Friday, June 7, 2019
Stereotyping, Discrimination and Prejudice Essay Example for Free
Stereotyping, Discrimination and preconceived opinion EssayWe believe that there should be mutual respect between several(prenominal)s, which is a vital pre-requisite for mixer harmony. Our society unavoidably to be more accommodating and less detrimentd. It is incumbent upon us to properly address the issue of stereotyping, detriment and distinction in anxious so that we may move forward to a healthier and more caring society. 2. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE take away Stereotype is an image or intellection of a exceptional type of person or thing that has become frigid through being spaciously held. Discrimination is to make an un serious notation in the manipulation of antithetic categories of mussinesses, especi wholey on the railway yard of race, waken or age. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. (Source Concise Oxford Dictionary) Stereotype is to decide, usu t come out of the closet ensembley unfairly, that certa in pot apply particular qualities or abilities beca intake they belong to a particular race, stirual urge or amic able-bodied class. Discrimination is the practice of treating one particular group in the society in an unfair way. Prejudice is to influence nearbody so that they suck an unfair or unreasonable opinion about nearone or something.(Source Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Globally, stereotypes, distinction and prepossession ar understood as related unless different concepts. Stereotypes are regarded as the most cognitive component, discrimination as the behavioral component of prejudicial fight downions and prejudice as the affective. In this tripartite view of intergroup attitudes, stereotypes reflect expectations and beliefs about the characteristics of members of groups perceive as different from ones own, discrimination refers to actions, prejudice represents the emotional response.Stereotypes are not only harmful in their own right they do d amage by fostering prejudice and discrimination. Although related, the three concepts can exist independently of each separate(a). According to Daniel Katz and Kenneth Braly, stereotyping geniuss to racial prejudice when good deal emotionally react to the name of a group, ascribe characteristics to members of that group, and then evaluate those characteristics. Moral philosophers have defined discrimination as disadvantageous treatment or consideration. This is a comparative definition.An individual need not be actually harmed in order to be differentiated against. He or she just needs to be treated worse than others for some arbitrary reason. The United Nations stance on discrimination includes the statement Discriminatory behaviors take mevery an(prenominal) forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection. (Source Wikipedia) Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination reflect the human tendencies to conceptualize and jimmy certain configurations of phenoty pic features differently, and act on these thoughts and feelings in our interactions with members of racial categories.Racial categorization reflects the process of placing great deal into distinct groups based on variation in phenotypic physical features of the face and body such as skin color, hair color and texture, eye shape, nose width, and lip fullness. Racial stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination reflect the human tendencies to conceptualize and value certain configurations of phenotypic features differently, and act on these thoughts and feelings in our interactions with members of racial categories.In both oert and subtle forms, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination exhibited among individuals belonging to different racial categories has long been a significant source of social strife in American society and abroad. In general, individuals with physical features associated with Whites (lighter skin color, lighter and straighter hair, rounder eyes, narrower no se, thinner lips) are advantaged compared to individuals with features associated with other racial categories. (Maddox, 2012) In Ghana, stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice is alive and kicking in Ghana like it is in any other society.Specifically, the statement brings to the fore some of the discouraging ethnic slurs or ethno-phaulisms that cut across Ghanas multiethnic society. There are ethnic stereotypes like Ashanti men are braggers throw their coin around and have a superlativeity complex but they are very ambitious and hard produceing. Ga men are big talkers but are not big spenders, they are too stingy. Ewe men use juju too much, but are good scholars. Fanti men are romanticist and sophisticated but are too honest, so they lack tactfulness and diplomacy.Dagomba men are tall, dark and handsome, but expect one or 2 rivals wives if you marry one. Akuapem men are very polite and gentlemanly. Kwahu men are very business-minded but stash their money in their house rath er than in the bank. 2. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM We are concerned with how stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice affect our judgment with others and therefore the relationship we have with plurality. 2. 3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS * wherefore do people stereotype, discriminate and prejudice against others?* What are the sources of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice? * What are the roles of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in tribal conflicts? * What are the strategies for dealing with stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice? 2. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE show GENERAL OBJECTIVE To synthesize the people of KNUST, most especially the students as to effects of stereotype, discrimination and prejudice on KNUST campus. particular proposition OBJECTIVES * Identify why people stereotype, discriminate and prejudice. * Examine the sources of stereotype, discriminate and prejudice.* Recognize the role of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in tribal conflicts. * Discove r strategies for dealing with stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice related situations. 2. 5 ASSUMPTIONS/ HYPOTHESIS * People stereotype, discriminate and prejudice against others in the society because of the desire to dominate and control members of other groups. * People stereotype, discriminate and prejudice because they are unable to gravel all the information to make a fair judgment. * Negative stereotyping, discrimination and prejudices cause conflicts among individuals.* Understanding and appreciating other peoples values and culture precede help decrease stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in the society. 2. 6 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY To seek new insights to gather up questions and assess phenomena in a different perspective in relation to what others have done on the topic. It will educate us about value diversity and advert opportunity. We will understand how to challenge assertively expressions of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice. Develop a r esponsible attitude towards person relationships.2. 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY * The study will help us to develop know conductge on our field of research. * The study on stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice will enable us explain to others what it entails and it consequences on human life. * The study will enable us develop our skill in research. * Educate others on the topic. 2. 8 CONCEPTUALIZATION grammatical gender Women over the years have fought shoulder to shoulder with men to gain recognition and freedom from all source of discrimination and recognition from their hard work and worth.Ethnicity and tribalism Tribalism infers the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic identity that separate one member of a group from the members of another group. Religion It involves treating someone differently because that person is associated with an individual of a particular religion or because of his or her connection with a religious organization. Age It involves treating som eone unfairly or less favorably because of his age. Age discrimination can take a form of harassment for example offensive remarks about a persons age such as teasing offhand comments etc.Program of study with the platform of study, some people look down on other peoples program of study because they feel theirs is better than the others. 2. 9 METHODOLOGY 2. 10. 1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND TYPE OF STUDY Social stack design is a popular and commonly used strategy in social science research and is frequently used to answer who, what, where, how much and how many questions. They allow the collection of large amount of entropy from a sizable population in a highly economical way.Social Survey aim allows researchers to carry out studies in natural real life settings using probability samples thus increasing external validity of the studies. Using a social survey design will give you more control over the research process and when sampling is used, it is possible to generate findings that a re a good example of the whole population at lower cost than collecting the data for the whole population. 1. 9. 2 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Purposive sampling technique will be used for our sampling technique.With this technique, the researcher selects sampling units subjectively in an attempt to obtain a sample that appears to be a representative of the population. This regularity is been used excessively because of its relative advantage of time and cost 1. 9. 3 SAMPLE SIZE Selected students from various halls and hostels. 1. 9. 4 METHODS OF DATA accrual Questionnaire includes all techniques of data collection in which each person is asked to respond to the very(prenominal) set of questions in a predetermined order. 1. 9. 5 SOURCES OF DATA Sources of data include the special source, secondary source and the tertiary source.We will use all the three sources of data. Primary sources include journals, memoirs, dairies, newspapers, reports, interviews, raw data and many more. Secondar y sources include books, television and radio documentaries, conference proceedings etc. Tertiary sources Google, Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, Ghana web, Modern Ghana etc. 1. 9. 6 UNITS OF ANALYSIS The unit of analysis is Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and engineering which has a student population of about 45,000. Established in 1952, KNUST has a rich history in its evolution into a first class University over the years.Kwame Nkrumah, the African Personality of the Century and pioneer of African independence is the founder of KNUST. KNUST believes in achievement through diligence and commitment. 1. 9. 7 LIMITATION OF DATA COLLECTION Possible low response rate Members in a group may influence ones decision Limited input from participants certain(prenominal) data may be unavailable It may be time consuming The research may intimidate and suppress individual differences 1. 9 ORRGANISATION OF THE STUDY EVENTS TIME FRAME Introduction 1 week Collecting information for literature review 8 weeks.Administering questionnaires and collection 2 weeks Analysis of data tranquil 2 weeks Conclusion and summary 2 weeks Total time to be used 17 weeks CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The terms stereotype, discrimination and prejudice are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. But when discussing these terms from a sociological perspective, it is important to define them stereotypes are oversimplified ideas about groups of people discrimination refers to actions toward them and prejudice refers to thoughts and feelings about those groups.(Colledge, 2013) Stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that has become fixed through being widely held (Source Concise Oxford Dictionary). Stereotype is to decide, usually unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex or social class(Source Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Discrimination is to make an unj ust distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex or age. Source Concise Oxford Dictionary.Discrimination is the practice of treating one particular group in the society in an unfair way. (Source Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. (Source Concise Oxford Dictionary). Prejudice is to influence someone so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about someone or something. (Source Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) THEORIES RELATING STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE What are the reasons for stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice people?Lets look at the theories that social scientists have suggested To be able to measure the existence and extent of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice of a particular kind in a particular social or economic domain, it is necessary to have a theory of how such issue migh t glide by and what its effects might be. Scapegoat Theory This prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged (Dollard, 1939). A scapegoat is a person or kinsperson of people classifiablely with little power, whom people unfairly blame for their own troubles. Authoritarian Personality Theory According to T.W. Adorno et al. (1950), extreme prejudice is a spirit trait in certain individuals. This conclusion is supported by research showing that people who display strong prejudice toward one minority usually are intolerant of all minorities. These people look upon society as naturally competitive and hierarchical, with better people (like them) inevitably dominating those who are weaker. agriculture Theory This theory says that stereotyping, discriminating and prejudice may be characteristic of certain people, but some of this is found in everyone because it is embedded in culture. bring forward of a child growing up and their parents telling them they should marry from the same ethnic group. Conflict Theory Part of this theory is when powerful people use prejudice to justify oppression others. An example is when minorities claim that they are victims and therefore are entitled to special consideration based on their race. (DJL, 2008) WHY concourse STEREOTYPE, DISCRIMINATE AND PREJUDICE AGAINST OTHERS IN THE SOCIETY The ability to form general categories is an essential feature of human thought.Without it, we could not make sense of the world. Being able to classify our experiences, the people around us, and the material objects of our culture under general headings enables us to behave in new circumstances. We can then respond in appropriate ways to things and people we have never seen before. It allows us to carry over what we have learned in one situation to another homogeneous situation. However, unlike other forms of categorization, stereotyping provides categories that are little, if at all modified by experience and knowledge.People will often ignore or re-interpret experiences in which an individual does not conform to the stereotype of the group, rather than change the stereotype. (Lorne Tepperman, 1991, p. 187) People discriminate out of ignorance and Selfishness and that they dont think about how it would make other people feel also to make them feels better. (Why do people discriminate, 2012) When people encounter instances that dis plunk for their stereotypes of a particular group, they tend to assume that those instances are atypical subtypes of the group.Example Ben stereotypes gay men as being not athletic. When he meets Al, an athletic gay man, he assumes that Al is not a typical representative of gay people. Peoples perceptions are influenced by their expectations. Example Liz has a stereotype of elderly people as mentally unstable. When she sees an elderly woman sitting on a park judicatory alone, talking out loud, she thinks that the woman is talking to herself because she is uns table. Liz fails to notice that the woman is actually talking on a cell phone.People selectively recall instances that confirm their stereotypes and forget about disconfirming instances. Researchers find it difficult to measure prejudice. One reason for this is that people differ in the type and extent of prejudice they harbor. For example, a person who makes demeaning comments about a particular ethnic group may be bigoted or just ignorant. Also, people often do not admit to being prejudiced. (Source (Lewin, 2012), 14th November, 2012, 10am) Why do we form opinions about other people based on their appearance, posture, language, and so on?We do this because different factors contribute to why people stereotype each other. We stereotype, discriminate and prejudice other people when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information we need to make a fair judgment about people or situations. In the absence of the so called total picture, to stereotype people in many cases al low us to fill in the missing pieces of information. Our society often innocently creates and perpetuates stereotypes, but these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution when the person been stereotype is unfavorable.For example, if we are walking through a park late at night and encounter three senior citizens draining fur coats and walking with canes, we may not feel as threatened as if we were met by three high school-aged boys wearing hoodies. These generalizations root from our experiences we have had ourselves, read in books, and magazines, seen in movies or television, or have had related to us by friends and family. In many cases, these stereotypical generalizations are reasonably accurate.Yet in virtually, every case we are resorting to is prejudice by ascribing characteristics about a person based on appearance, without knowledge of the total facts. By stereotyping, we assume that a person or a group of certain characteristics. Quite often, we have stereotyped a person who might be a member of a group with which we have not had firsthand touching with before. (Why do we stereotype? , 2012). According to psychologist Gordon Allport, prejudice and stereotypes emerge in part as a result of normal human thinking. In order to make sense of the world around us, it is important to sort information into mental categories.The human mind must(prenominal) think with the aid of categories, Allport explained. Once formed, categories are the basis for normal prejudgment. We cannot possibly avoid this process. Orderly living depends upon it. This process of categorization applies to the social world as well, as we sort people into mental groups based on factors such as age, sex and race. (Cherry, 2013) SOURCES OF STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE IN THE SOCIETY AUTHORITHAIANISM The authoritarian record is rigid and inflexible and has a very low tolerance for uncertainty.People with this type of personality have great respect fo r authority figures and quickly enclose to their will. They place a high value on conventional behavior. By labeling unconventional people inferior, immature or degenerate, the authoritarians avoid s any need to question their beliefs and attitudes. SCAPE-GOATING Unpopular minority groups are often used as scapegoats for other peoples problems. They are blamed for wide varied things that they could not possibly have caused. The term originates from a Hebrew tradition.On Yom Kippur, a goat was set loose in the wilderness afterwards the high priest had symbolically laid all the sins of the person on its head (Leviticus 1620-22). One explanation of scape-goating is the frustration-aggression theory. Its three basic principles are that (1) foiling produces aggression. (2) This aggression cannot safely be directed against powerful people and (3) The aggression is therefore transferred to weaker individual who cannot fight such as members of an unpopular minority group. culture Althou gh prejudice and discrimination are sometimes associated with certain personality traits or with frustration, both are learned.South Africans do not need authoritarian personalities to have strong racial prejudice, because they learn such attitudes from their culture. Most prejudice is acquired early in the socialization process. Children hug their parents prejudice as naturally as they adopt their parents language, and discrimination follow prejudice as regularly as night follows day. Some of the most common prejudices are taken from ethnic stereotype- ideas that portray all the members of a group as having similar fixed, usually unfavorable characteristics. ECONOMICS Conflicts between ethnic groups foster prejudice and discrimination.Some social scientists particularly Marxists, are convinced that all conflict stems from economic causes. Whether one accepts this idea or not, there is ample evidence that, the realities of economic completion lies beneath much prejudice and discrim ination. In times of high unemployment, members of the dominant group can protect their channels by making sure that members of subordinate groups are dismissed first. It has long been illustrious that anti black prejudice is high among white-working class men who compete with blacks for low paying, unskilled jobs.POLITICS The quest for power promotes prejudice and discrimination just as the quest for money does. Dominant groups use discrimination as a technique for maintaining their power, appealing to popular prejudice to justify their discrimination. In some societies, political discrimination is obvious and accepted fact of life. For example, South African does not allow native Africans to vote and until quite recently, many American communities denied the same right to their black citizens. (Coleman, 2002, pp.193-196)ROLE OF STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATING AND PREJUDICE IN TRIBAL CONFLICTS Stereotypes distort history through oversimplification but they are also extremely danger ous breeding grounds for bigotry, fear, resentment, irrationality, animosity, hatred and ethnic conflict and cleansing. Stereotypes generate self-serving attitudes such as we deserve more because we sacrificed more than others, they are twinge because it is their own fault, and it is their problem since they are killing their own people and it is their government and we have nothing to do with it.In extremes cases, stereotypes have culminated in mass violence, the mass displacement of millions of fellow citizens, ethnic cleansing, pogroms and genocide. (A. B. K. Kasozi, 1999 G. Prunier, 1995 P. Gourevitch, 1998 and M. Mamdam, 2002). The concept of tribe was derogatorily developed in the 19th century by racist western scholars and journalists to designate alien non-white people as inferior or less civilized and as having not yet evolved from a primary state. From Kukubor, the following stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice can lead to tribal conflicts. From (Kukubor, 2006), ADV OCATING SEGREGATION.This advocacy represents a belief that different ethnic groups should live apart, have absolute control over certain natural resources, can be exposed to special benefits. This advocacy began in the Ashanti Confederacy at pre-independence unsuccessfully agitated for a Federal state so as to appropriate the perceived wealth of the Ashanti. Extreme pride in ones ethnic group and Obsequious patriotism is good but extreme pride in ones ethnic group has proven to be the fascist of all regimes. CONSTANT REFERENCE TO A PERSONS ETHNICITY A unblemished call of someones ethnic group on a first encounter could be benign.But constant reference to the persons ethnic group after a long period f knowing that person, no matter how innocent the references may appear, establishes unmistakably tribal patterns. depreciative OTHER GROUPS AND INDIFFERENCE TO THE FEELINGS OF OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS. Constant criticism and ridicule of the opinions of other ethnic groups, which is often d one sarcastically without explicitly making mention of the ethnicity of persons. It is also typical to make fun of members of the inferior ethnic group. EXCESSIVE HATE FOR A PARTICULAR ETHNIC GROUP.This is where one adopts an exaggerated reaction to any perceived misconduct from a person of the other ethnic group. In this situation, the punishment is out of proportion to the original wrong, whether real or perceived, and completely ignores the provocation that have led to the misconduct resulting in conflicts. NON- RECOGNITION OF THE ABILITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS. This attitude is so endemic in our political history. Some ethnic groups in this country have consistently denied the intelligence, cultural level, social status or other qualities of other ethnic groups in the face of overwhelming evidence.CONDESCENDING status OR BEHAVIOR. People show condescending attitude towards other members of different ethnic groups. They exhibit this by attacking other members which cause them most offense. They compensate employ members of other groups they perceive as enemies and use them to attack members of that ethnic group. These employees may openly condemn the culture of their ethnic group as receding(prenominal) and shower praises on the members of superior ethnic group. Furthermore, these people have no insight into their own prejudice. They believe that their prejudice is based on objective grounds that cannot be compromised.By this strong fixation, an individual is capable of violence and other forms of crime towards members of what he views as the inferior ethnic group. For Hima/tutsi elite being called superior and alien had a feel good effect. They were proud to be told that they had racial affinities, however distant, with the new colonial masters Overtime they developed a superiority complex, which they used to claim privileges and entitlements, including being appointed colonial chiefs. They then reinvented the pre-colonial past to li ve the impression that their superiority had existed since time immemorial.Like the new colonial masters, they grounded their rights and privileges on the right of conquering and subjugating the natives some four to five centuries before the advent of European conquest and occupation. On their part, the natives felt dejected and resentful. They carried the burden of taxation and compel labor. Under colonialism, they served two sets of masters the white and Hima/Tutsi elite masters. In due course, they sought to turn their supposed native status to their political advantage. In Rwanda and to some extent Ankole, the so-called natives began to make political demands on the ground that they were the natural majority.The extremists even went to the extent of demanding the return of the Tutsi/Hima aliens to their original homelands, where they came from, and wherever that might be (Doornbos, 197831). This led to the tensions of the 1940s and 1950s and the expulsion of the so-called Baya rwanda in the early 1980s. ( www. grandslacs. net/doc/3782, 115pm, 15th November 15, 2012) STATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE RELATED SITUATIONS The key to reversing stereotypes is to defend them, in direct interactions between people, in the media, and through education.Between the individuals once people get to know a person from the other side, they are often will determine that the other is not nearly as bad as they originally had assumed. Even when people learn that they share fear or sadness, they can begin to understand each other more. When they come to understand that the other is afraid of being hurt, or losing a loved one in war, just as they are, that brings people together. Depending on the context and other interactions, the image of the group as a whole may become more confirmatory as well.In the media the media also plays an important role in both perpetuating and in breaking down stereotypes. If they characterize particular groups o f people in certain ways, their viewers (or readers) are likely to do the same. So if a movie or the motion picture industry in general, characterizes a group of people negatively, they are likely to be perpetuating negative stereotypes and making conflicts worse. If they emphasize the positive aspects of groups that contradict prevalent stereotypes, they can have a significant role in building mutual understanding.In Education Educational institutions and teaching materials also have the opportunity to affect stereotypes, and hence influence inter-group relations. Efforts to teach about different cultures and the history of different racial and ethnic groups can help build inter-group understanding if it is done in an effective and sympathetic way. Changing stereotypes is largely the job of individuals. Each of us should examine the assumptions that we make about others and ask ourselves where those assumptions come from.(Source (Why do we stereotype? , 2012) Training people to bec ome more empathetic to members of other groups is one method that can reduce stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice. By imaging themselves in the same situation, people are able to think about how they would react and gain a greater understanding of other peoples actions. Other techniques that are used to reduce prejudice include * Passing laws and regulations that require fair and equal treatment for all groups of people.* Gaining public support and awareness for stereotype, discrimination and prejudice social norms. * Making people aware of the inconsistencies in their own beliefs. * Increased contact with members of other social groups. (Cherry, 2013) Pettigrew (1981) and others proposed that stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice can be reduced by increasing contact between groups (the contact hypothesis), social learning, social re-categorization and debilitative stereotypes. INCREASING CONTACTS BETWEEN GROUPS Contact is effective under these limiting conditions* Group s are roughly equal in status (social, economic, or task relevant) * Contact involves cooperation and mutuality * Contact is informal so groups get to know one another as individual * Persons must regard one another as typical of their respective groups SOCIAL LEARNING * To the extent that prejudices and stereotypes are learned, we can work to avoid teaching them to children * Parents and teachers, made aware of their own prejudices, may work to specify their behavior to encourage lower levels of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in children.SOCIAL RE-CATEGORIZATION The common in-group identity model (Gaertner, Dovidio et al. , 1993) * When members of different social groups come to see themselves as members of a single social entity, their attitudes toward the former out-group members become more positive * Crucial factor is existence of situation in which groups work together hand and glove toward shared goals * Strong support for common in-group identity model from la b and field studies, but hard to implement in real life settings change STEREOTYPES.Stereotypes can be reduced if persons can be made to engage in attribute-driven processing thinking about the unique characteristics of individuals. Factors that encourage attribute-driven processing * lay down person incentive to think accurately about others (Neuberg, 1989) * Inform persons that their own outcomes depend on anothers performance, or that it is important that they form an accurate impression of other.* self-made outcomes for members of other groups (e.g. , career success) can counter stereotypes because we often attribute positive characteristics to those who have good outcomes. (Reducing Stereotyping, Discrimination and Prejudice, 2012) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework consists of age, program of study, gender, religion, ethnicity and tribalism which we use as a guide through the study. CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS The chapter three entails the data collection and analyse s based on the objectives.Questionnaires were given out to a sample of 100 students to find the extent of their knowledge on stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in KNUST and this was their response. The data analyses system used is the SPSS. The bar chart is used to break the frequencies to make it more understandable and easy to interpret. 1. From the 100 respondents, 84% know about stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in KNUST, 8% do not know about it and 8% also do not really know about it. stereotyping discrimination prejudice in KNUST. Frequency percentage Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 84 84. 0 84. 0 84. 0 No 8 8. 0 8. 0 92. 0 not really 8 8. 0 8. 0 100. 0 Total 100 100. 0 100. 0 2. Talking about people who speak up when someone is offend, insulting and ridiculing another person, 47% said they usually speak up, 15% said they always, 9% said they never and 29% said they ignore humiliating insulting ridiculing another person Frequency Percent V alid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Usua.
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