Friday, May 31, 2019
The Terrorist’s Extradition Loophole Essay -- Terrorists Terrorism Ter
The Terrorists Extradition LoopholeMost extradition treaties between states call for an prerogative for crimes that are semipolitical in nature. The political offense exemption was originally created to allow states to protect those that another state may wish to prosecute for crimes that are politically committed against that governing body. R. Stuart Phillips, a justice Advocate in the United States Army, distinguishes between pure political offenses and relative political offenses. Pure political offenses are directed specifically against the state and do not directly affect civilians. They also do not contain acts that would normally be considered a common crime. This can include efforts to overthrow the government, treason, and espionage. These types of crimes should be protected by a political offense exemption. A problem with the extradition exemption comes up with the relative political offenses. These offenses are not entirely political in nature. These crimes tend to be common crimes that are committed for a political purpose. The reason behind the crime is not enough to warrant an exemption from prosecution for the crime itself (Phillips 340-343). Terrorists should not be allowed to find the loopholes in a system that enables them to continue to terrorize those whom they blame for their problems.This problem is a direct solution of the gray areas that make it difficult to tell the difference between a common crime and a political crime. It combines the two acts into one, blurring the line of distinction (Anderson). The government being attacked sees it as a common criminal attack on its sovereignty, while the terrorist sees it as a legitimate means to an end. The government behind which the terrorist is nerve-wracking to... ...d for.BibliographyAnderson, James H. International Terrorism and Crime Trends and Linkages. James Madison University. http// (8 Mar. 2002).Kash, Douglas A. An International Legislative Approac h to 21st-Century Terrorism. The Future of Terrorism Violence in the New Millennium. Ed. Harvey W. Kushner. capital of the United Kingdom Sage Publications, 1998.Phillips, R. Stuart. The Political Offense Exception and Terrorism Its Place in the Current Extradition Scheme and Proposals for its Future. Dickenson Journal of International Law Winter 1997. 337-359.Van den Wyngaert, Christine. The Political Offense Exception to Extradition How to Plug the Terrorists Loophole without Departing from Fundamental Human Rights. International Criminal Law and Procedure. Eds. John Dugard and Christine van den Wyngaert. Aldershot Dartmouth, 1996.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Frivolous lawsuits Essay example -- Legal Issues
Do you remember the display case about the woman who ordered the McDonalds coffee and spilled it in her lap and treatd McDonalds because it did not have a warning label on it? What about the woman who fell in the fountain at the mall while texting and wants to sue the mall? These lawsuits may seem fairly farfetched. They fall into the category called silly. Blacks Law Dictionary defines frivolous as lacking a judicial basis or legal merit not serious not reasonably purposeful (Garner, 2006). When people pursue such lawsuits as these it costs bills. The well-mannered justice system is plagued by high transaction costs, meaning that it is both expensive and time consuming to use the courts to resolve disputes (Ruschmann, 2006, p. 60). Frivolous lawsuits should not be taken seriously. People should not be awarded money for things that they caused themselves, and they should not cost courts and consumers time and/or money.There are many steps to go through once you decide to file a lawsuit. Many Americans suffer from injuries and only a small percentage of them file a lawsuit because many of them have valid claims but they have little money. Sometimes when plaintiffs, the person filing the lawsuit, go to trial there is a lot of money that has to be spent up-front. Taking a large case on a contingency fee and advancing all the out-of-pocket cost is a very expensive proposition (Bourhis, 2005, p. 76). Lawyers have created the contingent-fee arrangement. This is where a lawyer agrees to take a case without any money up front and without requiring the client to stand an hourly or flat fee. In return, the lawyer is entitled to receive a percentage of the actual amount of money collected, generally 33 percent, but sometimes 40 percent if ... ...ceived potential for a large payout. Three percent of crossing liability trials involved toxic substances, including tobacco. Three tobacco product liability trials were disposed of a national sample in 2005. All three of these trials were decided by juries that ruled in favor of the defendants. Toxic substances were united as 346 of the 354 product liability trials (Cohen, 2009). Tort reformers believe that courts must reduce the ability of defendants liability in order to avoid economic decline. In the age to come, the proposals likely to generate the biggest dispute include malpractice and class-action reform, limits on noneconomic and punitive damages, and a legislative solution to asbestos legation (Rushmann, 2006). There are many lawsuits. But the frivolous lawsuits should not be taken seriously and not cost our courts and citizens time and/or money.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Fallibility of Man Exposed in The Bible Essays -- Religion Biblica
The Fallibility of Man Exposed in The Bible The story of the opulent Calf illustrates the inherent fallibility of man. It starts out when the people ask Aaron to make us gods, which shall go before us. Despite the fact that God had spoken to them just age earlier commanding them not to make themselves either graven images, Aaron doesnt argue too strongly against this, immediately asking them to turn over any gold jewelry they have so that he may make them a figure of worship. This choice of material symbolizes mans covetous nature, perchance also implying that Aaron feared to go against Gods wishes directly, and so he chose gold in the hope that the people would be loathe to part with it. However, they readily top over their wealth, which Aaron makes into a statue of a golden calf. In this too, Aaron compromises while the people asked him to make them gods, he chooses to make a single figure, and states that it is the God that brought them out of E gypt. This surrender is intended to sooth Gods wrath when he sees what the Israelites have done. The people seem to be remarkably unconcerned with Moses whereabouts at this point considering the fact that he just brought them out of Egypt and is leading them to the Promised Land. In this story they seem to treat him with a great deal of suspicion, stating that they wot not what is become of him, which implies that hes dilapidated them, and that theyre ready to move along without his guidance. This seems ironic, given that he is all that saves them from Gods wrath for this very incident. Upon seeing this idolatry, the Lord becomes enraged, and tells Moses to leave so that he may d... ...ll every man who played a part in the creation of this false icon, even friends or kin. This done, Moses returns to face God in hopes of prevailing upon him to forgive his people. In the conclusion of the story, Moses confesses to the Lord, stating that this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold, reiterating the prior thought that men were worshipping material value over God himself. Moses asks that God destroy him with the rest of his people if he will not grant them forgiveness, implying that the thought of gods displeasure so disturbed him that he would rather die in hopes of averting this disaster. While God denies him this, he grants that those guilty of the sin shall only be plagued with misfortune, rather than destruction, as he planned earlier. Thus the people are given mercy, but not forgiveness.
John Proctor and Elizabeths Relationship Essay -- The Crucible John P
rear Proctor and Elizabeths RelationshipIn the beginning of the play John speaks about Elizabeth once toAbigail. Abby has said that Elizabeth was a cold and sickly wife. Johnsays to her that she has no right to speak of his wife in such a mood and renounces the comment about her being sickly. He does not,although, dismiss Abbys charge that Elizabeth is a cold wife. But, hemeans it is because of him that she is this way.In the beginning of Act 2 in that respect was a great feeling of detachment andtension in the Proctor household. We see John trying to start aconversation with Elizabeth and she only gives him petty answers toplease him. Then the tide turns to her questioning him and he is theone that becomes short with her because she is requesting that he goto Salem and confess that Abigail is liar. To do that, though he moldinessconfess his sin. During most of the scene theyre not sure of eachother. She doesnt quite trust him, but she loves him. Proctorbelieves himself to be an a bomination in his own eye and according tohis own high standards and especiall...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Racquetball :: essays research papers
Racquetball is played by two or four players. When played by two, it is called singles and when played by four, doubles. A non-tournament variation of the game that is played by three players is called cut-throat. Racquetball is a competitive game in which a arrange racquet is used to help and return the ball. The objective is to win each rally by serving or returning the ball so the foe is unable to keep the ball in play. A rally is over when a player (or team in doubles) is unable to hit the ball forrader it touches the floor twice, is unable to return the ball in such a manner that it touches the front wall before it touches the floor, or when a hinder is called. Points are scored only by the serving military position when it serves an irretrievable serve (an ace) or wins a rally. Losing the serve is called a sideout in singles. In doubles, when the world-class server loses the serve it is called a handout and when the second server loses the serve it is a sideout. A match is won by the first side winning two games. The first two games of a match are played to 15 points. If each side wins one game, a tiebreaker game is played to 11 points.The specifications for the standard four-wall racquetball accost follow.(a) Dimensions. The dimensions shall be 20 feet wide, 40 feet long and 20 feet high, with a back wall at least 12 feet high. All surfaces shall be in play, with the exception of any gallery opening, surfaces designated as out-of-play for a valid reason (such as being of a very different material or not in alignment with the backwall), and designated court hinders. (b) Markings. Racquetball courts shall be marked with lines 1 1/2 inches wide as follows 1. Short Line. The back edge of the concise line is center(prenominal) between, and is parallel with, the front and back walls. 2. swear out Line. The front edge of the service line is parallel with, and five feet in front of, the back edge of the short line. 3. Service Zone. The service zone is the 5 x 20 area bounded by the bottom edges of the side walls and by the outer edges of the short line and the service line. 4. Service Boxes. The service boxes, used in doubles play, are located at each end of the service zone and are designated by lines parallel with the side walls.
Racquetball :: essays research papers
Racquet puffiness is played by two or four players. When played by two, it is called singles and when played by four, doubles. A non-tournament variation of the game that is played by three players is called cut-throat. Racquetball is a competitive game in which a strung racquet is used to cause and degenerate the ball. The objective is to win each rally by luck or returning the ball so the opponent is unable to keep the ball in play. A rally is over when a player (or team in doubles) is unable to hit the ball before it touches the floor twice, is unable to return the ball in such a manner that it touches the front wall before it touches the floor, or when a hinder is called. Points are scored only by the serving side when it serves an irretrievable serve (an ace) or wins a rally. Losing the serve is called a sideout in singles. In doubles, when the first server loses the serve it is called a handout and when the entropy server loses the serve it is a sideout. A insure is won b y the first side winning two games. The first two games of a match are played to 15 points. If each side wins one game, a tiebreaker game is played to 11 points.The specifications for the standard four-wall racquetball court follow.(a) Dimensions. The dimensions shall be 20 feet wide, 40 feet long and 20 feet high, with a sand wall at least 12 feet high. All surfaces shall be in play, with the exception of any gallery opening, surfaces designated as out-of-play for a valid reason (such as being of a very different material or not in alignment with the backwall), and designated court hinders. (b) Markings. Racquetball courts shall be marked with lines 1 1/2 inches wide as follows 1. Short Line. The back edge of the short line is midway between, and is parallel with, the front and back walls. 2. Service Line. The front edge of the service line is parallel with, and five feet in front of, the back edge of the short line. 3. Service Zone. The service order is the 5 x 20 area bounded b y the bottom edges of the side walls and by the outer edges of the short line and the service line. 4. Service Boxes. The service boxes, used in doubles play, are located at each end of the service zone and are designated by lines parallel with the side walls.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Republic of the Philippines Batangas State University Governor Pablo Borbon, Main Campus II College of Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts and computing Sciences PASSENGER RESERVATON SYSTEM Presented by Atienza, Zarah Jane C. Caringal, Clariza Jane R. Castor, Chiara R. Fondevilla, Rolan A. Mendoza, Ana Marie P. BSIT- 3102 Presented to Ms. Amy U. Aclan nstrctor Executive Summary The ABC Bus Corporation has approached a new way in reserving their accommodating their rider by creating a computerize bus qualification systems that aims to provide user excellent services.Bus engagement system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey for various places in Bangalore. The said bus reservation company has 60 routes operating from Bangalore among those are the regular or ordinary, semi-luxury and super-deluxe buses. These systems should get hold of information about its passenger akin date of reservation, their destination, and n umber of seats and cancellation of their reservation. The system should meet the requirements of the business to make it interactive and user friendly.Our project is to computerize traveling company to manage data, so that all the transactions become fast and lessen any possibly error in transaction like calculation mistake, bill generation and other things. It replaces all the paper work. It keeps records of all bills in addition, giving to ensure 100% successful implementation of the computerized Bus reservation system. It also shows reports of the transaction done by the company to monitor their daily operation. Objective/s Main Objective To develop an effective and functional passenger reservation system. Specific Objectives a.To record data of various routes originating from Bangalore b. To verify that the total distance travelled by each passenger does not exceeded 3000km. c. To provide a induction for cancellation. Analysis Traveling is a large growing business in or countr y. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus. We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it, we get to know that there are umteen operations, which they have to do manually.It takes a lot of time and causes many errors. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they were facing many disputes with customers. To solve the above problem, and further maintaining records of items, seat availability for customers, price of per seat, bill generation and other things, we are offering this proposal of reservation system. Our reservation system has two staffs. First module helps him to reserve a ticket. Using second module he can cancel a reserved ticket. Requirements Definition Functional Requirements a. Should be able to create a new login for accessing the reservation facility. . Se e trustworthy reservations on different buses along with the details. c. The system should automatically show amount of money needs to be pay for selected seats. Non- Functional Requirements a. The administrator shall usually do anything on the system in all forms. Administrator is responsible for updating and maintenance of the systems content such as adding/ removing information about the system. b. Customers are hatful who shall use the Passenger Reservation System. To use this service the customer should have the basic computer using ability. Process Model Data Model E- R Diagram Use Case Input/Output design
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Baby Dumpers in Malaysia Essay
In Malaysia, cabinet decides frustrate toss cases investigated as murder or attempted murder to en sealed that atrocious acts receive severe penalisation (Mixed reaction to classifying, 2010). Some early(a)s said that they should given a new chance to repent on what they halt d peerless. Our opinions, the punishment is heavy for them due to close to of bodge dumpers in Malaysia and other countries were committed by underage and teenagers around 20s. In guild to find the solutions for this problem, the federation and government convey to find the causes and factors that contribute to the problem first.The factors that contribute to itch throw away ar cultural values and perspective of the community, HIV/ help, poverty and inadequacy of finish education. Cultural value is a concept that a community sharing to provokeher well-nigh what is right, wrong, possible or impossible, true or turned and so on (Young, 2009) spot according Oxford dictionary perspective apprize d escribe as an attitude or a way of thinking around well-nighthing. Some of coarse shares a similar perspective and values. Because of we cripple the issue of baby dumping, so we leave alone focus on what the community thinks that broke into this problem.What makes one girl decided to dump the illegal baby, because they are afraid if they are not accepted by the family and smart set. This is because having children outside join which the start out is no longer involved in a relationship with the father is seen unacceptable in culture in certain country especially in Asian country and Africa (Maundeni & Nnyepi, 2011). Besides that, the mother who carried illegal baby in her belly get out think that she would be a shame if pack outside the family know about her maternity. Due to that, it leads mother to throw or bury their babies (Baby-dumping rates soar among school girls, 2011).Family and community play important roles in this case by braggy a moral support for them (Hafi dzhi Razali, 2012). Parents and community need to guide them and support them when they go through the phase of their mistake not judging them. This is because they are tranquillize young which cannot think what is right and wrong. Yes, they made mistake but the parents and community should correct them and tell them this is not the end of the world. We need to realize that these young people decided to abandon their baby because of they are out of options due to the limitations set upon by social circumstances.From being despised by society and scolded by the family, it is preferable to dump the baby. Abortion is prohibited in all religion no matter you are Christian, Islam, Jews, Buddha or Hindu. Abortion can be like cleansing a person life so that is why it is prohibits to practice. Many girls who share their experience said that they choose to abandon their babies is because of abortion is prohibited in society (Jia, 2010). Like we mentioned earlier, these girls are young to think what is right to do. So they think that abandon the baby is the best options rather than abortion.This is because they believe that abandon the baby in the dustbin which the baby is chill out alive is so much better than abort. The second factors that contribute to baby dumping are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). When we say about HIV/AIDS, society always has negative thought about the disease. When someone get infected by other people, they will get the punishment too until now though it not their fault. A child with HIV/AIDS always get insulted and negative look from the society even though they didnt ask for the disease.Issue on baby dumping has been widely happen around the world. The baby been dumped because of the infected of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can be transmitting through sexual contact with the infected, sharing needles or other injection equipment with the infected person, through an open cut or wound and mother to inf ant. fix to child transmittance of the disease can be happen during the pregnancy month, delivery and after birth and breastfeeding (Otti & Jallow, 2003). This is called perinatal transmission that is usual way the disease transmitted to the child (American Pregnancy Association, 2012).The chances for the baby to be infected is 25% if the mother not taking any interference during the pregnancy. Baby gets infected by the virus through the blood circulation from the mother HIV-positive, make the fetus to be exposed in the HIV process (Cichocki, 2010). Therefore, the mother who infected will feel depressed due to the transmission of HIV. The depression will lead the mother to dump the baby as her last option. During the delivery, the connectedness between mother and baby are umbilical cord, which connects the baby with the mother body fluids and blood that contains the virus.The body fluids may get the baby to be infected. Mother with HIV positive are not allow to breastfeed their babies because of the mother take out has very high concentration of HIV. They have been suggested to give commercial milk formula to their babies to avoid the babies from being infected. Due to that, it is kind of burden to the mother to spend money on commercial milk. The other major factor that will contribute to baby dumping is poverty. As we know that if the parents do not have any money to raise the child, they may dump their babies so that they will not have to pay all the baby basics requirements, (Sulayman Makalo, n. ).For example, to raise a good baby they will need shelter, and some other basic requirements. For some poor families, they cannot afford for the shelter. This is due to the money shortage and they neither able to buy nor rent a house for the family. Most of the cases of baby dumping are happened in the poor country such as Africa, (Skosana, n. d). There are so many people who live incompetent where some of the families did not plan the pregnancy, but then aft er the mother pregnant they are not able to raise and give the basic requirements to the baby.This include for the babys food, clothes and education. This may affect the developmental growth of the children (Sulayman Makalo, n. d). They dump their baby and hoping that someone will take care for their child with complete requirements with halal education. Other than that, there are some cases that the mother abandoned the baby as a solution due to desperation, (Baby dumping-A genocide, 2012). According to Gosamalang (2011), most of the women who leave and kill their babies are poor, single mother and often the first time mother.This may happen because they are fear of being poor while raising the child. Besides that, there will be a lot of cost needed to grow a child, to buy their food, milk, diapers and clothes. The mother may horrendous and under pressure and finally they will dump the baby. Moreover, the father of the child doesnt want to take the responsibility for the child, w hich may be the unloved pregnancy and have no money and disable to grow them. In the developing country such as Malaysia, most of the cases are related to teenagers.This is because eenagers are still young, full with curiosity and not able to raise their own babies, (Baby dumping-A genocide, 2012). They only know to enjoy their youth while they actually have no money and not able to carry a huge responsibility, such as take cares their own baby. They are the largest group who neglect their babies with promise they can start a new life. They also should be studying in school or college where they have no sufficient money to get with the baby. Here, it can be concluded that poverty is one of the major causes that escalates the baby dumping cases worldwide.The last factors that contribute to baby dumping are sex education. Nowadays, these youngsters are lack of knowledge about sex education, which they are clueless about it. In Nazni Noordin et al, 2012, research they said that with not enough knowledge on sex, it adds to unwanted pregnancy which it can lead to the baby dumping issues. With the knowledge on sex education, the youngsters can differentiate between bad and good. So in order that all of these youngsters get all the knowledge on sex education, government must play a vital role so that the baby dumping issues are in control.Moreover, in order to decreases the issues, government should introduce sex education in school to combat baby dumping issues (Malaysia Considering Sex learning, 2010). With introducing sex education to school across Malaysia, it can tackle the widespread of baby dumping issues. Even though by bring out the sex education classes have against conservative elements, saying that it will encourage lechery, but with the abandoned of newborns all over the country by young mothers has forced a reconsider.Other than that, according to Singh and Tan, 2010, with sex education, it is creating an accurate understanding of reproductive health among the young, which it was important in reducing baby dumping. It is believe one of the methods that can scoop out to raise cognizance among schoolchildren especially the youngsters. To success the education, all sectors, includes government, private sector and non-governmental organizations were needed as part of a complete ways to address baby dumping. Furthermore, sex education in school also can create awareness among young generation towards consequences of free sex (Nazni Noordin et al, 2012).Nazni Noordin et al, 2012, also stated that, teenagers at present find it much harder to come up with good reasons to say no to sex and to use birth control pills carefully and it shows that there is low awareness among the teenagers towards the sex which its lead to the unwanted pregnancy and consequently, it will lead to baby dumping. Nazni Noordin et al, 2012 cited from Dr. Ismail Thamby, 2010, usually young generation will not think of the result with their behavior. In additio n, it is not only government who responsible to control the baby dumping issues.It also must come from the finalize itself which is the teenagers parents or family. As a parent, they need to be fully aware of what their teenagers is taught in school. In order to overcome this situation, parents and family must be open-minded when it came to sex education or sex guggle with their children. Moreover, parents should pay more attention and be more supportive to their children so that the young mothers are not afraid of them if they are pregnant outside the marriage (Nazni Noordin et al, 2012).Furthermore, they need to talk to their children about sexuality issues (Mellanby et al, 1995). Other than that, according to Mellanby et al, 1995, all parents should be prepared to answer questions that their children may have. By this it can be sure that the information that the parents provided is complete and accurate and more importantly, it reflects the familys values. The parents also must control and aware of their childrens outdoor activities in order to prevents unwanted pregnancies which can lead to baby dumping.As the conclusion, this baby dumping issue is hard to control. Before we think about on how to solve this problem, we have to tackle from the root that contributes to baby dumping. Like we have discussed earlier, the factors that contribute to baby dumping are cultural values and perspective of the community, HIV and AIDS, poverty and sex education. Moreover, baby dumping gives so many negative impacts to our society and we have to take several actions in order to reduce the numbers of baby dumping cases.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Choosing hardware and input devices Essay
Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Word Paint Inter force out Explorer This knock back shows all the applications I used to complete my course mold Name of application hurt Main Functions Advantages Disadvantages Microsoft Publisher i 49. 99 The main feed of Microsoft publisher is to form web ranks, documents, cards, almost everything ETC. It is easy to create these sympathetics of things with Microsoft publisher. It is very easy to create websites cards etc. It takes a very long time to install on the computer. It runs in a very loyal speed so it doesnt rent time to load up. It bunghole be very conf use and you need to know how to use it.It has so m each design options, about all over 1,000 professionally designed templates. You kittyt thrust very precise layouts because it doesnt shake up the precise tools. Microsoft Word i 49. 99 The main office staff of Microsoft office word is to create and also edit text, graphics in letters, reports, and web pages and also email me ssages. For this it has several(predicate) functions exchangeable doting text into different styles and formatting the font. Data potbelly be imported from a spreadsheet to this so that a mail merge can be created. It is quite difficult to shop data like Microsoft Access. If you get any slews it can be corrected so easily.Not everyone leave behind be subject to purchase it because it costs too oftentimes. The belong can be saved so that it could be done at a nonher time. If people start relying on the spell checker they expertness lose their spelling skills. Internet Explorer You dont need to purchase it because it is already installed on the operating softw ar. The main function is that people take a leak wide access to the information the want. The other function is that they can communicate, do a bit of shopping, and it can also be used for entertainment. Doesnt need to be purchased because its already installed on the operating software.Some information can be biased and inaccurate. Used for a lot of things E. G. Communication, shopping, gaming E. T. C Surfing the internet too much, can be addictive. It can be accessed by anyone in the world. Illegal sites always occur even if youre surfing the web conservatively. Paint You dont need to purchase it because it is already installed on the operating software. The main function is to create drawings and to display scanned photos. The other function is to create pictures and diagrams. Doesnt need to be purchased because its already installed on the operating software. It cant store information in a table like Microsoft Access.You can draw logos, pictures E. T. C Older versions of it cannot open files that are from a newer version. It has a special image function which allows you to edit or pitch photos. It cannot type in text in different forms like Microsoft Office Word. Alternatives This table show the alternatives of the table above Name of Application Alternative Application The way it feeds Advantages Disadvantage Difference it would ca-ca if I used it Microsoft Publisher Adobe Dreamweaver The main function of Adobe Dreamweaver is to create mainly websites alone other things can be do such as cards, magazines etc.Websites can be made much more accurately and much more precise than Microsoft word. It is much more expensive than Microsoft word so it cant be purchased by everyone. The main difference it makes is that I would be able to work more accurately and create better websites. However it is more complicated than Microsoft publisher so it will be gravid to use. Website designers can make changes to the design of a website simply by editing the Dream Weaver template files. It is much more complicated than Microsoft word so itll be hard to use. Simple and entangled websites can be designed using a point and click method.It takes much longer to install. Microsoft Word Open Office writer The main function of is to create and edit text, reports, and web pages and email messages. For this it has different functions like formatting text into different styles. The wizard makes it easier for new beginners to use. The wizards appear too much which is distractible. The main difference is that I would be able to create and edit text, reports, web ages and email messages easier and much more accurate. It can connect to any existing database. It is less popular than Microsoft Office Access so not many people use it.You dont control do get this but you can get it for free. For somewhat people this could be hard to use because of the extra functions. Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox The main function is that people assimilate wide access to the information the want. The other function is that they can communicate, do a bit of shopping, and it can also be used for entertainment. It is much loyaler and faster than internet explorer. It is not supported by a small proportion of web sites. The main difference is that I would be able to contact info rmation and surf the net much quicker than internet explorer.It has more security on it because it doesnt let pop ups through at all. With Mozilla Firefox some websites do not display properly. It has more design and looks better than Internet Explorer. Fire fox has to be bought separately if it is to be installed in the computer. Paint Paint. net It works in the same way as paint. But this has extra special features and they work by having a user interface which can mechanically know something new directly. There are different versions for different operating softwares. People could get wrong versions and so they wouldnt work and they would have to buy new ones.The main difference is that I will be able to get help from the online forums If I did not no how to use it. as well as if I make a mistake and I realise after a bit, then I will be able to go to that mistake because there is unlimited undos. It has online forums which makes it easy for members to get help from users. Some people wont understand it because it looks very complicated. There is an unlimited amount of wardrobe undo. It doesnt come supplied with computers from before so you have to buy it. Microsoft Publisher It is used for creating mainly websites. Microsoft Word It is used for typing in any kind of information.Internet Explorer It is used for getting information. Ismail Bismillah Paint It is used for creating pictures, drawings, logo E. T. C Input These are the input devices I used to make my work easy. Device Speed Errors that can be made Way to correct errors Keyboard The speed of the keyboard is mea currentd in form of words per minute. It depends if you are a fast typist or a slow one. Many errors can be done whilst typing. For example, when youre typing very quickly, you can press the wrong key which will change the spelling of a word. Also when youre typing numbers you can make mistakes.E. g. if you want to type in 786 and your in a squawk you can make mistakes like pressing the wrong numbers. (768) The way to correct these errors is to type a lot and you will get use to it so much that you wont get any mistakes. Another easier method is to click on tools then click on spelling and grammar. This will show you all the mistakes and you can easily correct it later. Mouse The speed of the purloin also is measured in the similar way. (Clicks per minute) It depends if you are fast or slow on using the cringe. Many errors can also be made whilst using the mouse.The main error that can be made is that when you are in a rush, you can easily click on something wrong which will take you to a different place. Also the mouse can easily slip when youre moving it. The way to correct these errors is to use a mouse pad which is especially designed/made for mice. Another way to correct this error is to use the mouse a bit slower and not in a rush. Scanner The speed of the scanner depends on how much data is being scanned. It also depends on what type of scanner it is. Err ors can be made using the scanner as well. The main error that can be made is that the paper can be put the wrong way (upside down).Also the paper can sometimes be inserted half way inside. The way to correct these errors is to check carefully which way the paper should be put in. Also the paper should be put in straight and not bent. Keyboard I detected errors in my work by using the spelling and grammar checker to check any spelling mistakes and any punctuation mistakes. To correct the errors in my work I would use the conclusion reader to correct mistakes that are done in my work. To go along errors from happening, I typed a bit slower and much more carefully and I carried on looking at the screen to see if there were any mistakes I made.Mouse I detected errors in my work by checking manually if I made any clicking mistakes. To correct the errors in my work I would check manually and make sure that I would click the proper(ip) thing if something unclaimed had been clicked by going back and clicking the right thing. To prevent errors from happening in my work I would make sure that I would buy a mouse pad so that the mouse doesnt slip and so the wrong thing doesnt be clicked. Scanner I detected errors in my work by checking manually if all the information has been scanned and also that it is the right way round but not upside down.To correct the errors in my work I would check manually and make sure that if the data is scanned upside down than I would delete that data and I would than scan the data again by moving the data on the scanner the other way round. To prevent errors from happening in my work I would make sure that the data is the right way round in the first place and also make sure that no part of it is covered up. Effects of outside Data Inaccurate data will affect the system in many ways. Data Effect Way it can be prevented Spelling mistakes (website).If spelling mistakes are made then wrong information might be given out and also the custo mers will think this agency is not a professional one. To prevent this I spell checker can be used. I can also tell someone to go through it and look at my mistakes. Hyper intimacys not linked correctly If hyperlinks are not linked properly then the business will become low because when you click on the link itll steer you somewhere else or not take you anywhere. This can be prevented by checking the hyperlinks properly and making sure there are no mistakes. Also makes sure checking takes place before advertising. Not changing the colour of hyperlinksIf hyperlinks do not change colour then the customer will not no which site he has been to so he will go on that website repeatedly. The way this can be sorted out is that when a customer clicks on the hyper link then it should change colour so the customer does not go on it repeatedly. The best way to stop all the problems is to keep on checking if you have made mistakes. This way all your mistakes will be sorted out. And there wont b e any inaccurate data validation Validation is to make sure that data which is being entered should be reasonable and allowable meaning that it is something possible but it doesnt have to be correct.There are a few different types of validations to help reduce the number of errors made by a user Type check, range check, picture or format check, check digit, field length checks etc. Verification The validation can be used to make sure that when a user types data in the computer and if there are any errors made in the typing then they are reduced. For example if a database was going to be made with mistakes like if a 1993 date of birth was typed and was not true, the computer will not take it as an error if was programmed to let in anything between 1990 and1994. So the results would be incorrect and full of mistakes.This could also be known as Garbage In, Garbage out (GIGO). So that is why validations are important to help make sure that the user knows if there are any errors that ha ve been made when typing data into the computer but it does not help in give tongue to if the data is true or false. Output This table shows the outputs I used. Device Type The way it works Advantages Disadvantages Best place to use it Printers Laser A mirror reflects a beam of laser, and then lays them. A toner is then sprayed onto it. A paper is now pressed onto the toner and is slightly heated so that it sticks firmly on the paper.It prints out very quickly compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers It is the most expensive printer especially the colour lasers. The best place to use this laser printer is an office because an office requires a large amount of papers printed in small amount of time and with less noise as possible. It prints out very fast compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers Because it is so big it takes up more space than ink-jet printers. It has a high quality compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers It is very expensive to repair because of the comple x parts inside.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Martin Buber and The Way of Man Essay
Martin Buber is todays unmatched of the most important representatives of the hu manhood spirit. He was born in Vienna in 1878, studied school of thought and the history of art at the University of Vienna and of Berlin. In 1916 he founded Der Jude, a periodical which he edited until 1924 and which became under his guidance the leading organ of the communicative Jewry. Professor Buber has written widely in the fields of philosophy, education, philosophy of religion, community, sociology, psychology, art, Biblical interpretation, Judaism, Hasidism, and Zionism.Bubers works best kn profess in America include I and Thou, the classical statement of his philosophy of dialogue, Between Man and Man, Eclipse of God, The Tales of the Hasidism and the way of man The way of man is a book by martin Buber which would seem to be simple still a psyche who read it through with(predicate) and think they hasten understood it fully, when in fact they have discovered besides angiotensin-converti ng enzyme or two dimensions of its message. E precisething that is in I and Thou is also implicit in The Way of Man, tho it is in there in a a great deal more compressed signifier.I and Thou is compact too, but The Way of Man is much more compact, yet still rich and pregnant with meaning. It most demands that you read it once again and again, its meanings ar hidden in between the lines, so people who are meditative in reading could understand the meanings of the book and the experience in that little book. And if The Way of Man is short, deceptively simple and heavy with meaning, the recurring dream that frequently came to Buber is even more so.His description of this dream is only one page long, but for those who have a good understanding of how dreams sometimes speak the deeper language of the heart and spirit, this dream is a rich and fibrous one indeed. And the fact that it recurred to Buber several times is itself signifi adviset. Recurrent dreams are often, correspond to Carl Jung, our souls (or Gods? ) attempt to tell us something highly important about our deepest well-being, and they have to recur because we are so resistant to hearing whatever the message is that they are trying to t separately us. So Buber apothegm this dream as a exceptionally signifi kindlet one.The Influence of Hasidism in The Way of Man Although his existence as a modern Western man has made it impossible for Buber to hold out a Hasid, it is to Hasidism, more than to any other single source that he has gone for his image of what modem man can and ought to become. For Hasidism, as for Bubers philosophy of dialogue, one cannot love God unless one loves his fellow man, and for this love to be real it must be love of each particular man in his created uniqueness and it must take place for its own sake and not for the sake of any reward, even the salvation or saint of ones soul.Hasidism is a mysticism which hallows community and ein truthday life rather than withdraws fr om it, rejecting asceticism and the denial of the life of the senses in favor of the joy that can transform and re-direct the alien thoughts, or fantasies, that distract man from the love of God. gibe to Buber Despair, to Hasidism, is worse even than sin, for it leads one to believe oneself in the power of sin and thus to give in to it.One must overcome the pride that leads one to compare himself with others, but he must not forget that in himself, as in all men, is a unique value which must be realized if the reality is to be brought to perfection. Everyone must have two pockets, said one Hasidic master. In his right pocket he must keep the words, for my sake was the world created, and in his left, I am dust and ashes. Hasidism stresses simple worship and fervor more than intellectual subtlety or the attempt to schematize heavenly mysteries.As every lock has its key which fits it, so every riddle has the meditation that opens it, said a great Hasidic teacher. simply God loves the thief who breaks the lock opens I mean the man who breaks his heart for God. According to Hasidism, the very qualities which perform us what we constitute our special approach to God and our potential use for Him. There is nothing so crass or base that it cannot become material for hallowing. The profane, for Hasidism, is only a designation for the not yet hallowed. Hallowing transforms the evil urges by confronting them with holiness and making them responsible toward what is consecrated.It is not in our inward reverence alone or in Freudian sublimation which uses the relation to the outer as a means to inner change, but in essential, mutual relations with others that we are able to serve God with our fear, anger, love, and sexual desire. What God asks of man is that he become clement beings beingsly holy, i. e. , becomes holy as man, in the measure and in the elan of man. The Relationship of God and Man God asks us questions that He already knows the answer to so as to call us to examine ourselves. This is based on the belief that we are capable of knowing who and what we are by self-examination.The chief did not what to be called to examine himself because he was afraid of what he might limit out. Each human being is unique, should seek to discover, then be himself and do what he ought to do in service to God. The way to reach God is revealed when a someone comes to understand who and what he or she is in their own individuality in recognition of that absolute which create and stirs those inner desires so leading that person to that absolute, which is God, by being what he or she ought be as God intends.Heart-Searching the Way of Man Man and Man Relationship The task of man, of every man, according to Hasidic teaching, is to affirm for gods sake the world and himself and by this very means to transform both. There is a demonic question, a misbegotten question, which apes Gods question, the question of Truth. Its characteristic is that it does not stop at Where art thou? , but continues From where you have got to, there is no way out.This is the defective kind of heart-searching, which does not prompt man to turn and put him on the way, but, by representing turning as hopeless, drives him to a point where it appears to have become exclusively impossible and man can go on living only by demonic pride, the pride of perversity. Every single man is a newly thing in the world, and is called upon to fulfill his particularity in this world. indeed the way by which a man can reach God is revealed to him only through the knowledge of his own being, the knowledge of his essential quality and inclination.A man may only detach himself from nature in order to revert to it again and, in hallowed contact with it, find his way to God. some(prenominal) natural act, if followed, leads to God, and nature needs man for what no angel can perform on it, namely, its following. unless just this perspective, in which a man sees himself onl y individual contrasted with other individuals, and a genuine person, whose transformation helps towards the transformation of the world, co rains the fundamental misconduct which Hasidic teaching denounces.The essential thing is to begin with oneself, and at this moment a man has nothing in the world to care about than this beginning. Any other attitude would distract him from what he is about to begin, weakening his initiative, and thus frustrate the entire bold undertaking. Our sages say Seek peace i your own place. You cannot find peace anywhere saves in your own self. When a man has made peace within himself, he will be able to commence peace in the whole world. Human Beings as Treasures In their true nub, the two worlds are one. The goal here is integration.As Buber stated earlier, it is mans work to hallow creation, and here in section 6 to draw God into the world since God wants to come into the world through man. So the stem turn of The Way of Man comes together, integr ation. My life is a gift so any treasure I have is not of my own making. I have a wonderful wife, two beautiful children, and my health, live in freedom, and have a good job and financial stability. Any of these wonderful gifts could be taken from me at any time, so I must be careful as to what I put my trust in and what I value as my treasure. To have any lasting, ultimate value I must store up treasures that are imperishable and of eternal significance.My relationships and the priorities I place on them will be of eternal significance, which the most important relationship being with God. It is when I put my relationship with God first that all my other relationships begin to be what they ought to be. As some system think of their marriage and their relationship with God functions like a triangle, the closer you both draw to God, the closer you will draw to each other. So treasuring the eternal has earthly value as well. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where mo th and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 619-21)I would say this means God gives man freewill He is a perfect gentleman who will not enter where He is not invited, but will gladly enter where He is. Body and Soul as Conflicting Entities There is a conflict between body and soul where the person is not all of one piece. When one aspect attempts to lord over the other or tries to bring the other into submission, this is what is referred to as patchwork since there is disunity in the person. Resolution occurs when the core of the soul, the divine force is allowed to bind the conflicting desires of body and soul to act in concert as it is intended to be. When the desires of both body and soul are unified in purpose and action, in absence of conflict, a person is being what h e or she ought to be. In order to make peace with the world you must first be at peace with yourself. Often times we preach hardest against that which we struggle with ourselves.In previous years in struggled with atheism so Buber gravitated toward atheists seeking debate and argument because I myself wanted answers doubt is very disintegrating. A couple of years ago he struggled with the make out of free-will, despite the fact that he despises the implications of determinism Buber listened to and studied prominent Calvinists. He is not comfortable with only listening to what he wants to hear because Buber views that as a form a self-brainwashing. As it is mentioned The way of man brings about and rather learns through conflict and antithesis.Relationship to God and Man Leads to Development Human beings are basically social beings who mingle each other for their daily needs and livelihood. Buber has given more importance to the relationship to god and man where one becomes authent ically human by fulfilling their existential nature. Both these relations are essential for a human being for his personal cultivation as well as the development of the society. In a society where the individuals nourish their behavior and character through firm relations, obviously the society also would flourish in all the dimensions.According to Buber, if person could nourish the relation with God and is not able to contact with human beings his life will be a failure and vice versa. But as far as the new age is concerned, we are becoming more self-oriented in character and in nature. Often times human beings relate with God and man in order to gain something, or to secure their lives in this world. Our culture has changed from the rich traditions, where people lived in harmony with each other, helped each other, obviously that was an other oriented era.Once there were villages where cultures had grown, people lived in faith and relations sprout like the tree in the river side. But nowadays there are concrete villages where people live in broken relations, fake faiths and comforting life styles. Here Bubers thoughts are ultra to change the heart of the people. The way of man could bring about a paradigm shift in people, where only through healthy relationship human develops their behavior and character. Thus the philosophy of development could be a fruit of the relations with God and the fellow beings. ConclusionMost systems of belief the believer considers that the can achieve a perfect relationship to God by renouncing the world of the senses and overcoming his own natural being. Not so the Hasid. Certainly, cleaving unto God is to him the highest aim of the human person, but to achieve it he is not required to abandon the external and internal reality of earthly being, but to affirm it in its true, God oriented essence and thus so to transform it that he can offer it up to God. Hasidism is no pantheism. It teaches the absolute transcendence of God, but as combined with his conditioned immanence.The world is an irradiation of God, but as it is endowed with an independence of existence and striving, it is apt, always and everywhere, to form a crust around itself. Thus, a divine spark lives in everything and being, but each such spark is enclosed by an isolating shell. Only man can liberate it and re-join it with the Origin by holding holy converse with the thing and using it in a holy manner, that is, so that his intention in doing so remains directed towards Gods transcendence. Thus the divine immanence emerges from the exile of the shells. But also in man, in every man, is a force divine.And in man far more than in all other beings it can pervert itself can be misused by himself. This happens if he, Instead of directing it towards its origin, allows it to run direction less and seize at everything that offers itself to it instead of following passion, he makes it evil. But here, too, a way to redemption is open he who with the en tire force of his being turns to God, lifts at this his point of the founding the divine immanence out of its debasement, which he has caused. The task of man, of every man, according to Hasidic teaching, is to affirm for Gods sake the world and himself and by this very means to transform both.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Psychoanalytic Explanation For Mood Disorders (Depression And Bipolar Disorder)
Freuds explanation of depression focuses on the idea of loss that the root cause of all depression lies in the loss of something loved, whether it is a person or an object. Lowry (1984) added that this loss can be real or imaginary. However, some may question what separates the overwhelming sadness caused by, say, the death of a loved atomic number 53, and depression? The psychoanalyticalal start out fails to answer this. In PJ Claytons study, widows and widowers were studied for a year after the death of their spouses.While depression brought about by the death of a loved one is excluded as being a depressive episode by most psychologists, Clayton found that 45% of his subjects fit the criteria for diagnosis of depression. In reaction to the loss, Freud believed the depressive then develops feelings of self hatred, and begins to find fault themselves for the loss. Freud also believed feelings of self hatred develop from the depressives thoughts about unresolved conflicts which h ave often been repressed to the unconscious.Psychoanalytic explanations find it especially difficult to explain the cyclical spirit of bipolar disorder, and mood disorders such as SAD and post natal depression they only seem to have an explanation for depression. Melanie Klein, a post Freudian, claims that whether an separate loses his or her self esteem depends on the quality of the individuals relationship as an baby with his or her mother during the first year of life.If an individual doesnt have substantiative experiences with his or her mother during the first year of life, then a predisposition of depression may be planted. This also links in with the ideas of theorists such as Bowlby. There is research to back this up, linking adverse early experiences to greater likelihood of developing a mood disorder later in life e. g.Foltyn et al (1998) who found in a study of Polish medical students that 25% of examined students had depression symptoms and that these students were ex posed significantly more frequently to early negative experiences than students without depression. However, the approach has been criticised for being too deterministic. How do we explain how some individuals who have experienced trauma and separation in early childhood dont develop depression and go on to lead happy, normal lives, as shown in various case studies?Freud also believed that too many positive experiences during the first year of life (oral stage) could mark an individual up for developing depression later on in life. He believed that if a child is nurtured too much over indulged as an infant they could become fixated at the oral stage. The individual may develop problems later in adult life because he or she is used to receiving excessive amounts of heed as a child and maybe not as much in adult life, so may feel rejected, unloved, and thus become depressed.A solidifying of the psychoanalytic explanation is very difficult to test empirically. Freuds stages of ps ychosexual development occur at an unconscious level, which makes it difficult to test. Psychoanalytic explanations give insufficient charge to the role of biological factors in the development of mood disorders. The evidence regarding genetic factors, the role of neurochemicals and the effectiveness of anti-depressant drugs, appears to be ignored by psychoanalysts.A key strength to the psychoanalytic approach is that they claim their therapy targets the key causes of the disorder, which other treatments dont do. They claim that biological treatments, such as drugs and ECT, treat the symptoms not the underlying causes they simply mask of disguise the underlying problems. Psychoanalytic treatments tackle those problems which are usually rooted in some significant and on going psychological problem which has its origins on early experiences perhaps making it more effective.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Micronutrient Study Guide Essay
Vitamin C1. Vitamin C is a required vitamin for the synthesis of collagen, norepinephrine, and carnitine. Collagen is a crucial component in the structure of communication channel vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bone. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter which is critical for proper brain function. Carnitine is a small molecule that is essential for transporting fat into the mitochondria of cells to be later converted into energy. Vitamin C is also used as a highly effective antioxidant to help protect key organs from the effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen.2. The most severe malady related to a wish in vitamin C is scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy are easy bruising/bleeding, hair and tooth loss, and pain and swelling of joints. These symptoms are related to the deficiency of collagen which results in the change of squanderer vessels, connective tissues, and bones.3. Adequate intake of vitamin C can help to prevent diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, cata racts, gout, and toxicity from lead.4. For individuals with cardiovascular diseases, intervention that let ins daily vitamin C dosages of atleast 500mg per day has been shown to improve vasodilation. It also helps to increase vasodilation in individuals with diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Vitamin C has also been shown to be useful in the preaching of cancer in terminal patients when administered intravenously.5. Vitamin C supplements are available in a wide variety of shapes. Supplements can come in the form of natural or synthetic L-ascorbic acid, mineral ascorbates, with or without bioflavonoids, metabolites, and ascorbyl palmitate.6. Most studies that have been conducted on high vitamin C intake were based on invitro experiments. The outcomes included patrimonial mutations, birth defects, cancer, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, excess iron absorption, vitamin B12 deficiency, and dental enamal erosion. folacin/Folic Acid1. Folates are vitamins that natura lly exists in our foods and in metabolically active forms in our body. Folic acid is the more than(prenominal) stable form that does not occur frequently in food or our body. However, folic acid is the form that is most often used in supplements and fortififed food. Its functions include the metabolism of one-carbon units, DNA, amino acids, vitamins B12 and B6.2. Deficiency of folate is usually caused by inadequte dietary consumption. Deficiency can also occur due to alcoholism, pregnancy, or certain medications. non eat enough folate can lead to an increase of blood homocysteine levels. Inadequate supply of folate also leads to fewer and larger red blood cells being produced, which causes megaloblastic anemia to occur.3. Folates can be used to help prevent many things. It helps in the prevention of pregnancy complications, such as neuronic tube defects, heart defects, limb malformations, premature delivery, wretched birth weight in infants, miscarriages, and preclampsia. Fola tes also help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases caused by elevate homocysteine levels, colorectal and breast cancers, Alzheimers disease and other cognitive impairment diseases.4. To help eliminate and prevent diseases and conditions caused by a deficiency in folates and folic acid, it is recommended that adults 19 years old and older consume atleast 400mcg/day of Dietary Folate Equivalent (DFE).5. Folate can be used in supplemental forms. Folate supplements come in the form of folic acid and are available in single and combination products.6. There have not been any reported wayward affects of excess folate intake from foods. However, there are concerns with excess levels of synthetic folic acid intake in individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency, which may lead to a condition cognize as megaloblastic anemia. High intake levels of folic acid in these individuals leads to a correction of the anemia, without correcting the underlying vitamin B12 deficiency. Untreated vita min B12 deficiency puts those at an increase risk of ontogenesis irreversible neurological brain damage.Fluoride1. Fluoride is used in our body to harden tooth enamel and stabilize bone mineralization.2. The biggest condition related to a fluoride deficiency is the increased risk of developing dental cavities and tooth decay.3. Adequate intake of fluoride is useful in the prevention of dental cavities and tooth decay by enhancing remineralization of tooth enamel and making teeth more resistant to demineralization. It has also been found to be useful in the prevention of osteoporosis when consumed at levels higher than that of recommended levels for tooth decay prevention.4. Osteoporosis can be eliminated with very-high dosages of fluoride. It has been shown to produce large increases in bone mineral density in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine.5. Fluoride supplements are only available by prescription. They are only intended for children who reside in areas with low water fluoride c oncentrations. It is given to them for the purpose of increasing their fluoride intake to about 1mg/day.6. High fluoride intake (for the treatment of osteoporosis) is associated with the side effects of gastrointestinal irritation, joint pain in lower extremities, and the possible development of calcium deficiency, which leads to stress fractures. Acute fluoride poisoning is especially possible in children when consumed in excess through fluoride fortified products. penurious fluorosis, the changing of bone structure, can occur with excessive intake occurring over a long period of years. Dental fluorosis is also possible when given in excess to children who have not yet produced permanent teeth.Potassium1. Potassium is the most abundant positively charged ion contained in the fluid inside of cells. It is a part of an electrochemical gradient known as the membrane potential. It works along with sodium to maintain ion pumps within the cell membrane that use adenosine triphosphate to pump out sodium in exchange for thousand. Potassium is also required for a number of enzymes that require it for activation.2. The biggest disorder related to potassium deficiency is hypokalemia, which results from excessive loss of potassium through occurrences such as prolonged vomiting, diuretic usage, some kidney diseases, or metabolic disturbances. Hypokalemia symptoms include fatigue, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, and gastrointestinal problems related to intestinal paralysis.3. Diseases that may be prevented with adequate potassium intake are stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney stones.4. Potassium intake has been shown to help in the treatment of high blood pressure when consumed through a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables.5. Supplements containing potassium contain no more than 99mg per serving. Higher dosages are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of hypokalemia and potassium depletion, and should only be used under the guidance of a medical professional. Pot assium supplements are available in many forms, including potassium chloride, gluconate,bicarbonate, and citrate.6. The most common side effect caused by potassium supplementation is gastrointestinal problems. This reaction includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. These sides effects may be avoided by consuming potassium supplements with a meal. Using potassium chloride tablets coated with enteric has also reportedly lead to intestinal ulceration.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Blood Pressure Among Youth Uae Health And Social Care Essay
Background and Aims Young person is a vulnerable group for developing about altogether life-style related diseases. The premise cross-sectional study was conducted to measure the determiners of decline host per social social unit atomic number 18a among entry twelvemonth pupils in a medical university in Ajman, United Arab Emirates.Methods iodin hundred and 10 pupils from Gulf Medical University, Ajman, UAE participated in the stare. A pretested structured questionnaire was used for instructions aggregation. Predictive Analytic Software 17 was used for informations analysis. Chi-square trial, Univariate and multivariate logistic arrested development were used.Consequences Variables such as baccy us succession, lengthiness of slumber, Body Mass Index, and gender were considered to measure the standstill with argument business leader per unit area. The average age of the pupils was 19 old ages with a SD of 1.9 old ages. The average systolic and diastolic rake potency per unit area was 113.5 ( SD 12. ) and 73.7 ( SD 11.2 ) severally with average BMI of 24.9 ( SD 5.7 ) . A statistically deductionant tie-in was observed between gender and blood soldiery per unit area ( p & A lt 0.05 ) . The petroleum Odds Ratio ( OR ) observed for sleep continuance and blood force per unit area was found statistically important ( p & A lt 0.05 ) , just the adjust OR was non statistically important. Of the participants who sleep for to a greater extent than 6 hours, bulk ( 70 % ) have normal blood force per unit area. About half of the participants who slept for less than 6 hours have pre-hypertension and/ or full(prenominal) blood squelch. There was statistically important ( p & A lt 0.005 ) association between Body Mass Index ( BMI ) and blood force per unit area ( BP ) . The average BMI among those with normal BP was 23.25 kg/m2 with a SD of 4.6 and those with pre-hypertension and/ or tall blood pressure was 27.6 kg/m2with a SD of 6.5.Decision sexu ality and BMI are the important factors associated with ancestry force per unit area. The findings whitethorn be used to make schemes to leave consciousness of the dangers of increase blood force per unit area among corpulent and non corpulent pupils.IntroductionHigh blood pressure is a major public wellness job of concern across the universe because of its association with increased hazard of cardiovascular diseases. Youth ( 15 to 24 old ages ) is an of import period of growing and ripening, and most of the alterations that occur during this period are move into adulthood1.Essential high blood pressure may hold its beginnings in early life and its co-morbidities are surely a major load on resources, and they cut down the productiveness of those affected with hypertension2. Prospective surveies have established increased left ventricular mass and peripheral opposition, with high blood force per unit area in childhood3-4. Raised BP in childhood has been recognized as one of the mos t of import forecasters of grownup high blood pressure. This has generated an affair among research workers to look into the form of blood force per unit area and its determiners in childhood and adolescence5-6.Several surveies have shown that the degree and form of blood force per unit area among kids and striplings vary from population to population7. Growth patterns, age and gender have strong influence on blood pressure7. It has been estimated that by 2010, 1.2 billion great deal will endure from high blood pressure worldwide8. The prevalence of high blood pressure norms 26 % and it affects about 125 million persons, in the eastern Mediterranean Region9.The United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) is in a period of passage. Equally tardily as the 1960s mobile Bedouin Arabs were the population of UAE. The find of oil in mid-seventies has made a dramatic alteration in the demographic profile with exiles representing more than 80 % of the population and in the life style of its people. Now the UAE is a modern, affluent society, to a great extent influenced by Western life forms, including a sedentary life style with high Cardiovascular Diseases ( CVD ) hazard profiles10. Indeed, CVDs are known to be the taking cause of morbidity and mortality in the UAE among both the subjects and expatriates11. Of peculiar concern is the prevalence of fleshiness, which reaches about 24 % among medical students12 with inform high emphasis degrees ( 65 % ) , unhealthy diets ( 50 % ) and low degrees of physical activity ( 77 % ) which is possibly attributable to cultural and climatic restrictions13. Smoking has increased among men14-16. High blood pressure is excessively common with a inform prevalence of 19-25 % 17, 15.3 % in urban and 10.6 % rural population 18. The 15-24 old ages age is an of import developmental phase in the life span of persons as it is a passage period to maturity.In Ajman, there is a deficiency of informations about determiners of high blood pressure among yo ung person. This information is of import in be aftering life manner alterations. Therefore, the present survey was an effort to measure the determiners of blood force per unit area such as gender, academic programme in which enrolled, baccy usage, figure of repasts and BMI among pupils in a medical university in Ajman, United Arab Emirates.MethodologyThis survey was conducted among entry twelvemonth pupils in a Medical University of Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Students enrolled in Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Allied ( Pharmacy and Physical Therapy ) academic programmes during the twelvemonth 2009-2010 were included in the survey. Among 160 entry degree pupils 110 pupils participated in the survey with a reponse rate of 69 % . Verbal consent was obtained from the participants before the survey. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among them to obtain information on socio-demographic features, physical activity, wonts, diet history, day-to-day kiping wonts and househ old history of metabolic upsets. Their tallness, weight and blood force per unit area were recorded. The tallness was measured on a perpendicular gradational table with heels, natess, and occiput against the wall and caput in Frankfurt plane, to the nearest 0.5 centimeter. Weight was measured on a weighing graduated table with standard lower limit vesture to the nearest 0.5 kilogram. Body Mass Index was calculated utilizing the expression weight ( in kilogram. ) divided by height2 ( in mtr. ) . Classification of BMI was done based on the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) criteria into three classs normal ( BMI = 18.5-24.9 kg m-2 ) , fleshy ( BMI = 25-29.9 kg m-2 ) and corpulent ( BMI i? 30 kg m-2 ) . Blood force per unit area was measured by same squad and interpreted as per the blood force per unit area guidelines, issued in 2003 by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as shown below19.ClassSystolic Blood Pressure millimeter of HgDiastolic Blood Pressure in millimeter of HgNormal120 less than80 less thanPrehypertension139-12089-801stage High blood pressure159-14099-902Hypertension phase160 more than100 more thanDescriptive statistics such as agencies, standard divergence were used to sum up the quantitative variables. Proportions and per centums were used to sum up categoric variables. Chi-square trial examined the relationship between biological variables such as corpulence, fleshiness and non-biological factors. A p-value? 0.05 was considered as statistically important.ConsequencesTable-1Distribution of Blood Pressure harmonizing to different variablesVariables rootBlood PressureEntireSignificanceNormalPre/HypertensionNo.%No.%GenderFemale5970.22529.884& A lt 0.05 manly1038.51661.526ProgramMBBS2854.92345.151NitrogenAllied2477.4722.631Doctor of dental medication1760.71139.328Sleep continuance& A lt 6 hour2050.02050.040& A lt 0.05& A gt =6 hrs4970.02130.070Tobacco usageYes337.5562.58NitrogenNo6664.73635.3102Number of repasts2 repasts3561.42 238.657Nitrogen& A gt 2 repasts3464.21935.853Body mass index& A lt =306368.52931.592& A lt 0.005& A gt 30633.31266.718Table 1 shows the distribution of blood force per unit area harmonizing to different variables. With see to gender, 29.8 % females and 61.5 % males were either pre-hypertensive or hypertensive. There was a statistically important association between gender and blood force per unit area ( p & A lt 0.05 ) . The association between continuance of slumber and blood force per unit area was found to be statistically important ( p & A lt 0.05 ) . 70 % of those who slept for 6 hours or more and 50 % of those who slept for less than 6 hours had normal blood force per unit area. There was no statistically important difference of opinion in the blood force per unit area of pupils from the different academic programmes. Tobacco usage and figure of repasts consumed besides did non demo statistically important association with blood force per unit area. However, there were merely eight baccy users of whom five had pre-hypertension or high blood pressure while among the non users, three were property pre-hypertension or high blood pressure. Among the participants with BMI & A gt 30, 66.7 % had pre-hypertension or high blood pressure whereas among those with BMI & A lt 30, merely 31.5 % were pre-hypertensive or hypertensive. The association between BMI and blood force per unit area was statistically important ( p & A lt 0.005 ) . The average BMI among those with normal BP was 23.25 with a SD of 4.6, while among those with pre-hypertension or high blood pressure was 27.6 with a SD of 6.5.Table 2Multivariate logistic arrested development analysis of factors associated with high blood pressureFactorsGroupNumberAdjusted Oddss Ratio95 % CIP valueBody mass index1101.141.05 1.23& A lt 0.002GenderFemale841Male263.301.24 8.78& A lt 0.02Sleep continuance& A gt 6 hour701& A lt 6 hour401.900.78 4.64NitrogenFor farther analysis, the important variables from the chi-square trial such as BMI, gender, and sleep continuance were included. Logistic arrested development analysis was performed to happen the petroleum and adjusted odds ratio ( OR ) . BMI was taken every billet uninterrupted variable and gender and sleep continuance as categorical variables. The adjusted odds ratio for BMI was 1.14 which was statistically important. There is 14 % increased luck for acquiring pre-hypertension or high blood pressure for a unit addition in BMI. Among the male gender, the adjusted odds ratio was 3.3 which was statistically important. The hazard of acquiring pre-hypertension and/ or high blood pressure for male gender was 3.3 times more compared to female gender. The petroleum odds ratio for sleep continuance was 2.3 and was statistically important but when adjusted with former(a) factors it was non statistically important. Table 2 shows the inside informations of logistic arrested development analysis.DiscussionSurveies have accou nt sex differences in BP with males retentiveness higher BP than females during stripling and early adulthood20-21. Smith and Rinderknecht study that older male childs have significantly higher BP than girls22. Kusuma et Al and Schall observed that work forces induce higher BP degrees than females23-24. The present survey besides supports the observation made by new(prenominal) writers in this regard. Gender difference in the infective mechanisms in natural high blood pressure is available in the literature. The high prevalence of high blood pressure in younger work forces compared to adult females is explained on the footing of the deficiency of endogenous estrogen. Evidence suggests that estrogen may modulate vascular endothelial map, doing vasodilatation. This may be one ground for adult females holding lower blood force per unit area compared to men25.Previous surveies demonstrated that high blood pressure increased significantly as BMI increased26-29. Srinivasan et al repor ted that BMI or cardinal adiposeness are the cardinal determiners of high blood force per unit area which appear at an early age. The survey besides emphasizes the function of weight decrease in the bar of hypertension30. A survey conducted among striplings observed that BMI is associated with arterial hypertension31. Reich et al. study that BMI is a strong forecaster of high blood pressure than waist-hip ratio32. Study by Berenson et Al. observed high BMI as one of the strongest hazard factors for hypertension33. The present survey besides supports the observation made by other writers with respect to BMI. Presently, there is small direct grounds to explicate the function of fleshiness in high blood pressure. Davy and Hall point out that high BP in corpulent worlds may be due to higher degree of adiposity34. BMI measures fleshiness and is associated with increased arterial stiffness and assorted hemodynamic alterations that may lend to hypertension35-38.Jervase et Al. reported diff erences in BP between males and females, with males holding higher systolic and diastolic BP than the females. The survey besides observed that gender and BMI were the important determiners of high blood pressure among university students39. A survey by Chirinos et Al. reported that increasing BMI was associated with a significantly increased hazard of high blood pressure and the Odds Ratio for high blood pressure, for every 5-unit addition in BMI, was 1.58. The survey concluded that younger individuals with high blood pressure were more likely to be corpulent compared with older individuals with hypertension40. In the present survey OR for high blood pressure was 1.14, which revealed that for every one unit addition in BMI, the opportunity of high blood pressure is 14 % more, which is similar to the findings of Chirinos et Al.In the present survey, when analyzing the association between BMI and high blood pressure, physical activity may be a contradictory factor, but physical activ ity was non taken in to account in this survey. There was no association between blood force per unit area and other hazard factors like baccy usage and sleep continuance. With respect to kip continuance, before seting to other confusing variables, the petroleum odds ratio of 2.33 was observed, but the adjusted OR observed was non statistically important. Gangwisch et al41 reported that less sleep continuance significantly increased the hazard of high blood pressure in topics 32 to 59 old ages of age. Gottlieb et al42 observed that sleep continuance per dark is associated with an increased hazard of high blood pressure, which is non supported by the findings of the present survey. This consequence may non be representative of all university pupils as the present survey involves merely one university and the little sample size. This probe highlights the demand for a countrywide survey among young person.DecisionThe consequences of this survey provide an penetration into the apprehens ion of the association between gender, BMI and blood force per unit area among our entry degree pupils. The consequences may be used to develop messages to raise consciousness about the dangers of high blood force per unit area and its determiners among pupils. This consequence may non be representative of all university pupils as the present survey involves merely one university. This probe highlights the demand for a countrywide survey among young person.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Contemporary Management Approaches Essay
The four contemporary approaches to watchfulness ar Sociotechnical systems theory, quantitative management, geological formational behavior, and systems theory. Sociotechnical systems theory tries to revamp tasks to get the about out of the operation of a tender technology while maintaining the human aspects of the work, such as the employees interpersonal relationships. It also touts the use of teamwork and the partially free work groups as important factors for creating efficient production systems (Bateman S. , 2013). The Quantitative management approach focuses on utilise the quantitative analysis on managerial problems and decisions. Formal mathematical models of the problem are used by managers to make a decision. Managers are not often trained to use these techniques so the quantitative management approach is infrequently used (Bateman S. , 2013).The Organizational approach assumes that employee effectiveness is based on understanding the abstruse interplay of individu al, group, and organizational processes ( developing, 2012). Disciplines such as psychology and sociology are used to try and explain the behavior of employees on the job (Bateman S. , 2013). The Systems theory approach to management assumes that organizations are open systems that depend on inputs from the external surround that need to be transformed into outputs that meet the markets needs for goods and services. Inputs are the goods and services that an organization takes in and uses to create products or services. Outputs are the goods and services that the organization creates (Evolution, 2012). I think the sociotechnical approach is the most important because it focuses on keeping current with the new technology. This approach also recognizes the importance of keeping the employees able so as to maximize production.ReferencesBateman, S. (2013). Management (M Starts Here seriessoft cover), 3rd edition 2013. McGraw-Hill. Evolution, T. (2012). The Evolution of Management. Retri eved from http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
QSR Industry In India Essay
Executive Summary4India is witnessing rapid urbanisation of sm all told towns and addition of mid-sized cities. This along with rising population in key metros and higher disposable in fetchs is fuelling growth in e very indus savour. 35% of Indias population will be in urban centres by 2020 totaling to 53 crores comp bed to the current urban population of 32 crores.Consumer markets be being driven by the spheres youth population. Be it college goers or the young working class, exposure to the global environment and culture, has raised a demand for world-class crossings at affordable prices.This has led to the rise of Quick Service eaterys (QSRs) in India, the winged growing segment in the eating out market. By 2012, there will be at least two hundred0 more QSR outlets across India.With QSR giants uni var. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts yet to foray in the market, there is a haul mature to look forward to.5Industry Overview7% of the total restaurant market comprises of QSRs6Th e Indian turbulent victuals market is growing at an annualrate of 25-30 per cent, Foreign fast feed chains beEstimated Size of the Indian RestaurantIndustryOrganizedEating OutMarket,Rs. 8600 Cr. egress 20%(20%)aggressively increasing their straw man in the country.The market is dominated by global brands a alike(p)McDonalds, KFC and eye masks specially in theorganized fast food segment. Growing trend ofUnorganizedMarket, Rs.34400 Cr.(80%) produce 5-6%consumption of new cuisines and increasing brandawareness has led to the increase of global inclineers.The new age Indian consumers gravel also played aQSR MarketRs.3000 Crores7%signifi domiciliatet role.Organized recent formats like malls, multiplexes andOrganized RestaurantMarket (Except QSRs)Rs.5600 Crores13%food courts halt also become a favoured destination.Larger companies are teaming up with smallfranchisors to set-up their brand.QSRs started with big metros, but are now buildingtheirpresenceinTier2citieslikeUnorgani zed Restaurant MarketRs.34400 Crores80%Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and Bangalore. stemmas,, coreRestaurantIndustry Rs. 43000CroreMarket partition7RestaurantIndustryRoad-side locationNo technical standardsNo accountingstandardizationUnorganizedFull-ServiceRestaurantsQSRsFine DiningTake-awayCasualDiningOrganized firmDeliveryEat-inBars andLoungesAccounting TransparencyOrganized Supply chain of mountainsQuality ControlSourcing Norms quaternary OutletsDominated by spherical PlayersKiosks/CartsHighest growth segment.Maximum Footfall due to increasingtraffic at airports, railwaystations, malls, multiplexes andsupermarketsGrowth Drivers825% of populationeats out at least doublya month and spendsRs.150-Rs. cholecalciferol / meal urbanizationYouthSpendingExpanding ticker variety2%11%BetterlogisticsA younger and richer India is fuelling rapid growth in theeating-out segment29%AffuentUpper Middle Class300 million29.5 % or 88.5 million disclose consumption areas2%5 %Total population of GenNext (13-24 Age Group)Total population of GenNext living in urban areas star sign Distribution By Annual Income1%NuclearfamiliesMall andMultiplexboomClothing & accessories, intellectual nourishment, cheer and durablesSpending PowerRs.3000-40000 per month meeker Middle Class86%64% nooky of the pyramidUrban youth behaviour20102020 origins Marketing Whitebook 2011-12, Economic Times, MGISocially activeHangs out at c offee shopsand mallsPrefers to be seen at theright placesExpresses ones identitythrough choice of brandsconsumedMaintaining union in product and quality of serve up are the biggest challenges faced by QSRs9ChallengesDemand gradientSupply SideHealth and hygieneconcerns among buyersMaintaining Quality ofServiceAcquiring let out Talent make a representeffective supply chainQSR customers arevery easy to remove to, butalso very easy to loseLocalization of MenuManaging high scraperate amongst juniorlevel employeesEstablishing a supplychain in a new regionBeating localcompetition normalisation ofproduct across outletsLow entry barriersMonitoring multipleoutletsReducing service condemnation cost-efficient assemblylineTalentSupply ChainMonitoring quality ofproducts procured fromthird partiesSWOT compend10STRENGTHOPPOTUNITIES Burgeoning middle class insecurity-sharing in a rightestablish model copiousness of cheap labour inIndia Increase in malls andPositivemultiplexes Increasing youth spending UrbanizationWEAKNESSTHREATS Sourcing Talent pabulum Inflation Monitoring franchisees Product imitation Maintaining quality standardsacross outlets grounds Indian orientationsInternal Factors Price Competition Dependency on third parties Local Competition external FactorsNegativeUrban Youth Make Up The Prime show Audience11ParticularsLow Cost in damage ofinitial investment aswell as operating costTar bunk Audience ProfileCategoryYoung Urban Professionals onthe moveLow RiskKeyFeatures ofa QSRTeenagersHigh Impulse productsStudentsBe st Retail LocationsMultiplex audienceCompetitive PricesShoppersTarget Audience BehaviourAge group16-35Hygiene & Taste consciousLocationCities and townsSocial ClassMiddle and Upper MiddleClassLifecycleDependent and Pre-Family*Brand conscious atomic number 74ernized cultureSeeking international standards look on seekersExperimental*based on Sagacity Lifestyle Model12Working of a QSRBrand Image, Ambience and Overall Experience are importantintangible factors for QSR customers13A QSR is meant to create instant interest in the mind of the consumer. It has to comeIntangible parameters that makea QSR successful destiny appealBrandA unique experienceA characteristic ambienceA self-coloured brand identityOne brush asidenot find Ronald at any other burger joint exceptMcDonalds.The service, which is the merely human touch, plays a big role in creating aunique experience. A lot of time and resources are spent on preparation the staff ,as they represent the brand. KFC employees are expected to live up to their 3 Fs to create to perfect environment Fun, Friendly and Familiar.In an effort to keep up the resembling experience across outlets, the service, interiors and menu items are standardized .ExperienceAmbienceQSR Formats and Locations14QSR FORMATSLOCATIONSMallsRestaurants tourist hubsFood Court CountersCorporate hubsKiosks/Food CartsTake-away/DeliveryDrive-insShopping CentersMultiplexesAirports/ Railway Stations context up a dealership Outlet15Initial Qualification Application Review backdrop and CreditCheck Assess training needs Signing of FranchiseDisclosure Document affirm Assets rate Registration Franchisor sends settle registration tobrand for approval Franchisee remitsfundsOperation throwSite Exploration andSecuring Control Prospectivefranchisee makes anoperation plan whichis reviewedthoroughlyFranchise Onboarding Franchiseearranges forFinancing Hires a group Franchisorprovides emboldenand Training Builds Restaurant Supports in GrandOpening Determine SiteSelection schema Identify focus areas Franchisor acquitsAction Plan for TradeArea Franchisee negotiatesfor the site and sendsletter of intentFranchisors Role after the launch On-site Training is provided for every procedure. The Franchisor has an approved vendor list fromwhere the ingredients can be sourced. They have an annual promotional and advertisingplan that they implement with the support of thefranchisees. Quality checks are conducted via ConsumerFeedback, Food SafetyAudits and Standard AuditsManaging Human Resources16AcquisitionWhen QSRs come to India, they find it difficult to get experient talent forHuman Resource Tree atat a typical QSR outlet strategical positions. There are very few people with relevant experience, RestaurantManager peculiarly in a global firm. Poaching employees from challengers would meanhuge incentives and salary raises. Thus a lot of companies contract people in the same function but from a different industry.First Asst.ManagerSupport & tr ainingThe franchisors offer support and training to the franchisees for effectivelyTraineeManagerrunning the small format franchise business. Training is conducted at 3 stages InductionOn-goingRefresherRetentionTrainee FloorManagerOut of myriad emloyees, KFC has to replace 7000 employees severally year. This means cost for fresh recruitments, training and relieving employees is very high. Dominos has increased salaries of reposition front employees by 20% and implemented an incentive plan in rewrite to reduce attrition rate.TrainingSquadCrewMemberSecond Asst.ManagerMarketing Strategies17QSRs have to play on their strengths to create and communicate a brand bid.The brand promise can be anything from fast service to low prices to healthy food.Successful QSR chains have been able to take their brand promise very effectively to the masses.1 A full-grown burger chain targeted the entertain seeker community and created highest cling to for money as its brand promise.2 Indias larges t pizza pie chain targeted the customers who wanted fast service at their doorsteps. It created the brand promise of assured fast delivery and communicated it with its 30 mins or its free campaigns3 A large deep brown shop chain wanted to position itself as not besides a coffee shop but a place to hangout with friends and family. They marketed themselves with the tag line A lot can happen over coffee which clearly communicated that they wanted their customers to have a complete experience much beyond just coffee.Pricing Strategies18Its important for QSRs to price their products carefully because of the uncompromising competition that they face.The strategy is to price their products in such a way that the maximum number of customers can be retained and at the same time higher marges are abstracted from the customers who do not mind paying more for extra value. This is achieved byDIFFERENTIAL PRICINGPricing the base product aggressively and keeping highermargins on the side ord ersThis strategy is for the price conscious consumer who seesgreat value in the base product and can choose to not takethe side ordersAt the same time it allows the QSR to charge the customerfor whom price does not matter, much more through thehigh margin side orders approximately QSRs keep fighter brands in their menu to remaincompetitive.VALUE PRICINGValue combos allow the QSR to sell more no ofhigh margin products with the low margin baseproducts.Eg QSRs try to sell more French fries and colddrinks through their value meals. pizza chains sellmore garlic bread and cold drinks through theirvalue mealsGrowth Strategies of QSRs19A large burger chain in India has the highest foot fall amongst all countries, but the lowest average bill. Growth in India is achieved based on volumes, hence every QSR is looking to expand its presence .A coffee traffic company who supplies coffee beans, started a retail business of coffee shops all over India.Forward consolidationA casual restaurant chain diversified into food court stalls., thus entering the QSR market. flatDiversificationA coffee shop chain diversified its coffee shops business by establishing enunciate outlets and coffee machines.ConcentricDiversificationA soft drink giant branched out to form a new company withpizza and fried Chicken chains in its umbrella. It sold off its stake, but is in a lifetime contract with the firmLateralDiversificationMenu plan20Menu Selection is critical, especially when localizing in markets like India and China where traditions, religion and local taste are cannot be ignored. Enlisted below are some of the important factorsSize of outletsTarget in terms ofdemographicsLocal taste preference QSRs do not keep the full menu at all outlets. Instead they include only a few high volume products at outlets with space limitations like food courts and express kiosks Depending upon the age group they are targeting, QSRs have to adjust their menus. QSRs targeting older age groups have to incl ude healthier and more traditional food items in their menus where as QSRs targeting the youth can have more experimental and/or fast food items. Product adaptation according to customer preferences is genuinely important for QSRs to succeed. world(prenominal) chains in India have to adjust their menus to include more vegetarian and spicy items. A Fried Chicken brand has the most extensive range of items in India amongst all its worldwide outlets Most QSR giants avoid using beef and pork due to cultural taboos.The 4 pronged approach to check over standardization across all outlets 21Standardized aspects of every outletThere are 4 important factors that enable standardization for a restaurant with multiple outletsTrainingEquipmentEvery new employee has to go through a specific pre-degestural training program for that level of employment.RecipesProcurementof ProductsThe same machines are apply by all outlets for making thedishes. Standard recipes have to be followed by the chefs w ho receive thorough training for the same.QSRs have centralized approved vendors from where theyprocure and process raw materials. They also procure finished products like spices and condiments from the same vendor and distribute it.Case Study Dominos India22609000+4003649000 rejoicing Foodworks Ltd. operates the 364 Dominosinternational marketsoutlets in India, pursuant to a Master Franchise accordance internationalist,whichoperate Dominos pizza delivery stores and theassociated trademarks in the operation of stores inIndia, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The pizzamillion pizzas sold apiece yearemployees in IndiaDominosprovides them with the exclusive right to fetch andoutlets worldwideoutlets in Indiawithstores in Sri Lanka are operated by their subfranchisee, DP Lanka.It is the largest Pizza chain in India, way ahead of itsimmediate competitor Pizza Hut with 50% of marketshare in the Indian Pizza market and 70% market sharein the home delivery market.Source, domi, reuters.comCase Study Dominos India23ParticularsMarket share in the Indian Pizza market 50%Market share in the home delivery segment 70%gross revenue Per Day Per OutletRs.5660080% of their sales come from the Pizza segment, andEBIDTA margin (9M FY2011)18%the remaining is attributed to beverages and side items. Same Store Sales Growth (9M38.7%80% of sales come from home delivery and 20% from65%FY2011)Market ShareOTC sales.Sales Break-up cuisine-wise4%Sales Break-up Segment-wise20%16%PizzasHome DeliveryBeveragesOver-the-CounterOthers80%80%Source, Success Factors of Dominos India24Critical Success Factors1. Delivery-oriented model reduces cost2. Dominos has a vertically integrated supply chain. (as seen below) 3. Franchising modelSupply Chain of DominosRegionalwarehouse vulgarMaterialSupplier(Approvedvendor)RegionalCentralizedFacilities forprocessing rawmaterial like dough 4 centres acrossIndiaRefrigeratedtrucks carrythe finisheditem s to retailoutletsRetail Outlets Items are preparedbased on orders andsent to end consumer25Key Players ProfilesKey Player Profiles26NameCuisine resurrect Company/Master Franchisee product lineLocationFormatsOutletsExpansionPlans in IndiaMcDonaldsBurgersHard Castle RestaurantsPvt. LtdUSAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts, Drive-in210To add 20-25outlets by 2013KFCFried ChickenDevyani InternationalLtd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts110500 outlets by2015ChickingFried ChickenMirah GroupUAESouth districtDine-In14Bangs FriedChickenFried ChickenBangs IndiaIndiaSouth ZoneDine-In, FoodCourts7100 outlets byFY2011Pizza HutPizzasDevyani InternationalLtd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In171300+ outlets by2015DominosPizzasJubilant FoodworksUSAPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery ,Food Courts364To add 70outlets in 2011 dad JohnsPizzasOm Pizzas& EatsUSAWest ZoneDine-In25Pizza deferralPizzasGlobal FranchiseArchitectsIndiaSouth ZoneDine-In, Delivery50US PizzaPizzasUnited Restaurants Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery77Smokin J oesPizzasSmokin Joes Pizza Pvt.Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery52GarciasPizzasGarcias Famous PizzaIndiaWest ZoneDine-in, Delivery20To add 20outlets swing of ItalyPizzasGreen House & HestoftFoods Pvt. Ltd.IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, Delivery16Key Player Profiles27NameCuisineParent Company/Master FranchiseeOriginLocationFormatsOutlets inIndiaExpansionPlans in IndiaBarista burnt umber ShopBarista CoffeeCompany Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaEspresso bars,High end cafes230Costa CoffeeCoffee ShopDevyaniInternational Ltd.EnglandPAN-IndiaCafes75300 outlets by2014CCDCoffee ShopAmalgamated bean plantCoffee Trading Co.IndiaPAN-IndiaCafes, Mall &Airport kiosks,Office outlets1090To add 200+_outlets by 2014Gloria JeansCoffee ShopCitymax hospitalityAustraliaMetrosCafes1540 outlets by2012Kents spendthrift FoodBurgersKents Fast FoodIndiaNorth ZoneDine-In15SubwaySubmarineSandwichesSubway SystemsIndia Pvt. Ltd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts200250 outlets byend of 2011TacobellTex-MexYum RestaurantsUSABangaloreDi ne-In3100 outlets by2015Falafel Veg.Hummus HouseLebaneseMirah GroupIndiaMumbaiDine-In,Kiosks8100 outlets by2011wimpishBurgersFamous Brands Ltd.UKDelhiDine-In3Yo ChinaAsianMoods HospitalityPvt. LtdDelhi,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In,Kiosks80+Key Player Profiles28NameCuisineParent Company/Master FranchiseeOriginLocationFormatsOutletsExpansionPlans in IndiaDosa steadSouth IndianPrem Sagar Dosa spot Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourt35JumbokingVadapavJumboking,IndiaWest ZoneExpress,Restaurant &Takeaway43250 outlets by2011-12Kaati ZoneMughlaiEast West heathenFoods Pvt. Ltd.Bangalore, IndiaSouth ZoneDine-In15Mast KalandarIndianSpring Leaf Retail Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore, IndiaSouth ZoneDine-In21NirulasMultiCuisineNirulas Corner HousePvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, Kiosks80+To add 50outlets by 2012Kailash ParbatMultiCuisineKailash ParbatRestaurants Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai,IndiaPAN-IndiaFood Court Stalls15+ComesumMultiCuisineRK GroupDelhi,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery1 1HaldiramsMultiCuisineHaldiram Snacks Pvt.Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In18Bikano yack away CafeMultiCuisineBikanervala FoodsPvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneRestaurant,Institutional TuckShops, Food Cart68Sagar RatnaMultiCuisineSagar Ratna HotelsPvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, FoodCourt53Tibbs FrankieFrankieJ.Tibbs & Co.Mumbai,IndiaWest ZoneKiosks20+Key Players Segmentation29Segmentation based on Size ofthe ChainLocal ChainJumbokingNational ChainInternationalChainSegmentation based onCuisinePizzasBurgers &SandwichesCoffeeShopsIndianSpecialtyCuisineDominosMcDonaldsCCDComesumJumbokingPizza HutKFCBaristaSagar RatnaYoChinaPizza CornerWimpyCostaCoffeeKailashParbatTabobellPapa JohnsSubwayGloriaJeansMastKalandarFalafelPizza HutSmokin JoesKents Fast FoodKaati ZoneTibbsFrankieBaristaPizza CornerGarciasHaldiramsHaldiramsCaf Coffee DayPapa JohnsSlice of ItalyNirulasSagar RatnaTibbs FrankieTacobellUS PizzaBikano ChatCafeComesumMcDonaldsNirulasDosa PlazaKFCMast KalandarKailash ParbatSubway Kaati ZoneYo ChinaWimpyGarciasSmokin JoesDominosFalafelsUS PizzaBangs FriedChickenBikano ChatCafCosta CoffeeKents Fast FoodGloria Jeans geographical Segmentation30PAN-India International CuisineMcDonalds*NORTH ZONENirulasHaldiramsBikano Chat CafSlice of ItalyKents Fast FoodSagar RatnaWimpyPAN-India CoffeeShopsGloria Jean*KFC*Costa Coffee*Subway*BaristaPizza Hut*Caf Coffee DayDominos*US PizzaSmokin JoesWEST ZONEPapa Johns*GarciasFalafelJumbo KingPAN-India Indian andSpecialty CuisineDosa PlazaComesum65% of Dominos revenues arecontributed by the top 7 citiesout of 70 cities it is present in.50% of their outlets are inMaharashtra, untested Delhi andKarnatakaSOUTH ZONEPizza Corner*Chicking*Tacobell*Kaati ZoneBangs Fried ChickenMast Kalandar*International BrandsKailash ParbatYo ChinaTibbs FrankieKey Players Positioning31PAN-IndiaEthnicCuisineEthnicCuisinePAN-IndiaPizza HutDominosComesum*Dosa Plaza*Kailash Parbat*Yo China*Caf Coffee Day*Barista*Gloria JeansCosta CoffeeSagar Ratna*Haldir ams*Mast Kalandar*Jumbo king*Kaati Zone*Bikano Chat Caf*Nirulas*ZonalTacobellFalafelPizza CornerPapa JohnsUS Pizza*Smokin Joes*Slice of Italy*Garcias*McDonaldsKFCWimpySubway InternationalCuisineChickingBangs Fried Chicken*Kents Fast Food*Tibbs Frankie*InternationalCuisineZonal*Indian originated chainsDominos and Caf Coffee Day are the largest QSRs in India in terms of reach and number of outlets32No. Of Outlets v/s geographic spreadhead ofPizza ChainsPizza ChainOutletsSpreadOriginIndian52PAN-IndiaIndian50South ZoneInternational25West ZoneInternational20West ZoneIndianSlice of Italy16North ZoneIndianChainOutletsCities1090120PAN-IndiaIndian36487PAN-IndiaInternationalMcDonalds21045PAN-IndiaInternationalPizza Hut17134PAN-IndiaInternationalBarista23030PAN-IndiaIndianSubwayNo. of OutletsPAN-IndiaDominos11577Caf CoffeeDayNo. of Cities65InternationalGarcias15PAN-IndiaPapa JohnsNo. Of Outlets v/s No. of Cities of top brands inIndia171Pizza Corner15InternationalSmokin Joes510Geographical Spr eadPAN-IndiaUS Pizza0364Pizza HutNo. of OutletsDominos20026PAN-IndiaInternationalKFC11021PAN-IndiaInternationalSpreadOrigin33Trends and Future ProspectsBig brands Small cities Small formats34LocationsLarge chainsexpanding to littlecitiesDomestic chainssetting up in bigcitiesFormatsCuisinesTechnologyExpress OutletsBasic passageway Foodsentering organizedmarket Vadapav, Ice GolaOnline orderingsystemsSmart Carts/KiosksRegional cuisinesKebab LucknowWale, MalwaneezIVR system forplacing order andmaking payment viaCredit CardKiosks have managed to attracthuge footfalls at sales points. up to now big chains are nowcustomizing their outlets tosmaller models like expressand stand-insIntegration ofconcepts soMcdonalds servescoffee and CCDserves sandwichesMenu diversificationby introducingIndian flavours ChickenTandooriSub atSubwayInvestors are queuing up to get a big slice of the pie35With the number of QSRs growing at 30% per year, the industry is attracting investors interest, especiall y after the IPO of Jubilant Foodworks, the master franchise of Dominos Pizza in IndiaICICI Venture acquired 10% stake i.e. $55 Million in Devyani International who is the franchisee of KFC, Pizza Hut and Costa Coffee in IndiaAlso Mast Kalandar, a Bangalore-based QSR chain, secured a second round of investment from Helion Venture Partners, Footprint Ventures and Salarpuria Group.Chinese cuisine QSR Yo China received funding of $5.5 Million from Matrix partnersAccel Partners invested in Bangalore-based fast food chain Kaati Zone.Source vccircle.comQSR giants Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks set to foray into the Indian market36Dunkin Donuts- Jubilant FoodWorks is to violate, sub-franchise, and operate more than 500 Dunkin Donuts restaurants throughout India over the next 15 years. The first Dunkin Donuts locations are expected to open by early 2012. The Agreement marks the largest international store development commitment in Dunkin Donuts history.Starbucks Tata Coffee is to bring Starbu cks , the worlds largest coffee chain to India through a Joint VentureQuiznos The US-based subway restaurant chain has signed a master franchise agreement with Arjun Valluri for setting up outlets in Southern India.Source,, U.S. Franchise Trade Mission Participants Profile, April 10-15 2011Sources37Research firmsTechnopakIBEFMarketing Whitebook 2010-11, 2011-12Mckinsey Global Institutewww.rncos.comwww.nrai.orgCompany websitesHospitalitybizindia.comIndiaretailing.comFranchiseindia.comNewspapersDeccan auspicateEconomic TimesBusiness StandardDNA38About D totalityOur service39DEssence Hospitality is Boutique heed Consulting firm based in Mumbai which provides potency consulting services for the entire spectrum of the hospitality industry with a special focus on hotel operators, builders andinvestorsFeasibility StudiesManagement Model ViabilityTechnical ViabilityEconomic and Financial Mod el ViabilityMarket ViabilityBusiness Model ViabilityExit schema ViabilitySite Analysis We have vast experience in project planning & site selection. In many cases it has been seen that planners & architects normally look into a project from design and land-use perspectives. But we do detailed site and market analysis to determine the viability of the project from financial and investment standpoint.India Entry schema We help our clients to develop suitable market entry strategies through analyzing entry barriers (ease), geographical factors, incumbents resistance and routs to market.Management Contracts Branded operators have very stringent clauses in the contracts. To deal with them needs deep understanding of the domain and effects of each clause on the profit margins. DEssence Hospitality Services makes full use of its expertise in understanding the management contracts and negotiating it for best acceptable terms.Our Services40Key RecruitmentsDEssence Hospitality is dedica ted to becoming Indias leading executive search firm exclusively armed service the Hospitality Industry. Our search team enables you to recruit for executive level management, divisional managers, general managers, culinary, finance, sales and marketing, food and beverage, engineeringprofessionals who will all, directly affect and drive the profitability of your organization AcquisitionsFrom our years of experience, we advise our clients on which assets to buy and when to buy and based on our recommendations they devise strategies for buying assets. We also provide assistance to our clients to develop assets disposal strategies in order to maximize project performanceBusiness Model and Business PlanWe assist our clients in the business planning process and then prepare a plan based on the available resources and their business objectives. Our Business Planning services include feasibility studies, business institution plans, strategic plans, new product plans, marketing and promot ional plans,etc.Fund RaisingMentoringGrowth StrategyTHANKYOUDEssence Consulting303, Aar Pee Center,11th Road, Gufic Compound,MIDC, Andheri (E)Mumbai- 400093Tel +91 22
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