milk _ 1/3 frothed milk Mocha Espresso with foamed milk with chocolate syrup or powder added Latte Espresso combines with steamed milk, topped with a small amount of milk foam. _ 1/3 espresso _ 2/3 milk Americano Espresso diluted (after brewing) with an equal portion of hot water Latte Art Latte Rosetta Hot Chocolate Mexican Chocolate Canadian chocolate Caramel Chocolate TEA Bushells, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Vanilla, Arctic Fire. Herbal Teas: Red Zinger, Chamomile, Lemon, Peppermint Ceylon tea: a black tea from Sri Lanka Green tea yellow tea: from China White tea: from Japan Jasmine tea: from India Mint tea: from Morocco SOUP Tomato Dill Soup Creamy tomato soup with chunks of sweet tomato. Topped with sour cream. Chicken Tortilla Soup Steamy chicken broth loaded with smoked chicken, jack and cheddar cheeses, tortilla strips and scallions. Potato Cheese Soup Rich and creamy potato soup topped with jack and cheddar cheeses, bacon and scallions. Hot borchtch (à ‘à  ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ °): Traditional Russians soups made with beetroot, beans, cabbage, carrots and beef with thick dark bread. Butternut Squash and Sage Soup Olive oil, onion, squashes, fresh sage, chicken broth , salt and freshly ground black pepper Shrimp and Basil Bisque Unsalted butter, onion , carrots , celery , bay leaf, long-grain rice, chopped tomatoes, basil leaves, heavy cream, salt and freshly ground black pepper White Bean and Rosemary Soup with Roasted Garlic Croutons Unsalted butter, olive oil, onion, carrots, celery, vegetable broth, fresh rosemary Creamy Potato Soup with Sour Cream, Bacon and Chives Bacon, onion, garlic, potatoes, chicken broth, salt and freshly ground black pepper , sour cream, Cheddar cheese ,chives Wintertime Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons Olive oil, celery, carrot, tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, vegetable broth, bay leaf, cream salt and freshly ground black pepper Stracciatella (Italian Egg Drop Soup) Chicken broth, eggs, grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish, semolina flour, spinach, parsley, nutmeg, salt and freshly ground black pepper Mushroom Solyanka: cabbage with vinegar, tomatoes, and cucumber pickles, with little brine, mushrooms, onions, lemon skin. SALAD House Salad Mixed field greens with hearts of palm, red cabbage carrots. Served with your choice of a Candle dressing. Classic Caesar Romaine lettuce with herbed croutons in a creamy caesar dressing and sprinkled with toasted dulse. Chicken Salad Mixed leaves, chicken pieces, cucumber, tomato, corn, boiled egg and dijon mustard dressing Soba Noodle Salad Soba Noodles, ginger grilled tofu, shiitake mushrooms, edamame, julienne carrots, radish and sesame seeds over mesclun with a creamy wasabi dressing. Roasted Pear Salad Arugula, roasted pears, shaved fennel, cashew-tofu cheese and toasted walnuts. Served with a cranberry vinaigrette dressing. Aztec Salad Bi-color quinoa, black beans, red onions jicama topped with spiced pumpkin seeds and barbequed grilled tempeh. served over mixed field greens with a toasted cumin vinaigrette. Buffalo Chicken Salad Fried chicken tossed with spicy Buffalo sauce and served over a bed of mixed greens with Bleu Cheese crumbles, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs. Best with Bleu Cheese dressing. California Bleu Salad Fresh mixed greens topped with Bleu Cheese crumbles, spicy sugared walnuts and fresh strawberries. Served with Bleu Cheese toast. Best with Sweet Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing. Hawaiian Chicken Shrimp Salad A skewer of spicy grilled shrimp and tender diced chicken tossed in a sesame marinade. Served atop fresh mixed greens with tomatoes, sweet pineapple chunks, walnuts and toasted coconut. Best with Asian Sesame dressing. Monterey Chicken Salad Herb seasoned or Cajun-style chicken atop fresh mixed greens with bacon and egg, tomatoes, jack and cheddar cheeses. Best with Honey Mustard dressing. Spinach Goat Cheese Salad Leaf spinach, red onions, mushrooms, bacon and egg with goat cheese, topped with spicy sugared walnuts. Best with our Hot Bacon Vinaigrette. Asian Sesame Salad Diced fried chicken tossed in our sesame marinade over mixed greens, red onions, tomatoes and mandarin oranges. Topped with Asian noodles. Best with Asian Sesame dressing. Smoked Chicken Cobb Salad Smoked chicken atop mixed greens with tomatoes, black olives, red onions, jack and cheddar cheeses and crumbled bacon. Best with Ranch dressing. Provence Salad Chicken, ham, corn, peppers, cheese, cucumber, tomato, egg, mixed salad with a whole grain mustard and herbs de Provence dressing Nordic Salad Smoked salmon from Norway, egg, salad, sorrel, chives and raspberry vinegar Scallop Caviar Salad Fresh scallops, sevrugas caviar, endive, cider vinegar and saffron SMOOTHIES and HEALTH DRINKS Orange, Banana or Berry Smoothie Milkshakes Banana, Strawberry, Mango and Kiwi with pieces of white and dark chocolate on the top. Vitamin Power Strawberries, kiwifruit, yoghurt, soy milk, wheat germ and honey (high in vitamins) Pick Me Up Banana, pineapple juice, coconut milk, yoghurt, honey, wheat germ and ice (energy booster) San Pellegrino Still or sparkling water Freshly Squeezed Orange Apple or Cranberry juice Glass of Milk DESSERTS Carrot Cake Decadent Chocolate Cake Daily Cheese cake Sweet Potato Pie Seasonal Fruit Crumb Pie Chocolate Mousse Pie ( For the detailed price, we have to consolidate it during the first 6 months of detailed marketing study) 4.4.2. Services Our employees are well trained waiters and waitresses. They will always welcome customers with warm smile and serve you in a very polite manner. We also offer takeaway or phone order services for people in a hurry. We just want to provide as much convenience as possible to meet our customers needs. 4.4.3. Price According to our marketing research, the average cost for drinks is around 100RUB (3euros), desserts for 100RUB (3euros), a good meal costs about 400RUB (12euros) for one person, etc. As we are a cafà © with better products and services, we would price our products above average, say: CoffeeChocolate: 5-8 euros Drinks: 3-8 euros Tea: 5-10 euros Soup: 5-8 euros Salad: 5-10 euros Desserts: 3-8 euros 4.4.4. Place (distribution) We plan to find a place near the business area because our main target is business people who care about quality of the products and services. In our future planning, we would like to develop our cafà © business in Russia through franchising after we have established the model of our cafà © brand, of course, this idea should be based on the good operation result of our first cafà © shop. 4.4.5. Promotions As we are a totally new cafe shop in Moscow, it is very necessary to use effective ways to make us known to Moscow people. We plan to use the following methods to promote ourselves: Advertising Advertise our cafe shop on magazines such as business magazines, food magazines, etc. and newspapers Advertise our cafe through radio, so that Moscow people can get the information during breakfast time, driving a car, etc. We do not plan to do advertisement, for it is too expensive for us, however, radio ads is a comparatively cheaper way. Showing billboard-type ads in business areas Using transit ads on buses, subways and commuter trains Internet Marketing We decide to build up our own website in order to provide as much information as we can to attract more customers. Sales Promotion Establish customer management system. Offer a fidelity card for customers when reaches a certain amount of consumption. And each time they consume in our coffee shop, they earn points into his card. The earned points can be used as cash to pay for the products they buy in our cafe shop. Offer coupons occasionally Offer free goods according to different national holidays (eg. Valentines Day; Christmas, etc. 5. Action Plan Research has shown that: Relationship Marketing is the ongoing process of identifying and creating value with individual customers and then sharing the benefits from this over a lifetime association. It involves Understanding, focusing and management of ongoing collaboration Between suppliers and selected customers For mutual value creation and sharing Through interdependence and organizational alignment. (From Gordon, Relationship Marketing, pg9.) To implement our strategy with this approach we need to focus on customer benefits on a long time scale basis. The action plan has been established using this approach. What Objectives Benefit When Who/Lead Team organization Organize the whole team. What are the objectives, the milestones, people in chargeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Project Manager (PM) Align the project strategy with the business customer expectations Be align on a same set of objectives Going the same way. PM Project Launch Start the new project and let it know Project team/PM Describing the process and the people involved Be aware of the advantages each one has to forecast and organize in advance. Understand the constraints and possibilities offered by the process. By knowing who is doing what and for which purpose, people can improve the whole process Taking into account the customer survey Designing the offer, adapt the menu Adapt to the consumer requirements Designing the offer
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Narrative- Water Slide Experience Essay example -- Personal Narrative
Narrative- Water Slide Experience I was so excited. I could hardly breathe through the hour drive it took to get there. I was squished between my two ten-year-old best friends in the back seat of a white Saturn, but I didn't care. I was practicing over and over in my head what I was going to say to all the smart-alecky adults who would tell me I was too young to ride the water slides. I was simply going to reply, "Actually I'm ten, going on eleven." On the right of me sat the girl I met in preschool, the swimmer who was named after a state like me: Tennessee. She was the observant artist. She sat there holding a deck of cards, trying to find all the queens. I could tell she was nervous. Her hands were sweating. The cards were damp and at one point they slipped from her fingers. She giggled unhappily. I looked down and realized mine were sweating too. On my left was the girl who spoke for the three of us. She was the big cheese. Anna was without a doubt, the most daring of the three of us. She was the one who started the famous food fight of '95 in the Travis cafeteria. She told the entire school that her sister ran away to join the circus in '96,and in '97 she broke a boy's arm, wrestling. It was obvious that she was going to ride the infamous "death slide." In fact as soon as we jumped out of the car she screamed, "I'm going to ride the biggest ride at Schlitterbahn, 'The Death Slide.'" I was still debating on whether or not to go on the newest and scariest ride of Schlitterbahn. Anna was humming "Jon Jacob," and acting like it was no big deal. Tennessee was practically shaking and saying, "Everything will be fine. I'll ride the kiddy slide." She was joking, but I knew that thought was probably going through her he... ...The lifeguard yelled, "Keep your hands and your feet together." I sat down on the edge at the very top of the slide, he gave me a hard, fast push and I was off. It was like sliding down a vertical stick. I had to squeeze my arms to my chest and keep my clenched feet together. I was screaming so hard, I had a sore throat the next day. But I wasn't screaming from pain or freight but excitement. When we got to the bottom Tennessee and I were laughing and throwing up our arms in victory. Anna wasn't too happy with us at first but she got over it, though she never did go down The Death Slide that day. I know it was just a ride in a park, but I always think about day when I'm feeling too scared to try something new. I remember what it felt like to fly down that big blue slide. I realize that I might be quiet, even invisible, but hidden inside me is a brave heart.
Friday, October 11, 2019
JetBlue and WestJet
How important is the reservation system at airlines such as West Jet and JetBlue. How does it impact operational activities and decision making? Over the past years, it seems customers have heavily relied on airline reservation systems to book their tickets, reserve seats, pay for the tickets, and check-in-online. This has been very convenient for customers to plan their trips. These systems have also allowed the airlines to manage their whole flight inventory. They have the all the information stored and recorded and maintained.It provides a platform for communication between airlines for their â€Å"code-sharing plans†this also allows agents or other ticketing office to see real time information such as booking or seat availability (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). Because all of the parties rely on heavily on these systems it is important for Airlines Company to have it. A perfect example of the chaos that is created when one company decides to switch to a newer version of this sys tem would be the case of WestJet.The impact of operational activities and decision making has greatly changed with the new system. The system has helped the airlines maintain accounts with other airlines, as well as help processes internal information between departments with more efficiency since everything is done online (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). Now that customers can plan, book, and pay online for their trips it as boosted customer satisfaction with faster service.This system has allowed airlines to make good strategic decisions on which routes to monopolize, and how to improve their services by accessing information about previous customers stored on the system. However, this system can affect customers’ decision while they are booking for example if the system is slow or not user friendly customers may be more likely to go to a different site to book their flights. Evaluate the risks of the projects to upgrade the reservation systems of WestJet and JetBlue and key risk f actors. There are always risks to any business when they are upgrading their systems.However, the biggest risk to a business is the down time that they will occur when transferring and receiving data from the old system to the new upgraded system, not to mention the time it will take to train the employees that will be overseeing the new system. In the situation with WestJet and JetBlue upgrading the reservations system had its own risks and it could only go two ways smooth with no inconvenience to the customer or horrible wrong and the customers are angry and your good name is now in trouble (Laudon & Laudon, 2013).Despite the extensive training that WestJet had before the upgrade, it did not prepare them enough for when they went live some of the problems they had were not on the practice test environment they trained with. No one can predict that the updates to the information system will could create a defect in the system. The time it took to transfer the information to the res ervation system could create a gap in the services to the customer. Having a major outage to their online services could cause major setbacks for the two companies that neither of them could afford.Classify and describe the problems each airline faced in implementing its new reservation system. What people, organization, and technology factors caused those problems? In the case of WestJet successfully planning the development would have saved them millions of dollars, and it would have saved them many of angry customers. WestJet biggest mistake was they did not have a plan for system failure as well as the extra help at the call centers until it was too late and the issue was already out of control.If WestJet would have planned for the time it would have took to transfer all their files to the new system, and lighted the passenger load they would bypassed all the problems they had during the transfer. JetBlue on the other hand did successfully plan the switch they decided to do the switch when the airlines were not as busy and they also decided to book fewer seats during the time of the switch (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). They also a built a backup system to prepare for the worst, and hiring temporary call center workers was a great idea this allowed them to make sure they were available for customers during the transition.However, there were a few glitches such as wait times for calls and the airport kiosks and ticket printers were not online right away they still managed to be well prepared for any of these problems. Describe the steps you would have taken to control the risk in these projects? The steps I would have taken to control the risks in this project would be similar to what JetBlue did. I would have planned for an outage in the system and tried to look at the situation from the customer’s point of view.The training that we have done to prepare us for this new system cannot prepare us for everything that can go wrong during the transition. I woul d have to look beyond what could happen and prepare for that. I would slowly move the company into the transition and prepare the customers for it as well. Maybe by letting the customers know up front that the company will be doing a transition on the reservations system will allow customers to be prepared in the case something happens while making their reservations.Offering some sort of discount will help the customers through the transition and help keep the customers loyal to our company. On the business side making sure that we have options if something goes wrong by having a backup system we can turn to if the new system goes down. Making sure we do not over book our flights during the first few days of the transition and making sure we are all prepared and ready for anything that can happen is the only way we could overcome the situation.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Domestic Trafficking
Chapter 8 discussed domestic drug trafficking organizations. It distinguished the traditional and nontraditional organized crimes. The problem of organized crime in the United States is nothing new. The drug trade has changed organized crime by creating new, violent, and more sophisticated criminal groups. Although these groups often clash, they mostly work together in order to generate a bigger profit. In this chapter, the booked examined some of the largest and most active organized crime groups in the domestic illicit drug trade. One gang discussed was the Mafia. The Mafia, known as, â€Å"La Cosa Nostra, which has been a source of controversy for years. Its roots are in Italy and Sicily during the mid- 1800s. The Mafia is common referred to as a domestic criminal organization, with two factions of traditional organized crime operated in the United States, American and Sicilian Mafia. Mafia families would meet to divide territory, choose rackets, approve new members, and arbitrate disputes between the families. During the late 196s and early 1970s, France became well known as a distribution point fir an estimated 80 percent of the world’s heroin. Marseilles became the center of heroin laboratories that processed raw opium brought in from Turkey. Heroin was then smuggles into the United Stated by French Corsicans as well as Sicilian Mafia members. France is no longer considered a major producer of heroin sold on the U. S. market Associations with known Mafia type is illegal, whether a crime is committed or not. Association also applies to the Camorra and other â€Å"Mafia-type†groups. Exile is the locations for convicted Mafiosi have been established I towns with populations of fewer than 10,000, and an unauthorized exit of the location shall result in imprisonment. Property and other assets are subject to confiscation. Telephone wiretaps are authorized on people suspected of belonging to â€Å"Mafia-type†organizations. The term omerta is defined in its most negative connotation as a â€Å"conduct of noncooperation with public safety fficials due to fear. There is much controversy on what it is that the Mafia actually does. They argue that the evidence to support the existence of such a group is weak and open to other interpretations and that empirical research has failed to confirm the existence of such a dominant, complex, hierarchically organized criminal group. The historical evidence is sometimes weal and contradictory and empirical research conducted on organized crim e fails to demonstrate the existence of the Mafias a single conspiracy. There is little doubt that some individuals in linked with the Italian dominated criminal organizations in both the United States and Sicily have been involved in Large-scale drug trafficking. Outlaw Motorcycle gangs have created a historic role in organized crime and in the drug trade. According to U. S. Treasury’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, OMG have evolved into one of the most reprehensible types of criminal organizations, consisting of killers, psychotics, panderers, and social misfits. The Hells Angels, The Outlaws, The Pagans, The Bandidos are all notorious motorcycle gangs.
Generalist Practice in Social Work Essay
As generalist, social workers operate from a base of diverse skills which enable them to help individuals with personal problems, while simultaneously confronting the larger issues which are problematic for communities or organizations. Based upon the Generalist Intervention Model, today’s social worker must be equipped with a skill set that is able to address micro, mezzo and macro systems in order to effect change and address issues at each of these levels. Micro systems are defined as individuals, mezzo systems represent small groups and macro systems are large organizations and communities. This book outlines the bases of these three areas of practice in the form of a guide. We are shown the commonalities between the three systems. More importantly a practical model for initiating macro change in organizations and communities is provided in detail; along with analysis of the specific skill set required to enact these changes thru the macro intervention process. This book i s essential for helping the social worker to understand how to effectively advocate for client resources and services, by using agency skills within a community context. The ability to navigate from community to agency, in providing client services is the bases of achievement within the social worker profession. Knowledge of the macro system as it pertains to the role of the agency is germaine to establishing what a social worker can and cannot accomplish for their client. Similarly community issues must be understood for the impact that they present on the social workers ability to perform. The core of the book’s ideology on generalist practitioners is that they possess a wide diverse skill set along with comprehensive understanding of organizational functioning, to perform as a liaison helping their clients (micro system) to benefit from the macro system. Specifically, the book delineates the need for social workers to be thoroughly aware of how organizations function within the community and within towns, counties, states, the national and on the international level, to have a working framework that will enable them to help individual clien ts, groups, families and communities. This book seeks to address the means of accessing resources and contributing to effecting change within the organization to this end. In exploring the macro systems, diverse methods of intervention are presented, from the perspective of how they affect the social worker’s ability to provide services at the community and organizational levels. The strategies offered in the exploration of the generalist intervention model have proven effective when utilized to present ideas involving changes at the macro level, which are based upon experiences encountered in providing micro services. This is an essential part of the social worker’s role, helping the agency to improve service to clients, from input gained from the social worker in actual practice. Generalist practice is an outgrowth from historical social worker practice, in its expansive approach which incorporates a wide knowledge of skills and professional values enabling the social worker to work across the board, i n providing specific client services. This model represents a change in the historical practice of having practicitioners specialize in one area of practice, such as with individuals or administration. In employing the generalist approach the overriding benefit is that problems are now dealt with from numerous perspectives that may involve all three systems. Presenting the foundation for generalist practice the authors define knowledge, skills and values as the basic three areas needed to be assessed when evaluating any problem. This paradigm is further broken down into the steps to be undertaken to put the model into usage. These fundamental critical thinking skills include engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination and follow up, with room for reassessment or discontinuation of contact as the basis of the the generalist intervention model. Specific case histories are given as examples of how these steps can be effectively enacted to address the wide range of problems that social workers confront. To this end, the authors target the basic requirements for social workers necessary to enacting the generalist practice as: extreme flexibility, wide base of knowledge about many aspects of life and the mastery of a range of problem solving skills that may be utilized at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. Therefore the ability to apply this knowledge, combined with professional values thru the use of recognized skills and practices, forms the basis of generalist practice. In possessing these skills, the social worker is able to work within any size system in a wide range of professional capacities. Some of these may include mediator, education, initiator, negotiator, advocate, and general manager, as examples. Presenting the varied roles, necessary for the social worker to perform, the author’s elucidate upon a variety of topics related to professional ethics, exploring the values and mindset that the social worker needs to adapt to their professional role effectively. Special attention is given to the aspects of diversity, and how this relates particularly to populations who are at risk, where special attention needs to be given to insure that social justice is being enacted in the care for oppressed people who may have been marginalized. How these values are encoded in the NASW’s code of ethics is also touched upon. In addition to discussing the importance of utilizing critical thinking skills in social work, practitioners are prese nted with the hierarchy of steps necessary for effecting planned change at the micro level. From the micro level, a similar protocol is furnished for planned change at the macro level, which encompasses many of the same steps but utilized in an expanded version of the first model. This problem solving model is based upon The Prepare Process, which is given an in-depth treatment demonstrating how the practitioner may put this model into actual effect. Basically, the authors treat the three practices using the same fundamental process, as it is stressed that the skills acquired to work with each group, simply are expanded to incorporate the needs of the preceding groups. To this end, the book delves into the specific use of micro skills for addressing planned change at the macro level. Social worker practitioners are shown how to utilize professional communication skills such as an examination of nonverbal and verbal communication patterns, in an effort to show how to initiate and deal in relationships with professional colleagues, community members, political contacts and th ose in administrative positions. Practical subjects such as conflict resolution and effective supervisory skills are explored in depth. In offering an overview of basic communication skills needed to interact effectively at the micro level, the discussion addresses eye contact, listening attentively, nonverbal cues from facial expressions, body language and the conveyance of warmth and empathetic responses to convey feelings of genuine concern for the clients. The impact of these nonverbal signals is explored from the context that this type of communication may have in varying multicultural applications. Many practical examples are presented enabling the social worker to learn the appropriate verbal expressions to convey the desired sentiments. These are offered to the practitioner thru a series of vignettes, illustrating the key points discussed. Branching out into a discussion of communication as it relates to the macro level, the authors present additional specific tools and techniques for enhancing the commun ication process such as clarification, encouragement, sensitivity to cultural norms, paraphrasing and reflective responding. Specific treatment of the topic of assertiveness, which encompasses aggressive communication as it is applicable to the macro context, is explored in depth. A good deal of detailed strategy and discussion of aspects of the role of and the resolving of conflicts are handled adroitly. Case studies are provided to help assimilate the factual information as it is most often to be encountered in the field. The complex role of the supervisor is addressed, from the perspective of the most efficient means of communicating as a worker being supervised or as the one administering the supervision. A detailed analysis of the way that workers evaluate supervisors, according to their level of expectation is presented as a highlight. This important basic information on the dynamics of the supervisory role is then broken down and addresses the entire gamut of factors that those in a supervisory position need to be cognizant of, to do their job effectively. This encompasses the educational and administrative functions that accompany the supervisor’s role, which include record keeping, agenda planning, and commitment to improvement of communication skills, showing enthusiasm for work activities, and engaging other employees by using a spirit of cooperation. Problems that confront those functioning in a supervisory capacity are explored in detail. An exploration of the challenges that the social worker practitioner may encounter from the supervisor, as the supervised is presented with an eye toward thwarting some of the routine occurrences that staff confront in the dispensing of their duties. Some of these areas discussed in this book include misunderstood communication, addressing the supervisor who assumes credit for the work that others have produced, incompetence on the part of the supervisor and the aspect of the lazy supervisor. A series of potential scenarios illustrating the above aspects of supervisor to supervised conflicts requiring use of the techniques previously described under this heading, provide actual applications for the models suggested. Networking and the importance of utilizing this tool in the mezzo and macro practice areas, is explored in-depth. This is elaborated upon to include concepts in teamwork including effective functioning as the team leader or team member. As these applications are most o ften used in the larger macro and mezzo contexts, detailed discussion on parliamentary procedure, along with other strategies for meeting planning and implementation are provided. Regarding networking as it relates to being an important tool for social workers, the authors goes into detail as to how clients can gain benefits being engaged in informal networks designed to help with their needs. These frequently include the church, gangs, and groups based upon friendship. Additionally, this concept has strong implications within the cultural context, as these forms of networking for support may be strongly developed within some of the core groups that the social worker provides assistance to. The authors then move into a synopsis of the macro system as it relates to working in organizations, explaining in depth the nature of organization as they function. Even for the beginning practitioner of social work, it is important to understand how social services and social agencies are formulated and work. In this regard, a lengthy discussion of the major organizational theories are addressed, which include a look at classic science based theories of management, theori es of human relations, theories x,y and z, and the dynamics accounting for cultural perspectives, economic perspectives and contingency plans. A lengthy description of the PREPARE and IMAGINE models for the assessment of organization or community change is presented detailing the steps necessary to enact this model at all levels. A continuation of an examination of the IMAGINE model assesses how the implementation of projects and the development of programs at the macro level may best be achieved. The model stresses the importance of adopting a positive mental framework when seeking to undertake change in the macro system; avoiding feelings of hopelessness that may be associated with the perceived largeness of the task, due to the size of the infrastructure. Specific steps are outlined so that the social worker may strategize a plan to implement a project for planned change, and examples of macro projects are provided. Related to this is The a discussion of the use of PERT charts to strategically implement planning using 5 key elements is discussed in detail, illustrating examples of this model and the action steps required to put it into usage. Examples of these models as they are applied to current systems for change abound, with specific cases centering on sexual harassment issues, under the SHAPE model, which is presented as a program designed to tackle sexual harassment in large organizations. Additional examples of steps necessary to enact such a program for change at the macro level, is delineated providing the example for the introduction of similar programs addressing other areas of planned change. In looking at organizational operations the authors discuss the subject from the perspective of systems. In this regard, they relate the basic nature of organizations which encompasses the agency setting, the organization’s goals, and culture and structure of the organization. Further elaboration on organizations includes a look at the larger picture or macro contact effecting the organization. The changing macro environment, effected by diminishing resources, legitimating, client sources and the need for resources and relationships with other organizations are all covered in detail. The idea of working for a bureaucracy, from the perspective of what the atmosphere is actually like, along with tips for surviving within this environment are delved into in detail. Varyi ng approaches to management style within a bureaucracy are contrasted and compared; and, problems frequently encountered by workers within the bureaucracy are explored. The role of social workers as it relates to communities and neighborhoods is presented in great depth by the authors. It is important for the social worker to comprehend the needs of their clients, within the specific context of the neighborhood in which they live. Paramount is the explanation of the various types of communities and neighborhoods and how they function from the ecological point of view and as that of a social system. To this end, social stratification and the actual economic and political systems that define the community are explored as essential points of evaluation when working as a generalist seeking to institute systemic change or to provide micro services. Elaborating, the authors maintain that it is necessary for the social worker to comprehend the dynamics and movers and shakers of a given community, understanding power as it relates to the context of community. The relationships of the community members as this translates into their role as helping networks i s examined; and, methods of working within these established groups are explored. Discussions defining the various types of communities, with elaboration on their function follows. Presenting the social systems model in enacting systems theory is explained, along with defining the client system, action system and target system theories for addressing change at the macro level. This is followed with an elaboration on the community roles in functioning as both ecological and social systems. Various theories utilized in the generalist practice to access and make changes in the macro system are defined including the ecological theory, human behavior theory, and rational theories are explored from the perspective of their impact upon the community. This is in addition to a breakdown of the major concepts that the social worker needs for greater understanding of community dynamics including competition, centralization, concentration, gentrification, invasion and succession. Finally a summary of the models needed to provide community assessment, in order to expand soc ial services or improve the functioning of the community in the provision of resources is elaborated upon. Emphasis goes back to the generalist’s required skill set and tools needed to effect change at the macro level. This is handled in great detail utilizing the models previously presented in the PREPARE AND IMAGINE models, as they apply to macro practice for communities. Central to implementing these models is a grasp of the pragmatic steps that the social worker must be prepared to take in following the PREPARE model to approach change at the community level. In summary, these critical steps include identification of the problem; personal assessment of the worker’s macro reality; establishment of major goals; identification of influential community people; and performance an assessment of the financial costs. They add that a review of both the personal and professional risk; along with an evaluation of the potential for successful change within the macrocosm, is also essential. The elucidation of the implementation of macro system change by using the IMAGINE modelâ€℠¢s seven steps is broken down in detail. Illustrated with a case scenario, the authors shows how the various components of the model are effectively utilized in other contexts, with many highlighted examples illustrating how the model may best be put to work. When exploring the process of evaluation as it pertains to the macro practice, the authors demonstrate the necessity of evaluating with an eye toward demonstrating success, as this is instrumental to receiving continued resources. As such, the social worker learns how to develop the correct contextual overview and provide actual definitions needed for proper evaluation. This is combined with descriptions of the purpose for the evaluation, and singling out problems that presented during the course of evaluation representing a barrier to the achievement of the desired results. Summarizing the dynamics of the evaluation process, the discussion includes an overview of monitoring, summative, and efficiency evaluation techniques. Methods for implementing successful evaluations include discussion of both quantitative and qualitative analysis, with a specific look at examples that include client satisfaction surveys, goal attainment setting and target problem scaling. Providing an expande d summary of the various evaluation designs to be utilized for macro intervention, the authors present a detailed look at sampling and measuring program effectiveness. Various forms of random sampling techniques and methods of data gathering are presented with focus on using six established evaluation designs focusing on various stages in experimental designs. Specifically, the authors go into great detail on sources for measurement instruments and tests, concluding with details of utilizing data analysis and the presentation of the acquired data. A targeted look at the generalist’s role in providing advocacy with an eye toward effecting change within the macro is analyzed from the perspective of how this can be best accomplished when dealing with populations-at-risk. Essentially, the concepts for social action, empowerment as it applies to Hispanic Americans, native Americans and Alaskan natives, women, Asian Americans, women, lesbian and gay persons and clients receiving public assistance are explained, as these groups define the at-risk population. The social worker’s role in working with these specific populations and the opportunity to provide advocacy to these groups within the macro level are explored from the perspective of a series of specific guidelines designed to help in the attainment of these goals. Of importance to the attainment of the above, is a look at the steps required to enact macro change through utilizing the legislative process, which is explored in great detail starting with the drafting of a bill as the initial step in legislative advocacy. This is form of macro intervention at the upper echelons of society and is offered as a blueprint over viewing how the process may be effectively by the generalist social worker. Other forms of political advocacy and social action are presented as alternative means of goal attainment that are more complicated than convention methods. The specific dynamics of Sal Slinky in his Social Action Approach are defined, with a case history demonstrating the model in action as it relates to the homeless as an example. In presenting a discussion on the role of ethics and concepts of ethical dilemmas within the macro context, the authors present a look at the NASW Code of Ethics which elucidates six of the core values for professional social workers. At the top is service to clients, followed by social justice and individual dignity, human relationships, competence and integrity are also reviewed in detail as to how these concepts effect ethics within macro practice. They describe how working within the macro environment may expose the social worker to uncover laws and policies that may pose a conflict of interest to the ethics platform that has been enacted as a model for providing care, as professional values are part of the basic foundation. A detailed analysis of the application of the code of ethics within actual practice, is provided, and covers areas that include self determination, informed consent, competence, social diversity and cultural competence, conflict of interest and confidentiality and the issue of privacy. Additionally, other pragmatic issues under this heading discussed include access to records, sexual relationships, physical contact, sexual harassment, derogatory language, and payment for services. All of these categories have great impact upon the functioning of the social worker and their ability to interact effectively with clientele. Similarly, the ethical responsibilities governing social workers interaction with colleagues involves many of the same components and includes a review of sexual relationships and harassment, referral for client services, consultations, colleague disputes, respect, interdisciplinary collaborations and confidentiality issues such as impairment or colleague incompetence and reporting unethical behavior. The application of the tenets of the code as it relates to the social worker in practice is explained, from the perspectives of billing, client transfer and records, administration, evaluating performance, continuing education and development of staff, employee commitment and disputes between labor and management. Ethical considerations that the social worker must maintain, when considering their role as a professional are defined and include comp etence, discrimination, private conduct, deception, dishonesty and fraud, impairment, solicitations, misrepresentation and the acknowledgement of credit for work done. The discussion on ethic concludes with a look at the aspect of ethical conduct affecting the social workers reponsibitly to the social work profession as well as to society at large. This subject is treated from the context of personal values, and we are given a look at the types of ethical issue that the social worker is likely to confront. This is presented along with a synthesis of the ethical absolutism approach comparing it to ethical relativism as a model. Specific examples on handling ethical dilemmas are provided as the principles involved in ranking ethical perspectives are reviewed, which includes a study of the specifics as it presented in Liebenberg and Logoff’s Ethical Principles Screen outlining the hierarch of ethical rights. As there are bound to be stumbling blocks involved with the application of ethics within the macro context, the dilemmas that the social worker may confront me this regard are handled in depth. The challenges for the social worker, engag ed in working with the courts, are detailed with special emphasis on the key terms used to explain courtroom processes. Differences in the application of social work and courtroom protocol are defined, in addition to presenting a plan outlining how the social worker can best prepare to testify in the courtroom. A basic explanation of the adjudication process is consolidated, but specific address to the various cross-examination strategies utilizing is presented in welfare protective services cases. The role of the social worker in court is explained and highlights include an actual court petition for removal of a child from the mother’s residence is the case example presented, in order to see how these concepts would apply to events likely to be encountered at some point in the professional social worker’s career. Special attention is given to juvenile court process as this is a specific area in which the social worker will ultimately gain much familiarity. The management of agency resources is explored from several different perspectives including working with the media and building eff ective media relations. General guidelines for achieving harmonious and beneficial relations with the media are presented in a 10 point program detailing the basics of effective media communications. Pragmatic applications of technology, asset relates to computer programs and software are explored, offering new concepts in the management of information systems and how these effect the services offered in generalist practice. Fund raising principles and the various applications of techniques designed to solicit resources are offered from the many different perspectives that these tools may be employed to raise resources. Specific examples of fund raising that may be effectively enacted include direct solicitation, benefits and variations, individual donors, creating an organization with this purpose and seeking out group giving. The procurement of grants and contracts are treated separately as this source of funding for social work programs is a favored means of adding resources necessary to enact macro c hange. Business grants, foundation grants and government grants are defined as separate entities, and the basic principles needed to navigate through these areas are provided. The how top’s of grant application are succinctly covered, allowing the social worker to grasp the actual steps necessary to enact this form of funding thru traditional grant proposal writing. Several in-depth examples illustrating various components of the grant proposal process are offered, with specific case histories utilized to illustrate how these techniques have been successfully applied in the past. Addressing personal issues that the social worker needs to address in order to function effectively in their capacity, include a discussion of stress management from the perspective of the General Adaptation Syndrome. Looking at the inception of stressors within the agency context, the authors discuss the psychological, physiological and behavioral problems resulting from stress, with a look at numerous techniques that may be employed for effective stress management. Exploring variations in personal style that are utilized to combat stress, along with an analysis of the effects of time management as they play into the paradigm are offered. Practical suggestions for setting priority and realistic goals focusing on time management are offered along with specific techniques to be used in the management of time. Finally, the authors present concise information for the social worker as it pertains to the attainment of personal professional goals, focusing on the resume, interviewing skills and getting a job. The practical information is geared toward helping the social worker assess their capabilities and areas of interests, as it relates to the type of employment being sought. Presentation of the abilities, in the format of the resume are offered in detail with comprehensive tools and techniques for making a positive presentation being explored in detail. Resources for locating jobs that match the defined objectives and preferences for a career are offered and include a look at newspapers, NASW publications, networking and state merit system lists.
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