Thursday, August 27, 2020
Zero tolerance policing free essay sample
Zero-resistance policing is a solid and legitimate type of policing with a fundamental spotlight on minor violations and open incivilities as open intoxication, spray painting, beggary. Police prudence is expelled and supplanted by pummeling minor wrongdoings and the utilization of coercive force. This is relied upon to cause a decrease in significant violations as robbery, thievery and savagery. One of the principle instances of zero-resistance policing practically speaking is the strategy of police chief William Bratton somewhere in the range of 1991 and 1997. During that period crime percentages declined generally, this was viewed as a significant proof for the adequacy of zero-resilience policing. Albeit, other examination has demonstrated proof for additional, and perhaps progressively significant, clarifications of the gigantic decrease in wrongdoing. There was at that point a decrease in murder rates, the quantity of individuals utilizing rocks was declining, the medications advertise was evolving, insight drove policing was forthcoming and there was an expansion in network wrongdoing anticipation (Bowling, 1999; Dixon, 1999). We will compose a custom paper test on Zero resistance policing or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Thinking about this, we can address if zero-resilience policing is as powerful as guaranteed. To comprehend the impacts of zero-resilience policing, it is valuable to take a gander at it from an alternate perspective, a criminological perspective. There are numerous criminological speculations which advance zero-resilience policing, yet in addition a great deal of hypotheses assaulting it. In this examination exposition the fundamental criminological hypotheses will be considered bringing about a decision around zero-resistance policing. The primary inquiry is: To what expand does zero-resistance policing diminish wrongdoing from a criminological perspective? Broken windows and broken windows-reconsidered The most significant hypothesis which gives a base to zero-resistance policing is the wrecked windows hypothesis of Wilson and Kelling (1982). This hypothesis centers around the outcomes of minor violations and disintegration of the earth. In the event that the physical condition of a local decays and if there are conduct indications of turmoil, it will give a message of lack of engagement. This will give crooks the inclination that the likelihood of recognition is low (Bernasco Nieuwbeerta, 2003). Another outcome of the conduct and physical issue is that the individuals will have developing sentiments of instability and dread. O ‘Brien and Wilson (2011) contend thatâ individuals decide if an area is sheltered or not by searching for indications of confusion as beggary or spray painting. The more incivilities they see, the less secure individuals will feel. As a result of the dread, there will be an abatement of casual social control. The low level of social union is relied upon to bring about more wrongdoing, as once more, lawbreakers will get the inclination that danger of approval is low (Bernasco Nieuwbeerta, 2003). A low level of social attachment can be appeared by an absence of collectivity, a high private portability, free connections, minimal formal and casual control and incapable social associations (Lanier Henry, 2010a). To put it plainly, physical confusion and the nearness of minor violations will bring about more wrongdoing (Sampson Raudenbush, 2004). Zero-resilience policing is thusly observed a decent system to forestall wrongdoing since it will pummel the physical and social issue. Cops have no caution so no exemptions would be made. The messed up windows hypothesis appears to be persuading yet when we investigate, are some faulty focuses. Sampson and Raudenbush (1999) have changed the messed up windows proposal and they accept that the minor violations are not the reason for progressively genuine wrongdoing but rather there is another, hidden factor that causes both minor violations and significant wrongdoings. The basic factor they mean is the level of collectivity and attachment in the area. Confusion is viewed as an appearance of wrongdoing and along these lines shows that there is a low level of social union. Likewise the social confusion hypothesis of Shaw and McKay (refered to in Lanier Henry, 2009a, pp. 190 †251) contends that there will be more wrongdoing in neighborhoods with a low level of social union. To put it plainly, this implies the minor violations are not the fundamental driver of progressively genuine wrongdoings, yet it is the level of social union in an area. Hence zero-resistance policing won't be compelling on the grounds that it doesn't concentrate on improving the social attachment and the feeling of collectivity in an area. The policing technique is particularly centered around minor wrongdoings and no special cases can be made in light of the fact that the evacuation of the police watchfulness. This severe approach is bound to make an unfriendly connection among police and open than to make a bond with the general public. As indicated by the overhauled broken windows hypothesis, policing procedures which depend on trust, correspondence and authenticity are relied upon to be the best (Burke 1998; Dixon, 1999). The impediment impact of zero-resistance policing Another hypothesis supporting zero-resistance policing and its extreme and intense strategy is the levelheaded decision hypothesis. This hypothesis depends on the possibility that individuals are objective creatures and they are free really taking shape of their choices. They will gauge the expenses and benefits and relying upon the result they choose what to do. Wrongdoing is viewed as a result of this balanced decision whereby the advantages are greater than the expenses. The decision individuals make is emphatically affected by situational factors. To forestall wrongdoing it is along these lines imperative to change the situational factors and give individuals the inclination that the expenses are higher than the advantages (Lanier Henry, 2009b). Zero-resistance policing can be viewed as a decent method to give individuals that sentiment of being controlled. At the point when the police endures no violations at all individuals will simpler choose to avoid carrying out a wrongdoing on the grounds that the normal danger of approval is high. Notwithstanding this hypothesis, it is critical to develop the idea of prevention. There are two types of prevention, general discouragement and explicit prevention, both with the treat of discipline as fundamental rule. The previous is tied in with keeping the entire network from carrying out a wrongdoing by rebuffing a couple of them as model. The last spotlights on keeping one specific individual from perpetrating a wrongdoing by rebuffing the individual itself. Since the treat of discipline, the expenses of carrying out a wrongdoing will be higher and in this way individuals will be more averse to overstep the law. As turns out to be clear the prevention point of view is firmly identified with the balanced decision hypothesis. A significant inquiry is, under which conditions is the hindrance impact ideal? There are a couple of conditions which are referenced by Jeremy Bentham (refered to in Ashworth, 1992, pp. 53-61), to be specific sureness, celerity and seriousness. Conviction is viewed as the most significant one and seriousness as the least significant one. It is hard to state if zero-resistance policing meets all the necessities to have a maximal impediment impact. Obviously individuals turned out to be increasingly sure of being rebuffed for minor wrongdoings and since sureness is frequently observed as the primary condition, a huge impact is normal. For instance the stop and searches by cops will decrease road guiltiness in light of the fact that the hope of getting captured gets higher (Innes, 1999). Likewise zero-resistance policing meets the seriousness part since sanctions are higher. Demonstrating the celerity part is progressively troublesome, quite possibly the punishmentâ process delays on account of the over-burden of cases. On the opposite side the endorsing procedure might be finished all the more rapidly due to its high need. To put it plainly, zero-resistance policing appears to produce an obstacle impact which lessens guiltiness in the city. Notwithstanding, the obstruction impact appears to have its cutoff points and it is hard to demonstrate the effectivity of discouragement. From the start it expect that wrongdoers think soundly, however generally they don't consider the outcomes while carrying out a wrongdoing. Besides the discouragement by the treat of discipline has unquestionably not the greatest effect on the wrongdoer, different things like family are regularly discovered increasingly significant. Additionally, the obstacle impact has frequently got a little reach in light of the fact that not every person in the general public becomes more acquainted with which authorizations are given (Ashworth, 1992). In this way, we can ask ourselves how compelling zero-resilience policing will be practically speaking in light of the fact that the adequacy of prevention is sketchy. It is likewise essential to remember opposite reactions, as I referenced previously, the balanced decision hypothesis accept that intense approach and an elevated level of control can prevent individuals from carrying out a wrongdoing. Be that as it may, an elevated level of control won't generally affect people in general. The negative impacts of intense policing can be found in the results of the huge number of stop an d searches in the UK. Each time somebody is halted and looked without a legitimate explanation, it harms the open certainty and its regard for the police. Further, the utilization of the stop and searches frequently ends up being unbalanced in light of the fact that they for the most part centers around poor zones. Some ethnic minorities are bound to live in this poor territories which holds that they are all the more regularly focused by stop and searches. Disparities like this can cause brutality and uproars, for instance the mobs in the UK in 2011. Youngsters felt outrage against the police and the unbalanced utilization of stop and searches activated them to begin a mob (Bowling, 2008). Authenticity and correspondence As turns out to be obvious from the case of the UK riots in 2011, it is extremely significant for the police to be seen as genuine, trustable and to have the option to speak with the regular citizens. Genuine policing isn't simply progressively well known however it is likewise increasingly viable in lessening wrongdoing, in light of the fact that the general population is all the more ready to give data and all the more ready to stand the la
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nacirema Culture
Nacirema culture is described by the persevering and rich individuals who live in the normal living space blessed with extravagance and invested the vast majority of their energy in building up their economy so as to improve their lives’ status.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Nacirema Culture explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are ceremonial in the manner they do their standard assignments and characteristic capacities, for example, men day by day ceremony of shaving their whiskers, ladies ceremonies of heating their hair four times each month, visiting their dental specialists two times every year, day by day bathing of the face, washing and excretory is customarily done covertly and even planned sex. Nacirema culture is an exceptionally cultivated culture. The manner in which they do, their things depict a socialized society whose patients go to the medical clinics to be treated by the exceptional wellbeing experts, for exampl e, specialists, dental specialists, therapists, and attendants. They additionally utilize clean treated water and cleansers in every day cleanness. The way of life likewise depict a solid cognizant society in the manner they have ritualized their cleanness in their restrooms, consider their bodies powerless to illnesses consequently should be taken acceptable consideration of, every day brushing of their teeth and going to dental specialist two times per year. Digger depicted Nacirema culture from the boorish individual point see since he was unable to portray what comprises human advancement; each part of the Nacirema culture was very unusual to him. Excavator portrayed wellbeing, cleanness and magnificence odd however the impression I got shows that Nacirema culture is a decent culture which is delicate to wellbeing matters and might want to live in that sort of society. Digger utilized peculiar portrayals, for example, cleric treating (water treatment plants), clinician (Listener ), sink (little textual style), and emergency clinic (sanctuary or laptipso). Misconception of the Nacirema culture can unfavorably influence their social picture and depict their general public practices and customs as peculiar and complex. The initial introduction can delineates Nacirema culture as so formal in their method of living since they go to holy places day by day, ladies heating their hair, utilizing blessed water, conversing with witchdoctors and a lot progressively unusual portrayals of their rites.Advertising Looking for paper on social investigations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Characteristics of American culture share similar qualities with the Nacirema culture since they are dedicated and rich, ceremonial in their every day normal, enlightened in their expectations for everyday comforts and are a solid society. Miner’s portrayal of Nacirema culture delineates them as abnormal and puzzling socie ty which quite a while prior before the beginning of human progress however seeing from the logical perspective and comprehension the miner’s language of depiction. Deciphering the unusual depictions of Nacirema culture depicts the positive culture of the general public. Social relativism is an anthropological methodology that treats all societies similarly in their examinations to give an impartial perspective (Glazer, 1996). The significance of social relativism gives a top to bottom investigation of culture with an impartial eye so as to comprehend it at its own legitimacy and not from the perspective of different societies. Since social relativism is a logical investigation of societies, decisions are not considered as substantial qualities that can be normalized and utilized in measuring shifted societies. The decisions, for example, fortunate or unfortunate, set in stone are extremely abstract qualities that relies upon societies (Glazer, 1996). Without social relativis m, the investigation of societies will offer one-sided and bogus input about different societies by depicting different societies as pretty much advanced as others depict. References Glazer, M. (1996). Social Relativism. Anthropological Theory and Methodology. Web. Excavator, H. (1996). Body Ritual among the Nacirema. American Anthropological Association. Recovered fromâ web. This article on Nacirema Culture was composed and put together by client Pa1ge to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Learning How to Make Money Can Buy Happiness Essay
Learning How to Make Money Can Buy Happiness EssayThis is an essay which will give you all the information that you need to know about how to make money can buy happiness. Here, you will find the right guide to achieve financial freedom and an awesome lifestyle.We all need a little help sometimes. It's true. So many people across the world have been waiting for years to get some kind of success, but somehow this never seems to happen. They just keep working and get nowhere.Education is the most powerful weapon you have to learn how to earn money can buy happiness. If you learn it properly, you can change your life and eventually the way you live. In order to make this happen, you need to know where to find out all kinds of information about the topic. You need to read a lot about this topic and find out more information on the subject. In fact, in order to be successful, you need to have knowledge about it.This may sound like a lot of work, but if you do all the research right, you w ill see that it is not at all. In fact, this work is actually one of the most important parts of making money, as well as to your success.All people need to do is start looking for information about this topic and then proceed to getting that needed information. You need to read some more, so that you'll get all the information that you need. The best part is that you can get all the information you need on the internet and this is what most people are looking for.Learning how to make money can buy happiness is something that is extremely important, so you need to do it. You can start by searching for articles which are written by people who have successfully achieved their goals.You can also find a lot of books that are written about this topic. Once you get these, you will find that they will help you understand how to make money and what kind of things you need to do in order to be successful. Of course, not all books are the same, so it will help a lot if you pay attention to so me reviews that are available online.These things are all very important, especially if you want to know how to make money and make it into things you can actually use. Therefore, if you need to make money and are not sure what to do, you should search for more information. There are lots of things that you can find out if you search for it properly.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Beautiful Mind Characterization and Dialogue - 1176 Words
Writing Portfolio The 2001 biopic/drama film ‘A Beautiful Mind’, directed by Ron Howard is a prime example of a text in which visual and verbal techniques are used to develop the personality of a character. An important job for the director of any film is to establish a framework and personality for the protagonist. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ is no different, and visual and verbal techniques are used effectively to develop the personality of John Nash. But because Ron Howard is dealing with a very complex character in the form of a paranoid schizophrenic mathematician, his personality is forever changing and the differing film techniques achieve this. As this film is a biopic/drama drawn into one, the viewer follows Nash’s life over a†¦show more content†¦The delusions put his baby sons life at risk, and also cause a further rift between Nash and his wife Alicia. In earlier scenes, Nash’s friend Charles was in fact present to the viewer in the form of the actor (portrayed by Paul Bettany). The effort to include the actor in these earlier scenes is a bid by the director to create the same realism for Nash, as for the audience. But in later scenes, the removal of Bettany and other cast members changes the viewer’s perspective of this protagonist. As the actor is no longer present, the viewer is forced to side with Alicia in thinking John Nash is delusional. The viewer here, is easily able to pin point the affects that paranoid schizophrenia has on Nash, and other sufferers of that disorder. Characterisation is important, as in these later scene his personality is changed into a very confused man. The confident, charming and intelligent John Nash of Princeton University is instantly transformed personality due to the including and removing of key characters. These key characters not only include Charles, but also his niece Marcee and Special Forces Operative William Pacher. Dialogue is another technique (this time verbal) which is important in developing the personality of character John Nash. Director Ron Howeard opts to portray Nash as an arrogant and scornful outsider in the opening scenes of the film. During these stages, dialogue is crucialShow MoreRelatedLife Is Beautiful Theme777 Words  | 4 PagesLife is beautiful is a 1997 Italian tragicomedy drama film, directed and starring Roberto Benigni. The film narrated a World War 2 story in where a jewish father named Guido Orefice ’s family was captured into a jewish concentration camp, however he employed his fertile imagination, and manage to shield his son Joshua from the horrors of the camp and sacrificed himself to ensure Joshua and Dora--his wife’s survivals. The film strongly conveyed the themes of innocence and love through uses of a rangeRead More Irony and Characterization in O’Connor’s Good Country People942 Words  | 4 Pagesof irony as a technique for i mbuing a story with meaning. 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The women evil found in Lady Macbeth, beauty and wisdom found in Portia, daughterlyRead MoreExamples Of Aestheticism In The Picture Of Dorian Gray1284 Words  | 6 Pagescontributors to the Aesthetic movement. He was a spokesperson for aestheticism. He tried his hand at various literary activities. He was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist and poet. He refined his ideas about the importance of art in a series of dialogues and essays, and incorporated themes of duplicity, beauty and decadence. He incorporated all these vital characteristics that define the supremacy of art into his only novel The Picture of Dorian gray written in 1890. This n ovel bore the true essence
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Guide to Masters and Doctoral Comprehensive Exams
Graduate students take two sets of comprehensive exams, both masters and doctoral. Yes, it sounds scary. Comprehensive examinations, known as comps, are a source of anxiety for most graduate students. What Is a Comprehensive Examination? A comprehensive examination is just what it sounds like. It is a test that covers a broad base of material. It assesses the students knowledge and capacities to earn a given graduate degree. The exact content varies by graduate program and by degree: masters and doctoral comprehensive exams have similarities but differ in detail, depth, and expectations. Depending on the graduate program and degree, comps could test course knowledge, knowledge of your proposed research area, and general knowledge in the field. This is especially true of doctoral students, who must be prepared to discuss the field at a professional level, citing material from coursework but also classic and current references. When Do You Take Comps? Comps are generally given toward the end of coursework or afterward as a way to determine how well a student is able to synthesize the material, solve problems, and think like a professional. Passing a comprehensive exam lets you move to the next level of study. What Is the Format? Masters and doctoral exams often are written exams, sometimes oral, and sometimes both written and oral. Exams are usually administered in one or more long test periods. For example, in one program written doctoral comprehensive exams are given in two blocks that are each eight hours long on consecutive days. Another program administers a written comp exam to masters students in one period that lasts five hours. Oral exams are more common in doctoral comps, but there are no hard and fast rules. What Is the Masters Comp Exam? Not all masters programs offer or require that students complete comprehensive exams. Some programs require a passing score on a comprehensive exam for entry to the thesis. Other programs use comprehensive exams in place of a thesis. Some programs give students a choice of completing either a comprehensive exam or a thesis. In most cases, masters students are given guidance on what to study. It might be specific lists of readings or sample questions from previous exams. Masters comprehensive exams are generally given to an entire class at once. What Is the Doctoral Comp Exam? Virtually all doctoral programs require that students complete doctoral comps. The exam is the gateway to the dissertation. After passing the comprehensive exam a student can use the title doctoral candidate, which is a label for students who have entered the dissertation phase of doctoral work, the final hurdle to the doctoral degree. Doctoral students often receive much less guidance on how to prepare for comps as compared with masters students. They might get long reading lists, some sample questions from previous exams, and instructions to be familiar with articles published over the past few years in the prominent journals in their field. What If You Dont Pass Your Comps? Graduate students who are unable to pass a programs comprehensive exam are weeded from the graduate program and cannot complete the degree. Graduate programs often allow a student who fails the comprehensive exam another chance to pass. However, most programs send students packing after two failing grades.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Is A Secrets - 997 Words
What is a secrets? A secret is something you keep to yourself, sometimes even tell one other person whom is trustworthy, but you do not tell the public. Imagine having to deal with a secret that is so great that you have to conceal it do to fear and frustration within ones self. There is a saying â€Å"be careful how you treat others because you never know what they are are going through†, the person next to you could be holding a secret that no one knows about. Did you know, there is about one victim every 107th second that has been sexually assaulted according to the US Department of Justice National Crime Victimization Survey. There are possibly even more due to victims not reporting their abuser. This is a problem in our society because victims that have been raped can experience mental and social consequences that may lead up to other dilemmas. So what are these risks and what are the victimizers motives? What exactly is rape? When thinking of rape people usually think of a definition among this lines: when an offender forces themselves upon another individual sexually without victim s consent. In like manner, according to rape is an â€Å"unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.†In other words rape does not always have to involve sexual organs, rape may also include miscellaneousShow MoreRelatedWhat Secrets Tell812 Words  | 4 PagesWe all have secrets in our life. Everyone is entitled to having personal secrets to a certain extent. Some things are very important to us and therefore we all have to keep our secrets stored in our personal mental diaries. Lots of secrets are pure fantasy we should all be allowed to have. Sometimes, people keep secrets because they are scared to hurt others or relationships with others. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Medical Ethics Rescue Principle
Question: Describe about the Medical Ethics for Rescue Principle. Answer: 1. Rescue principle has two connected parts. The first part explains that life and death are important above everything. The second part highlights though society has an unequal distribution of wealth; every individual must provide with the equal health care facilities. The principle helps to understand the pain of human in the context of life and death. But the principle has done more harm to the standard of health-care as it fails to explain about the spending of society. In prudence insurance ideal the insurance company paid an amount of money for the health care service brought by patient and doctor. The insurance money is subsidized by the government. In this case, the patient paid the actual cost indirectly by the expense on other materials and services. 2. If the physicians find the situation is less complicated, then they did not inform the patient but in the case of higher risks they informed the patient for better collaboration. To avoid the depression feeling of the patient, the physicians do not use the cancer word. The physicians have suggested informing the patient about the complicacy of the situation by tittering the risk level measured by research. The consent of the patient about the research is very low, and it is a legal duty of the physicians to disclose the detailed information to the patient for participating in the research. For the research purpose, the physicians are not allowed to override the rights and immunities of the patient. 3. The patient has a malignancy in one of her breasts, and she has two choices with an equal rate of surviving by mastectomy or by radiation with minimal surgery. The physicians explained the nature of both operations and the patient chose the breast preservation process. And this model is superior because the patient should decide the process suitable for her welfare. Jehovah's Witnesses of prohibition blood transfusion not support the medical treatment and suggests that faith will cure the ailment. But the consent model allows the patient to know about the medication process applied to him/her. The model also makes the patient aware of the danger of refusing a blood transfusion. 4. The physicians have no control over the coercing party. Mrs. R must contend with her pain in the abdominal region which is very common in the case of appendicitis. Mrs. R has to decide whether to perform an appendectomy or not. But the patient decision is controlled by negative arguments on which the physicians have no control. The physicians must proceed with the ECT as Mrs. R's consent is not invalid. Furthermore, the decision of the patient to undergo surgery originates from the pain in appendix then it is morally justified for the physician. But if the coercion of family members is supported by the physician then it is not justified. 5. The decision making the capacity of the patient depends upon the choice between appropriate treatment option and understanding the relevant information provided by the physicians which include the current status of patient and complication of the medication process. It is necessary that the patient should have their view of the medical condition and consequences. They must provide relevant reasons for the treatment option they have chosen. 6. Death is not at all bad because people remain in a long state of unconsciousness, and it is impossible to imagine that state. It is not very easy to say when an individual will suffer death. Death is considered as bad due to it remove the desirability of life. The moment a person died then, the person do not exist anymore. If a brain injury reduces a man's mental health to that of an infant, then it will free the man from care. The intelligent person then will be considered as a subject of misfortune. People around the person pity on him but the person do not mind because he merely exists. 7. Active euthanasia associated with the dying of patient due to some other person. And when the patient died because of the inactivity of professionals then it termed as passive euthanasia. If a wounded soldier wants to extend his life although of his injury, then the other soldier must support the moral decision of letting die over killing. Charity attaches individuals for doing a favor to each others. Justice is associated with the positive service and the fact what men owe to each other. 8. When someone in the family seriously gets ill, and the entire family is suffering both mentally and economically then to relief them from suffering the patient have to choose the decision of death. The physician can help the process by assisting in a suicide and by not abandoning the patient at the death moment.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Thirty Years War Essay Example For Students
Thirty Years War Essay The causes of the Thirty Years War can be traced as far back as the renaissance period. It was during the renaissance that such ideals as secularism, humanism, individualism, rationalism and above all else secularism were first apparent in main stream society. These ideas led to the protestant reformation, which is an even more direct cause of the war. The split of the Catholic Church, as a result of the protestant reformation left Europe in a state of religious turmoil and chaos. The gradual increase in intolerance and religious sectionalism that coincided with the addition of new religions and even more diversity has been marked as the main cause of the Thirty Years War. The effects of the war would prove to be devastating to most of Europe, evidenced by the sharp drop in population, but it was especially devastating to Germany. However, there were some countries and bodies of people that emerged from the conflict improved such as France, Sweden, and the religion of Calvinism. Ther e were many territorial and dynastic issues that figured in the outbreak and conduct of the war as well, but it is believed that these factors did not become important until the middle stages of the war. The territorial and dynastic causes, which go hand in hand, did however, cause the war to continue longer than it most likely would have if religion had been the only motive. The extent of religious motives therefor is debated, but cannot be dismissed. The immediate causes of the war began with the resistance and eventual revolt of Protestant nobles in Bohemia, due to the religious intolerance mentioned before, which was under Hapsburg domination, against the Catholic king Ferdinand. The reasons and causes for its spread throughout Europe include the constitutional frailty of the Holy Roman Empire, the inability of the German states to act in concert, and the ambitions of other European powers. These were the causes that would eventually be responsible for the war lasting as long as it did. We will write a custom essay on Thirty Years War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The political motives became more and more prevalent when Sweden entered the war to help the Protestant cause. Sweden did not enter the war for religious reasons at all; they were looking to gain land. Finally it seemed that religion was completely forgotten and abandoned as a cause when Catholic France and Protestant Sweden joined forces against the Catholic Hapsburgs. France was worried that the Hapsburgs were becoming too powerful so they decided to assert their influence into the war. The results and effects of the war and the two peace treaties were highly significant. France replaced Spain as the greatest power in Europe. With Sweden, France had blocked the Habsburg efforts to strengthen their authority in the Empire. At Westphalia, the right of the individual states within the Empire to make war and conclude alliances was recognized. In theory as well as in fact, the most important of these states became virtually autonomous, and German unity was postponed for more than two centuries. The Empire was further dismembered by the recognition of the independence of Switzerland and the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands. Two new powers emerged in northern Germany. France received most of Alsace by the Treaty of Westphalia, and by the Treaty of Pyrenees parts of Flanders and Artois in the Spanish Netherlands and lands in the Pyrenees. The religious settlement at Westphalia confirmed the predominance of Catholicism in southern Germany and of Protestantism in northern Germany. The principle accepted by the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 that Catholic and Lutheran princes could determine the religion practiced in their territory was maintained, and this privilege was extended to include the Calvinists as well. .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .postImageUrl , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:visited , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:active { border:0!important; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:active , .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581 .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue75b2bf065b95af2d78ba133901b9581:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Biotechnology EssayThe Austrian Habsburgs had failed in their efforts to increase their authority in the Empire and to eradicate Protestantism, but they emerged from the war stronger than before. In Bohemia, they had stamped out Protestantism, broken the power of the old nobility, and declared the crown hereditary in the male line of their family. With Bohemia now firmly in their grasp and with their large group of adjoining territories, they were ready to expand to the east in the Balkans, to the south in Italy, or to interfere once more in the
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Smoke Alarm Smart Smoke Detector
Smoke Alarm Smart Smoke Detector Introduction and Background It is usually very traumatising for homeowners in the event of house fires. Loss of property and life are the most likely outcomes associated with house fires. This situation is worsened if the homeowner is not insured or his insurance policy is limited to specific fire damages and causes.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Smoke Alarm Smart Smoke Detector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In Australia, due to the high prevalence of bushfires, high quality smoke detectors have become an essential part and a compulsory fitting of every household in the country. This is necessary measure adopted to ensure safety of the occupants, and to minimize damages in case of house fires. A typical smoke detector is designed to intersect smoke particles. When smoke particles interfere with the path of light to the sensor, the sensor circuit sequential sets up an alarm irrespective of what caused the smoke. Thus, smoke emanating from cooking or incense stick could set off the alarm. This makes it quite difficult to distinguish between false or actual alarms. As a result, this can contribute to alarm assumptions, which may lead to great damages in cases of fire. What if there was a product that could overcome these issues and simply did the job it was intended to do, making it useful and less annoying? Our Smart Smoke Detector has been designed and built to satisfy the needs and requirements of a typical residential household. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, a well-chosen and working smoke detector will increase the chances of surviving a fire. This is because in case of a fire out break alarm goes on its occupants may have at most 2 minutes to evacuate. Smart Smoke detectors will allow customers to evade the smoke detector and to reduce the annoyance of the alarm. The alarm will still sound only this time by the use of a heat detector, sensitizing the homeowner of a potential fire problem. Approximately after 1 hour, a squeak will sound alerting the user that the smoke detector is being re-activated. Moreover, we will also have a peep to alert the user that the backup battery level is low. This report examines extensively and pinpoints the expected process that Global Engineering will follow to achieve a working prototype of the smart smoke detector. Project Plan The goal of this project is to assemble a Smart Smoke Detector with a smoke detour system. This will be a more inventive and improved adaptation of the conventional smoke detectors obtainable in the market. The main objectives are for this project are to be completed in time successfully and the final product to be marketable globally.Advertising Looking for report on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order for success to be realized, the team must take into account every aspect extensively to reduce possible failure risks. Consequently, it is crucial for the team to come up with a comprehensive project plan that will take into considerations all the project risks as well as the project completion timeline. This prior planning will ensure that the product is built in an efficient and effective manner enhancing its marketability. Global Engineering outlined the tasks necessary to build the final product while formulating the project plan. This project plan outlined the expected duration of the tasks n which Global Engineering could achieve optimum results. We used Gantt charts in our planning to facilitate the visual display and relationships of these tasks and their timings. Through Gantt chart predetermined project tasks timeline we could schedule resources and staff workloads as efficiently as possible. There are diverse requirements for every task; some tasks need others to be completed before they could be started, while others require employment of a specific knowledge and skill to achieve the complete it, etc. The team defined the project tasks based on various factors and concerns of technical and financial matters. It is most crucial in planning the project to make sure that the end product is priced appropriately, marketable and acceptable by the community. These concerns are enumerated below: Conducting market survey to ascertain whether or not the there is a demand for the product in the community. It is worthy to obtain feedback from current smoke detector users and firms selling smoke detectors. This survey will assist in setting a standard product cost and ascertaining how much people are capable and willing to pay for this product once they are mounted in their homes. In estimating market price for the new Smart Smoke Detector, Global Engineering will have to form a cost budget for construction of the product. Consequently, comprehensive product architecture required to be studied; the study will involve the varying of individual components on both cost and performance basis. Constructing, trying and validating the prototype to ensure that all of the product specifications are met and obtainable. This is conducted so as any fallacies and inadequacies in the prototype can be fixed before the production stage, and to confirm that the Smart Smoke Detector adheres to current safety standards. Developing a marketing and sales strategy which will deal with product promotion, advertising and preparation such as producing banners, brochures and setting up a booth for Trade Fairs. Global Engineering convenes every week to keep members informed on the progress of the project. This meeting also gives the chance to all team members to communicate project concerns and search for support and guidance from other colleagues. In addition, it will assist in identifying any unforeseen risks, hence allowing the team to make decisions and implement action plans to mitigate delays which may arise. These meetings will also operate as a sup port system for the team to attain its goal and ensure a quality product is created. Budget Budgets are very important while undertaking any project and usually determine its success. Budgets usually involve higher estimates than actual costs in order to cushion against any uncertainties or miscellaneous costs such as labour and materials fluctuations. These unforeseen problems can be caused by inadequate research during the initial concept development and architectural design and research stage of the project. In addition, there may be disagreements among members and may result project delays and additional expenses i.e. salaries and rentals on usage of labs which result to variances in the budget.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Smoke Alarm Smart Smoke Detector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are a number of methods to combat such uncertainties which is inclusive of costs cutting wherever possible during t he early stages of a project. Secondly, carrying out extensive research to avoid testing failures, i.e. a certain component might not work, or the circuit as a whole might not work the way it was expected. This will enhance thorough product knowledge prior to the commencement and agreement among members. Consequently, these measures will ensure timely completion of the project within the budget.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Thought, Force and Selfishness in Ajax and Prometheus Bound Essay
Thought, Force and Selfishness in Ajax and Prometheus Bound - Essay Example Sophocle's Ajax is a mighty Greek warrior in the time of the Trojan war, second only to Achilles in "perfect prowess" (Sophocles, Ajax 1415). His wife is "spear-won", and his entire presence on stage is marked by Hector's bloody sword, a room-full of "sword-slain cattle", or his "self-dealt wound". After Achilles' death, a competition is set up between him and Odysseus over who will inherit Achilles' armor, symbolizing the inheritance of the latter's prized status. When the Atreidae decide that Odysseus should get the armor, instead of humbly accepting the judges' decision, Ajax's pride over his power and valor spurs him in revenge against Agamemnon and Menelaus, a wild act that is only thwarted by the duplicitous intervention of Athena, the patron goddess of Odysseus. She drives Ajax mad and instead of massacring the Atreidae, he slaughters cattle instead. The double humiliation and the rancor that he has stirred up in the Greek camp against him drive him to commit suicide. Ajax's actions-both the madness-inducing revenge, and his suicide-show not only a lack of wisdom but selfish pride in his lust for power. Despite his wife's pleas not to do anything rash and so cause her and his son to become slaves and to be mistreated by the Greeks, he only responds by insulting her - "Woman, silence graces women" (Ajax 292) - and deceiving her and his friends (Chorus) about his suicidal intentions: "I feel the keen edge of my temper softened by yon woman's words; and I feel the pity of leaving her a widow with my foes, and the boy and orphan" (652). His brother Teucer bemoans the taunts and the revilement that he will receive both at home and abroad because of Ajax's selfish act (1020-2), and the Chorus the future lack of protection that "bold Ajax" provided for him (1214). Ajax's pride in his might is such that he is unable to weigh the effect of his actions on others, and sees everyone else as less than himself (even king Odysseus). Furthermore, we see that it is selfish pride and arrogance that instigates Athena against him, as he spoke arrogantly against her, which is not befitting of his place as a mortal. The messenger reveals that "Ajax, even at his first going forth from home, was found foolish" (760), and when his father encouraged him with the wisdom of his years, "haughtily and foolishly he answered: 'I, even without [the gods'] aid, trust to bring glory within my grasp'" (770). More foolhardily, he spurned the help of the goddess Athena, thinking that he is mighty enough to win any battle as, "where Ajax stands, battle will never break our line" (776). The messenger rightly concludes that Ajax's "thoughts were too great for man" (788). Ajax's downfall or hubris then is that he is nothing more than an empty-headed muscle man, a dangerous comb ination of force and lack of intelligence. Throughout the play, Ajax's use of force is misplaced: against the "poor sheep", in his language to Tecmessa, and against himself. Regaining his right mind, he bemoans: "Seest thou the bold, the strong of heart, the dauntless in battles with the foe,-seest thou how I have shown my prowess on creatures that feared no harm" (364-6). While we can say that the first instance of misused force is as a result of Athena's intervention, his brutish manner to his wife and his suicide are done when he is in full
Friday, February 7, 2020
Poor marketing strategies at Bedaya center Research Paper
Poor marketing strategies at Bedaya center - Research Paper Example From the research, it can be comprehended that Bedaya center has a clear vision which clearly states that it helps individuals to discover more about themselves and available career options, but unfortunately marketing strategies are not aligned with the vision of the company. The effectiveness of marketing strategy decides a company’s position in the market; any lacking in the marketing strategy can reduce the effectiveness of service and can slow down the pace of growth and development. Bedaya’s mismatch of marketing strategy and company’s vision is affecting the overall image of the company. Bedaya also needs to focus more on students preference on courses offered, the duration of the courses can be one the reason as short time period courses are more preferred among students; flexibility of hours can also be an effective approach as time flexibility creates ease for them to manage educational and vocational studies. Promotional strategies are also not effecti ve to the acceptable level; Bedaya needs to adopt effective internet branding strategies to position the product rightly in the customers’ minds. Bedaya needs to add more information about the company and services offered on the internet. Only the use of social networks doesn’t determine the effectiveness of branding strategies but the content also matters. It is important for any organization to clearly define its marketing objectives and strive to fulfill the needs and demands of the customers.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Eng Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free
Eng Compare and Contrast Essay This paper will be examining two theories on personality development; Sigmund Freud’s argument on the three structures of personality and Albert Bandura’s findings on social learning also called observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Sigmund Freud the neurologist based his study on his grown mental patients while Albert Bandura the psychologist based his theory on observing young children within pre-set environments. Both Sigmund Freud and Albert Bandura have two different academic approaches to personality development. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. A theory can be defined as, â€Å"A coherent set of ideas that helps to explain data and make predictions†(Santrock, 1989, p. 33). Santrock further explained that a theory makes assumptions that can be tested to determine their accuracy. Personality, according to the Oxford Dictionary from is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. In other words it is the combination of mental, emotional and physical character traits that are peculiar to an individual. The Oxford Dictionary also defined development as â€Å"A specified state of growth or advancement; or a change in situation.†Both Freud’s and Bandura’s theories are based on personality development. Sigmund Freud presented an argument that man’s personality is mainly governed by three different levels of consciousness or mental state; the id, the ego and the super-ego. He argued that the id is a demanding inborn force that drives a newborn to desire food, pass urine, defecate, be warm and gain sexual pleasure. He went on further to argue that the id demands immediate gratification and personal pleasure. It usually wants satisfaction and is ruled by what Freud called the pleasure principle. Freud presented the argument that this kind of self-gratifying behavior in infants is inborn not learned. For example, a young child will shamelessly play with its genitals in pursuit of the pleasure it receives. This child will seek this sexual pleasure regardless of where he/she is, or who is watching because according to Freud’s theory, the id is totally unconscious (Santrock, 1989, p. 34). While on the other hand, Albert Bandura did not present any argument on the children’s inborn nature (Witt Mossler, 2010). However, Bandura focused his study on how external forces such as caregivers and other children around them affected children’s behavior. He argued and demonstrated in his experiments that children carefully observed and modeled or copied the behavior of others around them. He went on further to suggest that those children who watched television also modeled the behavior that they witnessed on the screen. Dr. Bandura demonstrated in his experiment, how children learned and copied aggressive behavior towards a toy clown. He placed the clown along with many other toys and the children in a room. As part of the experiment, several adults walked through the room, each one hitting the clown in passing. The children in the room, after observing the adult behavior, modeled it by hitting the clown without any prompting or provocation. Unlike Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura had no medical explanation attached to his assumptions. Freud’s next level is the super-ego. It is the conscience that governs behavior that is socially accepted. It is the level that teaches humans to imitate the behavior of his/her caregivers within the environment (Witt Mossler, 2010, p. 5 chapter 2). Similarly Bandura’s social learning states that children imitate the adults around them. This means that their super-ego governs their behavior just as Freud claimed. This is illustrated when girls play dress-up to look just like their mothers and boys display aggressive behavior just like their fathers. This means that Freud’s argument on super-ego which is formed through social learning is the same as Bandura’s observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Freud’s final mental level of personality is the conscious mind named the ego; it balances the demands of the id and the super-ego. According to Freud, the ego makes rational decisions (Santrock, 1989 p. 34). An example of this is a New Yorker’s internal drive (id) to avoid buying a train ticket and jump over the turnstile at the subway station. The super-ego cautions against that behavior because of the probability of getting caught while the conscious, rational ego points away from the long line at the ticket counter and towards ticket vending machines that are available. The ego satisfies both the id (got on the train) and the super-ego (acted within the law). Similarly, Bandura’s social learning theory speaks to conforming to social behavior within the children’s environment (Witt Mossler, 2010). In that the children in his experiments were conforming whether in a good or bad way; the ego will respond to the super-ego (good or evil). Therefore, it can be argued Sigmund Freud the medical doctor/neurologist who based his study on his mentally ill adult patients and Albert Bandura the psychologist who pre-set modeled behavior before young children both arrived at credible assumptions. In most parts, the assumptions have similarities despite Freud’s medical approach as against Bandura’s psychological social environment approach. A significant contrast is the age difference of the subjects that they studied; Freud’s adults and Bandura’s young children. Dr. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Dr. Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. REFERENCE Santrock, J. W. (1995). Life-Span Development. Dubuque, IA: Brown Benchmark Witt, G. A., Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult Development Life Assessment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Grooms Wedding Speech - Humorous, but Not Offensive -- Wedding Toasts
Groom's Wedding Speech - Humorous, but Not Offensive Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness a unique event in history - the very first and last time that my wife is going to let me speak on behalf of both of us. It is a privilege and an honor to do so. I just hope that, so soon into our married life, I don't let her down. Today has so far been a day beyond my wildest dreams. As a child, dreaming of my wedding day, I never dared imagine that I would end up marrying someone so intelligent, so witty, so popular, so gorgeous, and so altogether fantastic... (To his wife) Is this O.K. so far? Ladies and gentlemen, it is apparently my job to do all the thankyous. The first and biggest thankyou is to all of you. Thank you all for choosing to share today with us. We are delighted and touched to see so many of you here. And thank you, of course, for all the wonderful gifts. The father of the bride, on the other hand, who is picking up the bill for dinner, is completely distraught. When he saw the guest list with addresses in Ireland, Egypt, the U.S.A., Scotland, as well as the four corners of England, he was delighted, since he felt sure that most of you wouldn't make the effort to turn up. It's to his credit that during his speech you would never have guessed he is in fact a broke, or rather a broken, man. On the subject of his speech I’d like to thank him for his kind words. I hope that, as his daughter's husband, I can live up to the image he painted of me or, failing that, at least continue to keep pulling the wool over his eyes! We would also like to thank my wife's parents for all their efforts in organizing today. Their support has been invaluable, advice sound, and check-book largely available. I'd pe... ...he end and I know that whatever the future holds we’ll live it happily together. Of course this doesn't explain why it has taken us so long to get married. Well, outside church today, I was talking to one of her friends and she told me that, according to my wife, its all about maturity. She had asked my wife why we were getting married now, after all this time, and her response was this... "Men are like a fine wine. They all start out as grapes. It’s our job to stamp on them and then keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with..." It is my eternal good fortune that my wife's taste in wine is cheap, unrefined, and immature. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you again for being here today, for the wonderful gifts, for your good wishes and most of all for your friendship now and in the future. Here's to a wonderful evening. Groom's Wedding Speech - Humorous, but Not Offensive -- Wedding Toasts Groom's Wedding Speech - Humorous, but Not Offensive Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness a unique event in history - the very first and last time that my wife is going to let me speak on behalf of both of us. It is a privilege and an honor to do so. I just hope that, so soon into our married life, I don't let her down. Today has so far been a day beyond my wildest dreams. As a child, dreaming of my wedding day, I never dared imagine that I would end up marrying someone so intelligent, so witty, so popular, so gorgeous, and so altogether fantastic... (To his wife) Is this O.K. so far? Ladies and gentlemen, it is apparently my job to do all the thankyous. The first and biggest thankyou is to all of you. Thank you all for choosing to share today with us. We are delighted and touched to see so many of you here. And thank you, of course, for all the wonderful gifts. The father of the bride, on the other hand, who is picking up the bill for dinner, is completely distraught. When he saw the guest list with addresses in Ireland, Egypt, the U.S.A., Scotland, as well as the four corners of England, he was delighted, since he felt sure that most of you wouldn't make the effort to turn up. It's to his credit that during his speech you would never have guessed he is in fact a broke, or rather a broken, man. On the subject of his speech I’d like to thank him for his kind words. I hope that, as his daughter's husband, I can live up to the image he painted of me or, failing that, at least continue to keep pulling the wool over his eyes! We would also like to thank my wife's parents for all their efforts in organizing today. Their support has been invaluable, advice sound, and check-book largely available. I'd pe... ...he end and I know that whatever the future holds we’ll live it happily together. Of course this doesn't explain why it has taken us so long to get married. Well, outside church today, I was talking to one of her friends and she told me that, according to my wife, its all about maturity. She had asked my wife why we were getting married now, after all this time, and her response was this... "Men are like a fine wine. They all start out as grapes. It’s our job to stamp on them and then keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with..." It is my eternal good fortune that my wife's taste in wine is cheap, unrefined, and immature. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you again for being here today, for the wonderful gifts, for your good wishes and most of all for your friendship now and in the future. Here's to a wonderful evening.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Four Types of Informative Speeches Essay
The last part of chapter 14 is a bit confusing as it attempts to categorize the different approaches to Informative Speaking. For our purposes, we will assign Informative Speeches to the following four (4) types, and this is to REPLACE pages 337-344. Use these, and NOT the ones in the text, to guide you in the development of the Informative Speech. 4 Types of Informative Speeches 1) Descriptive – in the most general sense, you are trying to get the audience to experience something through you. There are 2 approaches to do this: a) the â€Å"real†speech- this is the description of a real, tangible, and physical that is so vivid and precise that the audience can picture it in their mind. The subject could be a place, an object, a person, etc and is described so clearly that the audience can accurately visualize it. b) The â€Å"mood†speech- this is where you attempt to convey just how a particular emotion or feeling feels; and the successful mood speech has the audience actually experiencing that emotional state. For instance, when answering the question â€Å"How does it feel when you are depressed?†the speaker does not simply list other synonymous labels for depression such as ‘down’, ‘bummed’, ‘low’, but focuses instead upon the physiological ( weak, listless), mental (slower thinking, confusion), psychological( joyless, hating self), social( rejected, friendless) aspects. A good contemporary example is the TV ad about ADHD that likens this condition to trying to watch TV with the channels changing every second while showing a rapidly changing TV in the background. Mood speeches are difficult to maintain and develop as the entire speech, and are used many times as a segment of a â€Å"report†speech on that topic. 2) Report – the Report speech is a vastly different speech from the mood speech in that it deals with hard facts and precise data in a very analytical way. It also can be used in a myriad of ways: the life cycle of a flea, a biography of a person, a report giving information about a culture, country, religion, event, medical condition, etc. Even topics of some controversy can be informative in this category: compare/contrast prescription & generic drugs, the legal history of Roe v. Wade, pros/cons of legalizing prostitution/pot/gambling; school uniforms. The over-riding goal here is to remain fair and objective, the audience should not be able to tell what the speaker’s personal position on the topic happens to be. It is unethical to hide a persuasive agenda under the auspices of an Informative speech, so avoid â€Å"I want to inform you why prostitution should be legal†and/or â€Å"†¦so you can see that since the ‘pros’ greatly outweigh the ‘cons’ we should do this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ or to limit the discussion to only the ‘pros’ (or ‘cons’) without fairly and honestly including the ‘cons’ (or ‘pros’). 3) Explanation- the speech of Explanation defines a process. This is NOT a â€Å"how to†speech; it explains how and/or why some process occurs. This is very much like a tour guide at the mint telling their group how coins are made. This is a more intellectual approach to a process- how diamonds are formed, how the AIDS virus invades T-helper cells, how wood becomes petrified, the water cycle, photosynthesis, how microwaves cook food, any surgical procedure, how the brain stores memories, how viruses infect computers, what makes a curveball curve- the list is endless. Think of all the processes you understand, any of them have the potential to be a good explanation speech. 4) Instruction – this IS the traditional â€Å"How to†speech, and this is where the process is actually performed, or we are taught how to do it. This has a ‘hands-on’ feel to it: how to write a good resume, how to save money/gas/time, how to pack for a vacation, how to debug your computer, how to throw a curveball. Sometimes the process can easily be demonstrated within the time limits of a speech; other processes my take longer than the allotted time. If that is the case, then have the successive steps/stages pre-done so you can move easily form one to the next. The audience really doesn’t need to watch you slice six carrots for a salad instead have all of them pre-sliced and just demonstrate a few cuts and then move on, nor do we need to wait until the paint dries. Take a hint from the professionals that do the hobby/craft/cooking shows on TV, a bit of careful planning beforehand can result in a polished presentation of even a very complex process. These are the categories of Informative Speaking. You do not have to stay within just one type, they can be combined as you see fit. For example, in speech that is primarily Explanation, there may be a section where you need to Describe what something looks like and there may be some elements of Report if you discuss the history of it. There is an easy way to consolidate the points of the text with these 4 types of informative speeches. Think of the categories listed in the text as general topic areas from which an Informative Speech topic could be found. Once a topic has been selected, then its development can be guided and focused by the 4 types of informative speeches. For example, one might choose to do a speech about a person (Salvador Dali); it could be Descriptive (describing his physical attributes) or a Report (a biographical speech about his life) or an Explanation (how he created his works) or even some combination of these. The topic is, in all of these cases, ‘a person’ but it has the potential for different types of development; all leading to very different types of speeches. INFORMATIVE SPEAKING TOPICTYPES of AREASSPEECHES PeopleDescriptive Objects real Places mood EventsReport ProcessesExplanation ConceptsInstruction Conditions Issues
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Possibilities, Conventions and Devices of the Comic...
Henning Wagenbreth is a German illustrator, designer and typographer. He has illustrated many books (for both children and adults), posters, newspaper and magazine editorials and comic strips (Wagenbreth 2014: ONLINE). For the purpose of this analyzing a narrative text, I have chosen his comic strip series called ‘Plastic Dog’. I will specifically focus on the two comics shown as Figure 1 and Figure 2. In general, the essay will be a deconstructive analysis of the possibilities, conventions and devices of the comic strip as a narrative text. Within this analysis, the essay will examine the postmodern characteristics of ‘Plastic Dog’. It will also investigate how these characteristics can help the reader to better understand the narrative possibilities of the comic form and the meaning-making strategies within it. According to Mieke Bal (1985: 5) a narrative text is a text that tells some kind of story (Bal 1985: 5). A story is a â€Å"series of logically and chronically related events that are caused or experienced by actors†(known as the fabula)(Bal 1985: 5) and are presented in a certain manner. The question that will guide this essay is whether the comic form is only primarily geared towards the telling of a ‘story’ opposed to an experience in which narrative is secondary to the visuals. The ‘Plastic Dog’ comics epitomize a postmodern point of view. This means that they disrupt the boundaries between high and low art and are written and illustrated through pastiche andShow MoreRelatedThe Studio System Essay14396 Words  | 58 Pageswill examine how these changes took place, and what impact it had on the film making industry in America. We shall also examine how the system relates to the current production methods used in film making. The main issues raised within the text will be summarised concisely within the conclusion. Before a film reaches the cinema screen, and its audience it must go through a three stage process. Firstly and most obviously it has to be produced, following this it must then beRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesComprehension: Questions for Review 128 Key Terms 129 130 HRM Workshop Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 107 Developing Diagnostic and Analytical Skills 107 Case Application 4-A: Casino Has No Sense of Humor Regarding â€Å"Dilbert†Comic 107 Case Application 4-B: Off-the-Job Behaviors 107 Working with a Team: Dealing in Gray Areas 108 Learning an HRM Skill: Guidelines for Counseling Employees 108 Enhancing Your Communication Skills 109 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion QuestionsRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesnumber 0-534-17688-7. When Wadsworth decided no longer to print the book, they returned their publishing rights to the original author, Bradley Dowden. The current version has been significantly revised. If you would like to suggest changes to the text, the author would appreciate your writing to him at iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which is owned by Cengage Learning: There is a great deal of coherence. The
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