Sunday, May 19, 2019
QSR Industry In India Essay
Executive Summary4India is witnessing rapid urbanisation of sm all told towns and addition of mid-sized cities. This along with rising population in key metros and higher disposable in fetchs is fuelling growth in e very indus savour. 35% of Indias population will be in urban centres by 2020 totaling to 53 crores comp bed to the current urban population of 32 crores.Consumer markets be being driven by the spheres youth population. Be it college goers or the young working class, exposure to the global environment and culture, has raised a demand for world-class crossings at affordable prices.This has led to the rise of Quick Service eaterys (QSRs) in India, the winged growing segment in the eating out market. By 2012, there will be at least two hundred0 more QSR outlets across India.With QSR giants uni var. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts yet to foray in the market, there is a haul mature to look forward to.5Industry Overview7% of the total restaurant market comprises of QSRs6Th e Indian turbulent victuals market is growing at an annualrate of 25-30 per cent, Foreign fast feed chains beEstimated Size of the Indian RestaurantIndustryOrganizedEating OutMarket,Rs. 8600 Cr. egress 20%(20%)aggressively increasing their straw man in the country.The market is dominated by global brands a alike(p)McDonalds, KFC and eye masks specially in theorganized fast food segment. Growing trend ofUnorganizedMarket, Rs.34400 Cr.(80%) produce 5-6%consumption of new cuisines and increasing brandawareness has led to the increase of global inclineers.The new age Indian consumers gravel also played aQSR MarketRs.3000 Crores7%signifi domiciliatet role.Organized recent formats like malls, multiplexes andOrganized RestaurantMarket (Except QSRs)Rs.5600 Crores13%food courts halt also become a favoured destination.Larger companies are teaming up with smallfranchisors to set-up their brand.QSRs started with big metros, but are now buildingtheirpresenceinTier2citieslikeUnorgani zed Restaurant MarketRs.34400 Crores80%Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and Bangalore. stemmas,, coreRestaurantIndustry Rs. 43000CroreMarket partition7RestaurantIndustryRoad-side locationNo technical standardsNo accountingstandardizationUnorganizedFull-ServiceRestaurantsQSRsFine DiningTake-awayCasualDiningOrganized firmDeliveryEat-inBars andLoungesAccounting TransparencyOrganized Supply chain of mountainsQuality ControlSourcing Norms quaternary OutletsDominated by spherical PlayersKiosks/CartsHighest growth segment.Maximum Footfall due to increasingtraffic at airports, railwaystations, malls, multiplexes andsupermarketsGrowth Drivers825% of populationeats out at least doublya month and spendsRs.150-Rs. cholecalciferol / meal urbanizationYouthSpendingExpanding ticker variety2%11%BetterlogisticsA younger and richer India is fuelling rapid growth in theeating-out segment29%AffuentUpper Middle Class300 million29.5 % or 88.5 million disclose consumption areas2%5 %Total population of GenNext (13-24 Age Group)Total population of GenNext living in urban areas star sign Distribution By Annual Income1%NuclearfamiliesMall andMultiplexboomClothing & accessories, intellectual nourishment, cheer and durablesSpending PowerRs.3000-40000 per month meeker Middle Class86%64% nooky of the pyramidUrban youth behaviour20102020 origins Marketing Whitebook 2011-12, Economic Times, MGISocially activeHangs out at c offee shopsand mallsPrefers to be seen at theright placesExpresses ones identitythrough choice of brandsconsumedMaintaining union in product and quality of serve up are the biggest challenges faced by QSRs9ChallengesDemand gradientSupply SideHealth and hygieneconcerns among buyersMaintaining Quality ofServiceAcquiring let out Talent make a representeffective supply chainQSR customers arevery easy to remove to, butalso very easy to loseLocalization of MenuManaging high scraperate amongst juniorlevel employeesEstablishing a supplychain in a new regionBeating localcompetition normalisation ofproduct across outletsLow entry barriersMonitoring multipleoutletsReducing service condemnation cost-efficient assemblylineTalentSupply ChainMonitoring quality ofproducts procured fromthird partiesSWOT compend10STRENGTHOPPOTUNITIES Burgeoning middle class insecurity-sharing in a rightestablish model copiousness of cheap labour inIndia Increase in malls andPositivemultiplexes Increasing youth spending UrbanizationWEAKNESSTHREATS Sourcing Talent pabulum Inflation Monitoring franchisees Product imitation Maintaining quality standardsacross outlets grounds Indian orientationsInternal Factors Price Competition Dependency on third parties Local Competition external FactorsNegativeUrban Youth Make Up The Prime show Audience11ParticularsLow Cost in damage ofinitial investment aswell as operating costTar bunk Audience ProfileCategoryYoung Urban Professionals onthe moveLow RiskKeyFeatures ofa QSRTeenagersHigh Impulse productsStudentsBe st Retail LocationsMultiplex audienceCompetitive PricesShoppersTarget Audience BehaviourAge group16-35Hygiene & Taste consciousLocationCities and townsSocial ClassMiddle and Upper MiddleClassLifecycleDependent and Pre-Family*Brand conscious atomic number 74ernized cultureSeeking international standards look on seekersExperimental*based on Sagacity Lifestyle Model12Working of a QSRBrand Image, Ambience and Overall Experience are importantintangible factors for QSR customers13A QSR is meant to create instant interest in the mind of the consumer. It has to comeIntangible parameters that makea QSR successful destiny appealBrandA unique experienceA characteristic ambienceA self-coloured brand identityOne brush asidenot find Ronald at any other burger joint exceptMcDonalds.The service, which is the merely human touch, plays a big role in creating aunique experience. A lot of time and resources are spent on preparation the staff ,as they represent the brand. KFC employees are expected to live up to their 3 Fs to create to perfect environment Fun, Friendly and Familiar.In an effort to keep up the resembling experience across outlets, the service, interiors and menu items are standardized .ExperienceAmbienceQSR Formats and Locations14QSR FORMATSLOCATIONSMallsRestaurants tourist hubsFood Court CountersCorporate hubsKiosks/Food CartsTake-away/DeliveryDrive-insShopping CentersMultiplexesAirports/ Railway Stations context up a dealership Outlet15Initial Qualification Application Review backdrop and CreditCheck Assess training needs Signing of FranchiseDisclosure Document affirm Assets rate Registration Franchisor sends settle registration tobrand for approval Franchisee remitsfundsOperation throwSite Exploration andSecuring Control Prospectivefranchisee makes anoperation plan whichis reviewedthoroughlyFranchise Onboarding Franchiseearranges forFinancing Hires a group Franchisorprovides emboldenand Training Builds Restaurant Supports in GrandOpening Determine SiteSelection schema Identify focus areas Franchisor acquitsAction Plan for TradeArea Franchisee negotiatesfor the site and sendsletter of intentFranchisors Role after the launch On-site Training is provided for every procedure. The Franchisor has an approved vendor list fromwhere the ingredients can be sourced. They have an annual promotional and advertisingplan that they implement with the support of thefranchisees. Quality checks are conducted via ConsumerFeedback, Food SafetyAudits and Standard AuditsManaging Human Resources16AcquisitionWhen QSRs come to India, they find it difficult to get experient talent forHuman Resource Tree atat a typical QSR outlet strategical positions. There are very few people with relevant experience, RestaurantManager peculiarly in a global firm. Poaching employees from challengers would meanhuge incentives and salary raises. Thus a lot of companies contract people in the same function but from a different industry.First Asst.ManagerSupport & tr ainingThe franchisors offer support and training to the franchisees for effectivelyTraineeManagerrunning the small format franchise business. Training is conducted at 3 stages InductionOn-goingRefresherRetentionTrainee FloorManagerOut of myriad emloyees, KFC has to replace 7000 employees severally year. This means cost for fresh recruitments, training and relieving employees is very high. Dominos has increased salaries of reposition front employees by 20% and implemented an incentive plan in rewrite to reduce attrition rate.TrainingSquadCrewMemberSecond Asst.ManagerMarketing Strategies17QSRs have to play on their strengths to create and communicate a brand bid.The brand promise can be anything from fast service to low prices to healthy food.Successful QSR chains have been able to take their brand promise very effectively to the masses.1 A full-grown burger chain targeted the entertain seeker community and created highest cling to for money as its brand promise.2 Indias larges t pizza pie chain targeted the customers who wanted fast service at their doorsteps. It created the brand promise of assured fast delivery and communicated it with its 30 mins or its free campaigns3 A large deep brown shop chain wanted to position itself as not besides a coffee shop but a place to hangout with friends and family. They marketed themselves with the tag line A lot can happen over coffee which clearly communicated that they wanted their customers to have a complete experience much beyond just coffee.Pricing Strategies18Its important for QSRs to price their products carefully because of the uncompromising competition that they face.The strategy is to price their products in such a way that the maximum number of customers can be retained and at the same time higher marges are abstracted from the customers who do not mind paying more for extra value. This is achieved byDIFFERENTIAL PRICINGPricing the base product aggressively and keeping highermargins on the side ord ersThis strategy is for the price conscious consumer who seesgreat value in the base product and can choose to not takethe side ordersAt the same time it allows the QSR to charge the customerfor whom price does not matter, much more through thehigh margin side orders approximately QSRs keep fighter brands in their menu to remaincompetitive.VALUE PRICINGValue combos allow the QSR to sell more no ofhigh margin products with the low margin baseproducts.Eg QSRs try to sell more French fries and colddrinks through their value meals. pizza chains sellmore garlic bread and cold drinks through theirvalue mealsGrowth Strategies of QSRs19A large burger chain in India has the highest foot fall amongst all countries, but the lowest average bill. Growth in India is achieved based on volumes, hence every QSR is looking to expand its presence .A coffee traffic company who supplies coffee beans, started a retail business of coffee shops all over India.Forward consolidationA casual restaurant chain diversified into food court stalls., thus entering the QSR market. flatDiversificationA coffee shop chain diversified its coffee shops business by establishing enunciate outlets and coffee machines.ConcentricDiversificationA soft drink giant branched out to form a new company withpizza and fried Chicken chains in its umbrella. It sold off its stake, but is in a lifetime contract with the firmLateralDiversificationMenu plan20Menu Selection is critical, especially when localizing in markets like India and China where traditions, religion and local taste are cannot be ignored. Enlisted below are some of the important factorsSize of outletsTarget in terms ofdemographicsLocal taste preference QSRs do not keep the full menu at all outlets. Instead they include only a few high volume products at outlets with space limitations like food courts and express kiosks Depending upon the age group they are targeting, QSRs have to adjust their menus. QSRs targeting older age groups have to incl ude healthier and more traditional food items in their menus where as QSRs targeting the youth can have more experimental and/or fast food items. Product adaptation according to customer preferences is genuinely important for QSRs to succeed. world(prenominal) chains in India have to adjust their menus to include more vegetarian and spicy items. A Fried Chicken brand has the most extensive range of items in India amongst all its worldwide outlets Most QSR giants avoid using beef and pork due to cultural taboos.The 4 pronged approach to check over standardization across all outlets 21Standardized aspects of every outletThere are 4 important factors that enable standardization for a restaurant with multiple outletsTrainingEquipmentEvery new employee has to go through a specific pre-degestural training program for that level of employment.RecipesProcurementof ProductsThe same machines are apply by all outlets for making thedishes. Standard recipes have to be followed by the chefs w ho receive thorough training for the same.QSRs have centralized approved vendors from where theyprocure and process raw materials. They also procure finished products like spices and condiments from the same vendor and distribute it.Case Study Dominos India22609000+4003649000 rejoicing Foodworks Ltd. operates the 364 Dominosinternational marketsoutlets in India, pursuant to a Master Franchise accordance internationalist,whichoperate Dominos pizza delivery stores and theassociated trademarks in the operation of stores inIndia, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The pizzamillion pizzas sold apiece yearemployees in IndiaDominosprovides them with the exclusive right to fetch andoutlets worldwideoutlets in Indiawithstores in Sri Lanka are operated by their subfranchisee, DP Lanka.It is the largest Pizza chain in India, way ahead of itsimmediate competitor Pizza Hut with 50% of marketshare in the Indian Pizza market and 70% market sharein the home delivery market.Source, domi, reuters.comCase Study Dominos India23ParticularsMarket share in the Indian Pizza market 50%Market share in the home delivery segment 70%gross revenue Per Day Per OutletRs.5660080% of their sales come from the Pizza segment, andEBIDTA margin (9M FY2011)18%the remaining is attributed to beverages and side items. Same Store Sales Growth (9M38.7%80% of sales come from home delivery and 20% from65%FY2011)Market ShareOTC sales.Sales Break-up cuisine-wise4%Sales Break-up Segment-wise20%16%PizzasHome DeliveryBeveragesOver-the-CounterOthers80%80%Source, Success Factors of Dominos India24Critical Success Factors1. Delivery-oriented model reduces cost2. Dominos has a vertically integrated supply chain. (as seen below) 3. Franchising modelSupply Chain of DominosRegionalwarehouse vulgarMaterialSupplier(Approvedvendor)RegionalCentralizedFacilities forprocessing rawmaterial like dough 4 centres acrossIndiaRefrigeratedtrucks carrythe finisheditem s to retailoutletsRetail Outlets Items are preparedbased on orders andsent to end consumer25Key Players ProfilesKey Player Profiles26NameCuisine resurrect Company/Master Franchisee product lineLocationFormatsOutletsExpansionPlans in IndiaMcDonaldsBurgersHard Castle RestaurantsPvt. LtdUSAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts, Drive-in210To add 20-25outlets by 2013KFCFried ChickenDevyani InternationalLtd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts110500 outlets by2015ChickingFried ChickenMirah GroupUAESouth districtDine-In14Bangs FriedChickenFried ChickenBangs IndiaIndiaSouth ZoneDine-In, FoodCourts7100 outlets byFY2011Pizza HutPizzasDevyani InternationalLtd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In171300+ outlets by2015DominosPizzasJubilant FoodworksUSAPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery ,Food Courts364To add 70outlets in 2011 dad JohnsPizzasOm Pizzas& EatsUSAWest ZoneDine-In25Pizza deferralPizzasGlobal FranchiseArchitectsIndiaSouth ZoneDine-In, Delivery50US PizzaPizzasUnited Restaurants Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery77Smokin J oesPizzasSmokin Joes Pizza Pvt.Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery52GarciasPizzasGarcias Famous PizzaIndiaWest ZoneDine-in, Delivery20To add 20outlets swing of ItalyPizzasGreen House & HestoftFoods Pvt. Ltd.IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, Delivery16Key Player Profiles27NameCuisineParent Company/Master FranchiseeOriginLocationFormatsOutlets inIndiaExpansionPlans in IndiaBarista burnt umber ShopBarista CoffeeCompany Ltd.IndiaPAN-IndiaEspresso bars,High end cafes230Costa CoffeeCoffee ShopDevyaniInternational Ltd.EnglandPAN-IndiaCafes75300 outlets by2014CCDCoffee ShopAmalgamated bean plantCoffee Trading Co.IndiaPAN-IndiaCafes, Mall &Airport kiosks,Office outlets1090To add 200+_outlets by 2014Gloria JeansCoffee ShopCitymax hospitalityAustraliaMetrosCafes1540 outlets by2012Kents spendthrift FoodBurgersKents Fast FoodIndiaNorth ZoneDine-In15SubwaySubmarineSandwichesSubway SystemsIndia Pvt. Ltd.USAPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourts200250 outlets byend of 2011TacobellTex-MexYum RestaurantsUSABangaloreDi ne-In3100 outlets by2015Falafel Veg.Hummus HouseLebaneseMirah GroupIndiaMumbaiDine-In,Kiosks8100 outlets by2011wimpishBurgersFamous Brands Ltd.UKDelhiDine-In3Yo ChinaAsianMoods HospitalityPvt. LtdDelhi,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In,Kiosks80+Key Player Profiles28NameCuisineParent Company/Master FranchiseeOriginLocationFormatsOutletsExpansionPlans in IndiaDosa steadSouth IndianPrem Sagar Dosa spot Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, FoodCourt35JumbokingVadapavJumboking,IndiaWest ZoneExpress,Restaurant &Takeaway43250 outlets by2011-12Kaati ZoneMughlaiEast West heathenFoods Pvt. Ltd.Bangalore, IndiaSouth ZoneDine-In15Mast KalandarIndianSpring Leaf Retail Pvt.Ltd.Bangalore, IndiaSouth ZoneDine-In21NirulasMultiCuisineNirulas Corner HousePvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, Kiosks80+To add 50outlets by 2012Kailash ParbatMultiCuisineKailash ParbatRestaurants Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai,IndiaPAN-IndiaFood Court Stalls15+ComesumMultiCuisineRK GroupDelhi,IndiaPAN-IndiaDine-In, Delivery1 1HaldiramsMultiCuisineHaldiram Snacks Pvt.Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In18Bikano yack away CafeMultiCuisineBikanervala FoodsPvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneRestaurant,Institutional TuckShops, Food Cart68Sagar RatnaMultiCuisineSagar Ratna HotelsPvt. Ltd.Delhi,IndiaNorth ZoneDine-In, FoodCourt53Tibbs FrankieFrankieJ.Tibbs & Co.Mumbai,IndiaWest ZoneKiosks20+Key Players Segmentation29Segmentation based on Size ofthe ChainLocal ChainJumbokingNational ChainInternationalChainSegmentation based onCuisinePizzasBurgers &SandwichesCoffeeShopsIndianSpecialtyCuisineDominosMcDonaldsCCDComesumJumbokingPizza HutKFCBaristaSagar RatnaYoChinaPizza CornerWimpyCostaCoffeeKailashParbatTabobellPapa JohnsSubwayGloriaJeansMastKalandarFalafelPizza HutSmokin JoesKents Fast FoodKaati ZoneTibbsFrankieBaristaPizza CornerGarciasHaldiramsHaldiramsCaf Coffee DayPapa JohnsSlice of ItalyNirulasSagar RatnaTibbs FrankieTacobellUS PizzaBikano ChatCafeComesumMcDonaldsNirulasDosa PlazaKFCMast KalandarKailash ParbatSubway Kaati ZoneYo ChinaWimpyGarciasSmokin JoesDominosFalafelsUS PizzaBangs FriedChickenBikano ChatCafCosta CoffeeKents Fast FoodGloria Jeans geographical Segmentation30PAN-India International CuisineMcDonalds*NORTH ZONENirulasHaldiramsBikano Chat CafSlice of ItalyKents Fast FoodSagar RatnaWimpyPAN-India CoffeeShopsGloria Jean*KFC*Costa Coffee*Subway*BaristaPizza Hut*Caf Coffee DayDominos*US PizzaSmokin JoesWEST ZONEPapa Johns*GarciasFalafelJumbo KingPAN-India Indian andSpecialty CuisineDosa PlazaComesum65% of Dominos revenues arecontributed by the top 7 citiesout of 70 cities it is present in.50% of their outlets are inMaharashtra, untested Delhi andKarnatakaSOUTH ZONEPizza Corner*Chicking*Tacobell*Kaati ZoneBangs Fried ChickenMast Kalandar*International BrandsKailash ParbatYo ChinaTibbs FrankieKey Players Positioning31PAN-IndiaEthnicCuisineEthnicCuisinePAN-IndiaPizza HutDominosComesum*Dosa Plaza*Kailash Parbat*Yo China*Caf Coffee Day*Barista*Gloria JeansCosta CoffeeSagar Ratna*Haldir ams*Mast Kalandar*Jumbo king*Kaati Zone*Bikano Chat Caf*Nirulas*ZonalTacobellFalafelPizza CornerPapa JohnsUS Pizza*Smokin Joes*Slice of Italy*Garcias*McDonaldsKFCWimpySubway InternationalCuisineChickingBangs Fried Chicken*Kents Fast Food*Tibbs Frankie*InternationalCuisineZonal*Indian originated chainsDominos and Caf Coffee Day are the largest QSRs in India in terms of reach and number of outlets32No. Of Outlets v/s geographic spreadhead ofPizza ChainsPizza ChainOutletsSpreadOriginIndian52PAN-IndiaIndian50South ZoneInternational25West ZoneInternational20West ZoneIndianSlice of Italy16North ZoneIndianChainOutletsCities1090120PAN-IndiaIndian36487PAN-IndiaInternationalMcDonalds21045PAN-IndiaInternationalPizza Hut17134PAN-IndiaInternationalBarista23030PAN-IndiaIndianSubwayNo. of OutletsPAN-IndiaDominos11577Caf CoffeeDayNo. of Cities65InternationalGarcias15PAN-IndiaPapa JohnsNo. Of Outlets v/s No. of Cities of top brands inIndia171Pizza Corner15InternationalSmokin Joes510Geographical Spr eadPAN-IndiaUS Pizza0364Pizza HutNo. of OutletsDominos20026PAN-IndiaInternationalKFC11021PAN-IndiaInternationalSpreadOrigin33Trends and Future ProspectsBig brands Small cities Small formats34LocationsLarge chainsexpanding to littlecitiesDomestic chainssetting up in bigcitiesFormatsCuisinesTechnologyExpress OutletsBasic passageway Foodsentering organizedmarket Vadapav, Ice GolaOnline orderingsystemsSmart Carts/KiosksRegional cuisinesKebab LucknowWale, MalwaneezIVR system forplacing order andmaking payment viaCredit CardKiosks have managed to attracthuge footfalls at sales points. up to now big chains are nowcustomizing their outlets tosmaller models like expressand stand-insIntegration ofconcepts soMcdonalds servescoffee and CCDserves sandwichesMenu diversificationby introducingIndian flavours ChickenTandooriSub atSubwayInvestors are queuing up to get a big slice of the pie35With the number of QSRs growing at 30% per year, the industry is attracting investors interest, especiall y after the IPO of Jubilant Foodworks, the master franchise of Dominos Pizza in IndiaICICI Venture acquired 10% stake i.e. $55 Million in Devyani International who is the franchisee of KFC, Pizza Hut and Costa Coffee in IndiaAlso Mast Kalandar, a Bangalore-based QSR chain, secured a second round of investment from Helion Venture Partners, Footprint Ventures and Salarpuria Group.Chinese cuisine QSR Yo China received funding of $5.5 Million from Matrix partnersAccel Partners invested in Bangalore-based fast food chain Kaati Zone.Source vccircle.comQSR giants Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks set to foray into the Indian market36Dunkin Donuts- Jubilant FoodWorks is to violate, sub-franchise, and operate more than 500 Dunkin Donuts restaurants throughout India over the next 15 years. The first Dunkin Donuts locations are expected to open by early 2012. The Agreement marks the largest international store development commitment in Dunkin Donuts history.Starbucks Tata Coffee is to bring Starbu cks , the worlds largest coffee chain to India through a Joint VentureQuiznos The US-based subway restaurant chain has signed a master franchise agreement with Arjun Valluri for setting up outlets in Southern India.Source,, U.S. Franchise Trade Mission Participants Profile, April 10-15 2011Sources37Research firmsTechnopakIBEFMarketing Whitebook 2010-11, 2011-12Mckinsey Global Institutewww.rncos.comwww.nrai.orgCompany websitesHospitalitybizindia.comIndiaretailing.comFranchiseindia.comNewspapersDeccan auspicateEconomic TimesBusiness StandardDNA38About D totalityOur service39DEssence Hospitality is Boutique heed Consulting firm based in Mumbai which provides potency consulting services for the entire spectrum of the hospitality industry with a special focus on hotel operators, builders andinvestorsFeasibility StudiesManagement Model ViabilityTechnical ViabilityEconomic and Financial Mod el ViabilityMarket ViabilityBusiness Model ViabilityExit schema ViabilitySite Analysis We have vast experience in project planning & site selection. In many cases it has been seen that planners & architects normally look into a project from design and land-use perspectives. But we do detailed site and market analysis to determine the viability of the project from financial and investment standpoint.India Entry schema We help our clients to develop suitable market entry strategies through analyzing entry barriers (ease), geographical factors, incumbents resistance and routs to market.Management Contracts Branded operators have very stringent clauses in the contracts. To deal with them needs deep understanding of the domain and effects of each clause on the profit margins. DEssence Hospitality Services makes full use of its expertise in understanding the management contracts and negotiating it for best acceptable terms.Our Services40Key RecruitmentsDEssence Hospitality is dedica ted to becoming Indias leading executive search firm exclusively armed service the Hospitality Industry. Our search team enables you to recruit for executive level management, divisional managers, general managers, culinary, finance, sales and marketing, food and beverage, engineeringprofessionals who will all, directly affect and drive the profitability of your organization AcquisitionsFrom our years of experience, we advise our clients on which assets to buy and when to buy and based on our recommendations they devise strategies for buying assets. We also provide assistance to our clients to develop assets disposal strategies in order to maximize project performanceBusiness Model and Business PlanWe assist our clients in the business planning process and then prepare a plan based on the available resources and their business objectives. Our Business Planning services include feasibility studies, business institution plans, strategic plans, new product plans, marketing and promot ional plans,etc.Fund RaisingMentoringGrowth StrategyTHANKYOUDEssence Consulting303, Aar Pee Center,11th Road, Gufic Compound,MIDC, Andheri (E)Mumbai- 400093Tel +91 22
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