Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Beautiful Mind Characterization and Dialogue - 1176 Words
Writing Portfolio The 2001 biopic/drama film ‘A Beautiful Mind’, directed by Ron Howard is a prime example of a text in which visual and verbal techniques are used to develop the personality of a character. An important job for the director of any film is to establish a framework and personality for the protagonist. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ is no different, and visual and verbal techniques are used effectively to develop the personality of John Nash. But because Ron Howard is dealing with a very complex character in the form of a paranoid schizophrenic mathematician, his personality is forever changing and the differing film techniques achieve this. As this film is a biopic/drama drawn into one, the viewer follows Nash’s life over a†¦show more content†¦The delusions put his baby sons life at risk, and also cause a further rift between Nash and his wife Alicia. In earlier scenes, Nash’s friend Charles was in fact present to the viewer in the form of the actor (portrayed by Paul Bettany). The effort to include the actor in these earlier scenes is a bid by the director to create the same realism for Nash, as for the audience. But in later scenes, the removal of Bettany and other cast members changes the viewer’s perspective of this protagonist. As the actor is no longer present, the viewer is forced to side with Alicia in thinking John Nash is delusional. The viewer here, is easily able to pin point the affects that paranoid schizophrenia has on Nash, and other sufferers of that disorder. Characterisation is important, as in these later scene his personality is changed into a very confused man. The confident, charming and intelligent John Nash of Princeton University is instantly transformed personality due to the including and removing of key characters. These key characters not only include Charles, but also his niece Marcee and Special Forces Operative William Pacher. Dialogue is another technique (this time verbal) which is important in developing the personality of character John Nash. Director Ron Howeard opts to portray Nash as an arrogant and scornful outsider in the opening scenes of the film. During these stages, dialogue is crucialShow MoreRelatedLife Is Beautiful Theme777 Words  | 4 PagesLife is beautiful is a 1997 Italian tragicomedy drama film, directed and starring Roberto Benigni. The film narrated a World War 2 story in where a jewish father named Guido Orefice ’s family was captured into a jewish concentration camp, however he employed his fertile imagination, and manage to shield his son Joshua from the horrors of the camp and sacrificed himself to ensure Joshua and Dora--his wife’s survivals. The film strongly conveyed the themes of innocence and love through uses of a rangeRead More Irony and Characterization in O’Connor’s Good Country People942 Words  | 4 Pagesof irony as a technique for i mbuing a story with meaning. 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